Wilhelm arrived at Jonas's house with a bored expression on his face. He was greeted by his friends Göran, Sebastian, Lena, and Sophia, who were already waiting for him there.
Jonas noticed Wilhelm's expression and asked, "What's wrong? You don't look too happy today."
Wilhelm sighed. "I just had a fight with a stupid vending machine on the street corner."
Lena asked, "What happened?"
Wilhelm replied, "The machine wouldn't release the drinks into the shipping bay. It was only when I turned away that it finally dropped the can."
The group laughed, and Sophia chimed in, "That vending machine on the corner is always having problems. I've bought potatoes and pizza from there before, and it always drops the products when I turn to leave."
Göran added, "Yeah, I've had similar experiences with that machine. It's like it only works when you're not looking."
The group continued to joke and laugh about the vending machine's quirks, but Wilhelm couldn't shake off his frustration. He was hoping for a more exciting start to their study session, but it seemed like it was going to be a boring afternoon.
As they settled in to start studying, Wilhelm couldn't help but feel like he was in for a long and tedious session. He hoped that things would pick up soon and that they would be able to make some progress on their studies.