After all the fighting and chaos, the team finally realized Yuzuki needed serious training to hold her own in battle.
She stood in the training area, with Mike and Misa watching her closely.
Mike - So for trai...
Misa - Shut up, Mike. I'm the one teaching here, and I'm training both of you. You both need serious work.
Mike - Do I really need training? I made us win against Vanetti.
Misa - All you did was notice that Gladius's body was a fake and throw a sword at Vanetti. From what I can tell, your ability only lets you control objects around you.
Mike - Maybe.
Misa - So you need to work on that ability, and we'll run a test for Yuzuki to see where she stands.
They prepared for training. Yuzuki stood ready, determination in her eyes.
Mike picked up a rock using his ability, without touching it, and hurled it toward Yuzuki. She raised her hands and managed to block the attack just in time.
Misa - Not bad. Now let's see you attack. Go after Mike.
Yuzuki lunged at Mike with a punch, her fist landing so hard it sent him flying backward.
Misa - And you said you didn't need training, Mike?
Mike - I just went easy on her.
Misa - Enough excuses. It's time for real training.
Misa demonstrated push-ups, and Yuzuki got down on the ground, giving it her best. She managed five push-ups, sweat dripping from her forehead. Then she moved on to sprinting and other drills. By that night, the three of them sat on the mountainside, exhausted, gazing down at the city lights.
Misa - Yuzuki did well today. And Mike, you still need more work.
Mike - This "training" is nothing but working out.
Misa - That's the foundation of training, dumbass.
Mike - Boring.