The group had been studying diligently for a while, and they finally decided to take a break. Jonas suggested playing a card game, and Wilhelm and Göran eagerly agreed.
Sebastian, Sophia, and Lena sat down to eat the snacks that Jonas's mother had served them and watched their three friends play. Wilhelm seemed to be on a winning streak, beating Göran in almost every match.
Göran couldn't help but grumble in annoyance. "How do you keep winning? It's like you have some kind of sixth sense for this game."
Wilhelm just laughed. "I don't know, man. I guess I'm just lucky."
Jonas joined in, and the two of them started a game. This time, Wilhelm wasn't so lucky. He was beaten every time he and Jonas started a game.
The group continued to play and joke around, enjoying their break from studying. Wilhelm suddenly exclaimed, "Royal Straight flush!"
Everyone turned to look at him, and Göran groaned. "Of course, you get the best hand of the game."
Wilhelm just grinned, feeling triumphant. The group continued to play for a while longer, enjoying the friendly competition.
As the break came to an end, the group packed up the card game and got back to studying. But they all felt more refreshed and energized after their little break, and Wilhelm was still feeling pretty pleased with himself after his Royal Straight flush.