Led by Matt, Richard made his way into the administrative building of the school.
Most of the school's staff recognized Richard because not only was he an alumni of the school, he was also a major sponsor of a lot of their academic endeavors.
They were almost to the main building when a small train of people in suits rushed out to meet them.
They were led by the Dean of the Business Administration department, a man that used to be a Professor when Richard was a student.
"Mr Roger, to what do we owe this pleasure?," he greeted as he reached Richard.
Richard frowned.
"Professor, how many times am I going to have to tell you to not refer to me as Mr Roger?," Richard asked.
The man shrugged.
"I won't be stopping anytime soon," he informed Richard.
Richard might have argued more if he had the time for that but he didn't have the time and wasn't exactly in the mood for some back and forth, so he didn't argue.