With a brand new artifact in my hands I was quite strong now, At least compared to ordinary bandits. Spars with the Dedra helped to integrate the new weapon into my fighting style and to humble me. While only one day wouldn't mean much in the long run but it was a start.
Did end up making an underarm holster for the weapon. With Fukanzen strapped to the small of my back it was left as the best option.
With the two quest takers set to speak with the Mad God in the throne room, I was rushing to make my way there from the outer yards of the palace. No way in Oblivion would I miss this conversation.
As I slipped into the room the two were walking up to the throne where Sheogorath was sitting. Keeping to the side I was going to watch from the side for this one.
"Lord Sheogorath, We have done what you have asked of us." Throgor said as they reached him.
"Quite so, only a little different of what I had in mind. BUT! we can fix this. So, do me the favor of looking at each other?"
While weirded out they still complied. As they caught the eyes of each other they reeled back clutching their heads.
"There now. Should be an enlightening experience to feel another's thoughts, hmm?" the prank allowed a snicker of laughter to come from him.
""Yeah... enlightening"" they said in unison. only to catch themselves after and try to recover their .bearings.
"Ha, so fun to see that happen. I don't get to do it often after all." The wide grin of the Mad God as he relaxed into his seat. "Tis only a temporary thing after all."
As they settled down from their head aches, Sheogorath decided to continue. "No doubt since you have a little awareness of what my realm means and IS, Its time for you to understand why you are here."
Standing from his throne he walked around Throgor as Shirou was moved a bit to the side. "I needed a champion, someone to end the Graymarch forever. I needed someone to Alter the course of destiny itself! Breaking the Cycle! A new cause for a different effect! Were going to change things. No... Things will be different this time around.. That is you... You'll be my champion. You'll Grow Powerful! You will grow to be... me." stopping in front of Throgor.
"Prince of Madness, A new Sheogorath. Or... you'll die trying. I love that about you."
"How could I become a Dedric Prince?" Throgor sounded incredulous.
"A fair question, you won't really... at least i don't think so. But you'll have power. My power. Try not to lose it. Its a pain to replace."
Stepping back from Throgor he said, "But for all intents and purposes you'll be ME to fight the Him. Since I won't be around. It's simple, Really. if you don't think about it."
Looking down at his feet Throgor stood there. Almost quiet as a whisper he spoke, "Why me?"
The Mad God settled back into his seat. a wistful smile on his lips. "Because you seem a nice enough sort. And! you've made it this far. and if you don't, I'll swallow your soul and vomit it into the everfilling chamberpot of the ageless."
Leaning forward on his knees with his chin propped up on his clenched hands, "But mostly, because I asked nicely."
Gaining a bit of strength back into his spine Throgor asked, "Where will you be?
"Well not here. Didn't i tell you? When Jyggalag walks, I'm never here. It's one of the Rules." was his reply. waving him off he said, "I've told you too much for now. Listen to me, Prattle on. I can see your mortal brain straining. We'll talk more later."
Taking a deep breath Throgor said, "What's next then."
"Now... You've seen the great torch that burns brightly over New Sheoth? That's because it doesn't! It Should! But it Doesn't. You'll fix that. You'll go to Cylarne, Bring back the flame of Agnon to relight the Torch. Oh... and take care with my minions at Cylarne."
He leaned back into his seat with a wistful smile on his face. "In their eternal quest to please me. They're constantly fighting over Cylarne. It can be tiresome. But. Really. Its divine. Divinely Tiresome."
A chuckle escaping him as he said, "Well, that your problem now. Off with you, And only you. I don't want to see you until the torch is lit. I wouldn't want to hurt you. much."
As Throgor inclined his head about to leave Sheogorath spoke again, "Oh, and don't forget to summon Haskell. Between you and me, if he's not summoned three or four times a day. I don't think he feels appreciated."
Throgor nodded to him and continued out of the room. Shirou was left standing there though.
"Now, for you, I have a job for you." Turning to Shirou. Shirou was able to move again as he seemed to be testing himself. Opening and clenching his fist.
Looking the Mad God into the eyes he said, "What's the job?"
"Sigh, you see, when the Graymarch comes, some of my citizens take it upon themselves to join with them. They become the priests of Order. Scattered around my realm are these priests. They congregate around the Obelisks of Order. I need you to wander my realm and deal with these pests. Fair warning, most of them no longer think for themselves. A side effect, if you will."
"What's in it for me then?" I raised my eyebrow at this. Shirou wasn't the most selfish person I knew after all.
A grin split his face as the Mad God looked at Shirou again. "Hoh, I see... hmm... Something that could be of use to you then... hmmm..."
