Wilhelm was excited to celebrate their success in rescuing wildlife from wildlife trafficking with his friends, and he wanted to plan a fun outing for all of them.
"Hey guys, where do you want to go to celebrate?" Wilhelm asked, eager to hear their suggestions.
Felix spoke up first. "I want to go to Drottning Road. It's got all the best shops and restaurants in the city."
Göran looked skeptical. "Isn't that kind of far away? We'd have to travel into the middle of the city."
Emma nodded in agreement. "Yeah, and everything there is so expensive. We should go somewhere where our income is certain."
Jonas and Sebastian, who didn't like shopping at malls, also disagreed. "I don't want to spend all day in a shopping center," Jonas said.
Sebastian nodded. "Yeah, me neither. Let's go somewhere where we can do something fun."
Lena spoke up next. "I know a great shopping district that also has some amazing restaurants. And everything is really affordable."
Wilhelm was intrigued. "What's it called?"
Lena smiled. "It's called Sturegallerian. There are some great shops there, but also some really delicious restaurants. And it's not too far from our community area."
Sophia and Charlotte nodded in agreement. "That sounds perfect," Sophia said.
Wilhelm smiled, feeling grateful for Lena's suggestion. "Great, let's plan to meet up there next weekend. We can celebrate our success and have some fun together."
Everyone cheered in agreement, excited for their upcoming outing to Sturegallerian. They had worked hard to rescue the animals from the wildlife trafficking trade, and now it was time to celebrate their victory and enjoy each other's company.