Infinity, hidden beneath a flowing purple cloak, stood atop a jagged mountain overlooking a river of blood and flesh. Darkness stretched endlessly in every direction, the sky swirling with ominous energy.
Infinity – At last, I'm here. Controlium is mine. Nothing and no one can snatch it from me now.
A voice, smooth yet laced with quiet malice, answered from the shadows.
Vanetti – Yes, sir.
Infinity – Tell them their time runs thin. They have only four years left. I want every preparation made accordingly.
Vanetti – As you wish, sire.
Meanwhile, in the heart of Gowntown, Mike and Mars strolled through the busy streets. Spirits bustled about, their ghostly figures engaged in daily routines. Stalls sold strange, spectral goods, and ragged figures bartered using droplets of glowing red currency—blood.
Mike – So, what exactly is this place?
Mars – Welcome to Gowntown, the richest city in Controlium.
Mike scoffed, glancing at the dilapidated buildings and the wretched state of its denizens.
Mike – Richest? Even in death, greed still thrives, huh?
Mars – It's a different kind of wealth. But listen, you're a Shinigami now. That means you're more powerful than the average spirit. You're their protector.
Mike – Sounds fancy. What kind of powers are we talking about?
Mars – You'll find out soon enough.
Before Mike could press further, an explosion rocked the street. A fireball crashed into a shop, reducing it to rubble. Screams filled the air as flames spread wildly. From the smoke emerged a tall, striking woman, her crimson eyes gleaming with sadistic amusement.
Mars – Damn it… Vanetti! Infinity's assistant. She's attacking again.
Mike – Guess I'm up?
Mars – You have no choice. Go!
Mike sprinted toward her, only to be intercepted by a brutal force. Vanetti gripped his face and flung him across the marketplace. He smashed into a wooden stall, debris scattering around him. Blood trickled down his forehead, but he stood up, cracking his neck with a smirk.
Mike – You know… I could kill you easily.
Vanetti – My, my. Big words from a rookie. But let's get something straight—I'm not your average opponent.
Mike – And you think I'm an average Shinigami? Bitch, please.
He lunged forward, aiming a high kick at her face. In a fluid motion, Vanetti unsheathed a massive sword from her back and slashed downward. Pain erupted in Mike's leg as the blade sliced through.
Mike – Ouch. Where the hell were you hiding that toy?
Vanetti – Oh, I have plenty more.
With a wicked grin, she conjured an enormous hammer out of thin air and swung it down. Mike barely dodged in time.
Mike – That thing's slowing you down. Maybe use something lighter?
Vanetti – I don't take advice from the dead.
Before she could strike again, a flash of silver cut through the air. Vanetti's head detached from her shoulders in a fountain of blood. Misa stood behind her, sword dripping with crimson.
Vanetti staggered back, her body twitching before she dissolved into the smoke and vanished.
Misa – How was that for an experience?
Mike – Pretty boring. Everything went exactly as I expected.
Misa – You're not as skilled as you think. You need training. Proper training.
Mike – So, how long does it take for her to grow a new head?
Misa – A month, give or take.
Mike – And my leg?
Misa – Spirits regenerate, but it'll take months.
Mike – MONTHS?! There's gotta be a way to speed this up.
Misa – No shortcuts. But in the meantime, you can train your mind.
Mike – This is not what I signed up for.
Misa – Glad to hear you're suffering.
Mike – Are you my friend or my enemy?
Misa – Depends on the day.
Two days later, Mike lay in bed, watching through the window as Misa trained outside.
Mike – This is bullshit. Can't I at least train my upper body?
The door creaked open, revealing Mr. Popo. This time, he wore no cloak, his grotesque pig-like face now visible. He sat beside Mike's bed, his beady eyes gleaming with amusement.
Mr. Popo – How's the leg, Mike?
Mike – What do you think?
Mr. Popo – Hm. Your regeneration is faster than expected. Half of your leg is already back in just two days.
Mike – So, I'm better than others?
Mr. Popo – You could say that.
Meanwhile, in the depths of Infinity's domain, Vanetti kneeled before her master, her severed head clutched in her hands. The air around Infinity crackled with unseen power.
Vanetti – A new Shinigami has arrived. He's weak. Hardly a threat.
Infinity – Yet he forced you to retreat.
Vanetti – How…?
Infinity – Figure it out. I have no place for incompetence.
Vanetti lowered her gaze.
Vanetti – My apologies, sir.
In the burning pits of Hell, the Devil watched everything unfold through his magic sphere. A demon at his side shifted uneasily.
Demon – My lord, do you think that Shinigami is a threat?
The Devil chuckled, his sharp teeth gleaming.
Devil – He's interesting. He may be hiding his true potential.
Demon – Should we intervene?
Devil – No. Let's enjoy the show for now. Who knows? The game might change sooner than we think.