Lucinda: Chapter Fourteen
The next day, in the hall, Libby came running up to Lucinda. "So, did you ask?! What'd your mom say?"
"Oh..." Lucinda groaned, bringing her hand up to her forehead. "I completely forgot!"
Libby looked hurt. "You FORGOT!"
"Sorry." She apologized. "My dad's in town for the graduation. I spent last night hanging out with him. I barely saw my mother at all."
"Oh." Libby tried to understand. She paused a moment. "How long have they been apart?"
Lucinda thought a moment. "Since the spring before I turned 11. Seems a lot longer, though."
"Do they still argue and fight?" Libby couldn't imagine what it would be like to live with divorced parents. Her mom and dad were still together and seemed happy that way.
"Oh! Yeah." Lucinda answered.
Libby thought, "What broke them up?"
"Me." Lucinda murmured. Gloom clouded her face and mind. She stared ahead.
"What?!" Libby couldn't believe what she thought she heard.
"Never mind." Lucinda shook the cobwebs from her head. "I could call my mom at work, during lunch, and see if it'd be ok for me to come over to work on the speeches. I don't have my pajamas or extra clothes to spend the night, but a few hours should be fine."
"Yeah!" Libby agreed. "And my day could give you a ride home, after that."
Lucinda nodded. "That's what we'll do, then."
The girls trotted off to class. Only Lucinda feigned happiness. It would do no good to get Libby all worried and upset.