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Chiaki Murakami breathes heavily )

(Chiaki): god dammit these guys are good

Syouta Watanabe: Chiaki catch

(Chiaki catches the basketball)

(Chiaki scores a layup)

Akari: nice one Murakami

(Chiaki): I know that she's cheering us on and all however, we are down by 23 points, 60-83 with only five minutes left. We can't win like this.

Syouta: nice shot Chiaki we just need ten more

(Jun Fuchizawa steals the basketball)

(Jun dribbles to the other half of the court )

???: your team is trash , just give up already

(Jun crosses between his legs and spin)

(Steps back and shoot a three pointer)


Akari: nice one, you guys are doing good keep it up

(??? Scores a layup)

(Chiaki): I know that it's not possible to close this gap , we're going to loose, but at least I did my best

(Chiaki shoots a two pointer)


(Whistle blows marking the end of the game)

(Chiaki goes on his school roof)

(Chiaki): so we lost 90-70 huh, I can't believe that we dropped out in the fourth round. This is where my high school career ends

Syouta: here , it's cold just like you want it

Chiaki: thanks bro

Syouta: this is it huh, the end of our high school season

Chiaki: yes it is

Syouta: we did our best and we were only one win short from the inter high preliminaries, so we didn't do half bad

Chiaki: yes

Jun: you guys are also forgetting that it's our last year of high school, so we have exams to prep for

Syouta: you're always ruining the fun in everything Jun

Jun: what do you mean?

Syouta: why do you have to constantly remind us about

exams, I haven't even started studying

Jun: sucks to be you man

(Syouta grabs Jun in a choke hold)

Jun: dude chill out you are going to choke me to death

Chiaki: I'm going home

Syouta: okay see at school tomorrow dude

Jun: can you let me go please

Syouta: only if you agree to help me study

Jun: okay, okay

( Chiaki walks down the hallway)

Akari: Murakami!!

Chiaki: huh? Oh it's you Akari

Akari: you did well, stand proud, you guys fought until the very end

Akari: and I'm happy that I got to be the manager of this team, I had a lot of fun when we traveled on the bus and when we go out to eat as a group , those are memories that I'll treasure forever, so don't let this bring you down

Lara: why are you getting so emotional, he always has next season

Akari: shush, you're not helping

Chiaki: thank you for being our manager this year Akari, it meant so much to me and the team

(Chiaki walks away)

Lara: Chiaki looks really bumped out

Akari: you think?!

( Chiaki looks over at the basketball court)

(Chiaki): this is the end for me, without basketball I feel so empty, like there's no drive in me to move forward as if my whole world has stopped moving

( alarm beeping)

(Chiaki turns it off)

(Chizuru knocks on the door)

Chiaki: what is it?

Chizuru: I sent off Chidori to school

Chiaki: okay

Chizuru: do you plan on going to school today?

Chiaki: no

Chizuru: I see

Chizuru: well, your breakfast is on the table and please take out the garbage , I'm heading out for school now , take care big brother

Chiaki: (sighs)

(Chiaki gets up)

(Chiaki brushes his teeth)

(Chiaki): well , I better get started

(Chiaki starts drawing)

(Chiaki): after being home for a few months I've gotten quite fond of drawing, it brings peace and calmness to my boring and mundane world

Chiaki: (stretches) , it's finally done

(Chiaki): well then it's time to take out the trash

(Phone ringing)

(Chiaki): it's Syouta

(Chiaki answers the phone)

Syouta: Chiaki you there?

Chiaki: yes, what do you want?

Syouta: it's been 2 and a half months since you've attended school, what's wrong?

Chiaki: nothing, I just don't feel like coming

Syouta: You know that those exams will decide your future, or if you'll even attend university. Remember your high school career has ended but there's always university. It's important , listen I understand how you feel but you must think about your family and your future

Chiaki: you're right but…

Syouta: great see you at school tomorrow

Chiaki: hey Syouta wait

(Syouta hangs up the call)

(Chiaki): that bastard hung up on me

(Chiaki): well he's not wrong, maybe I should attend school tomorrow

(Alarm beeping)

(Chizuru turns it off)

(Chizuru yawns)

(Chizuru): how is it 6 already? I'll have to wake Chidori

Chizuru: Chidori it's time to get up

Chizuru: she's already awake

Chiaki: here you go Chidori , a specially made egg omelet just for you

Chidori: it looks delicious, thank you uncle Chiaki

Chiaki: dig in

Chidori: yes

Chizuru: big brother

Chiaki: oh good morning Chizuru, go and get ready, I prepared a bath for you and your morning chores are already done

(Chizuru): no way , Chiaki is actually in a uniform, I haven't seen him touch or even wash them for two months

Chiaki: also your breakfast is ready

Chiaki: I'll take Chidori to school today, so you can tell her driver not to stop by

Chidori: yay! Uncle will be taking me to school today

Chiaki: we'll be leaving shortly, also the spare keys are beside the freezer, be sure to lock the place up properly

Chiaki: Chizuru are you listening?

Chizuru: yes

Chiaki: we'll be heading out now, see you

Chidori: bye bye

Chizuru: yes

(Chizuru): Chiaki is acting weird today, but in a good way, I'm so glad that he decided to go to school (smiles)

(Chiaki): (gulps) well then , it's now or never

(Chiaki opens the classroom door)

(Everyone talking)

(Chiaki goes to his seat and sits)

Syouta: no way, is that you Chiaki, I don't believe it, welcome back

Jun: how long has it been like a year or two?

Syouta: you missed out on a lot dude

Chiaki: I know , I know

Jun: I'll send you all the notes later so that you can catch up

Chiaki: yes thank you

Syouta: you're just in time too, Valentine's day is around the corner

Chiaki: I see

Syouta: you won't be getting a single thing though, you're basically forgotten by almost everyone here

Chiaki: well, that's true

Syouta: oh I forgot to tell you, we all came to the decision that Masashi Watanagi will be the Captain despite him being a first year, although Wakujou Hagiwara is a second year , he still lacks some of the key qualities that Masashi has.

Chiaki: I see, I agree with make Masashi captain, he'll do great in our place

Jun: you should pay them a visit today, they'd be glad to see you

Chiaki: I guess so

( A girl catches Chiaki's eyes)

???: hey do you want to play a game with me

Girl : sure let's see what it is, oh nice ,I've already cleared most of these levels

???: what seriously? How were you able to do it so easily

Girl: (smiles) because I love these type of games

(Chiaki): that girl, her smile captivated me, I was lost in her beautiful brown eyes , her skin that was paler than the rest of ours was so flawless. I feel my heart pounding fast, is this what love at first sight feels like. My world it's somehow resuming once more.

Syouta: hey are you listening Chiaki?

Syouta: Chiaki, Chiaki, earth to Chiaki

(Syouta punches Chiaki)

Chiaki: ouch!! What was that for

Syouta: you were spacing out man

Jun: yeah he was deep in his thoughts

Chiaki: sorry, I was spacing out

Syouta: what's the matter?

Chiaki: that girl, is she a transfer student?

Syouta: which girl? Oh you mean Kayo Takayama. Dude are you serious she has been in our class since we were first years. How can you just be noticing her now?

(Chiaki): I see ,so her name is Kayo huh

Syouta: oh I see, you have a thing for her huh

Chiaki: I wouldn't say that, I was just a little curious about her that's all