"I got it! You are no Dedra, but your little existence, like it is, is close enough. So, How about if you destroy enough of the forces of order, I will make you a new body. I will fill in the Cracks, And you will no longer need to be tethered. An existence, truly, on your own." The sound of Shirou's clenching fist echoed the throne room. The Mad God still kept his smile.
"Fine, But, no tricks. The body will be a copy of the one I'm currently in."
"Meh, There might be some changes, After all I may be a God, But I'm not perfect. So do you agree?"
"Sure, and... Thank you." Shirou said with a little difficulty. "Oh it's fine. I have always loved how mortals struggled. And seeing you, the perfect example of when they had gone to far is always a treat." Shirou grimaced at that.
"So you saw?" "hmm? Oh yes, Nasty business that all was. But what I can say is, You, by far have one of the greatest will's I have ever seen! Oh such a spectacular sight! And the fall... The mortals folly, The Betrayal! It could make one weep."
A sigh left Shirou. Walking from my place in the shadow of the throne room I could see a bit of surprise in Sheogorath's eyes. I was essentially hiding from him in his own realm after all.
As Shirou looked at me in the eyes I could see how his time here had helped him in ways we both couldn't imagine.
"You got this, The past is the past. We forge our own future now." Holding out an arm to him. Grasping it he brought me into a hug and patted my hair.
"I'll be off, Sheogorath. Thank you for the opportunity."
"Oh think nothing of it. I do love to see mortals in action. Such stupidity is beautiful in a way. After all, it's who I am."
Shirou astralized so he could move quickly and he was gone. "So much fun little Mysteries. What shall you be doing then?"
"Back to more training. The Saints and Seducers have been wonderful in helping me along. Seducers especially, never knew that they trained in assassinations like they do."
"Oh, yes. They do find their own little fun when mortals summon them. Something about the ease in finding the defense of mortals just does it for them." A chuckle leaving his mouth as he sat back in his chair. looking to the celling of his palace.
"It won't be long now. A week or two more. And this whole thing will be over. It's all up to my champion now."
Letting him rest in his chair I gave a bow and left him. I wasn't lying when I said I wanted to train. My hope was to advance both my pathways. It maybe rushed, but I had a feeling the final battle wouldn't just be a few knights.
Meeting up with the Shy Seducer who I found out was named Naze we continued to follow through with my training. Breaks for food and water allowed me to go over my deficiencies and to address them. Improving at a rapid pace. Lessons towards the afternoon were focused on Magicka with Grandma.
Finally at night after dinner was spent with my new mother. Tales were told as I practiced using the new form of magic I had at my disposal. The various tales from across the ages. How she fought against the Vestige in the second Era. How in the Merethic era Meridia was cast from Atherius by Magnus.
When it was finally time to put into practice my new magic she was right there to help me.
"Shadows are possibilities made manifest. They are the link to all other versions of ourselves. To understand this is how you tap into their potential." She said as she walked around the black spell circle I was standing in. Azazel was on my head while I had my hands clasped and fingers interlocked.
"To use shadows, we tap into them with our own. We follow the link into their embrace, but we do not fall for their temptations. They offer power, yes. But at a cost. To truly utilize them is to find your own shadows. Your own, possibilities." I fell deeper into my meditation as I listened to her voice. The glow of purplish light surrounding me as the spell circle activated.
My perception triggered as I could feel around the shadowy place around me. Their thoughts were scattered and incoherent. No one was the same around me. Then I felt it. A Shadow that was far greater then all the others before me. It was indifferent to everything around it. As I opened my eyes I saw the being before me.
He looked just like me, but behind him was a shadow of tentacles and worms shrouded by a cloak. Then I felt a presence behind myself as well. A mirror of the shadow being in front of me.
The instructions of my mother ringing in my head.
A thought passed through my mind as the being behind me extended a "Arm" towards the beings in front of us. They responded in kind. And so the first link was formed, and a fight had begun.
Quickly pulling the gun from my holster I fired at the copy. He did the same, but instead of a random spell he only shot a shadow bullet. The two giants kept their clash not bothering the two of us. We went shot for shot as the different spells clashed with shadow.
from my feet I produced fog spreading out with me as the center. Trickster abilities started to come out as I drew my blade with my left. Cantrips they maybe, But even the smallest spell can help.
Clashing against the shadow I traded with him. My training of Katas was showing results as where he was stiff and just following my movements I was flowing with the battle. He was only a possibility of mine. Not me.
After a parry I stowed Amentia quickly and a spell I knew like the back of my hand appeared.
The gate rune shown upon my hand as I grasped Fukanzen with both and thrusted forward. Magicka drained from me in an instant. A few feet from me where the shadow had retreated in panic now had the tip of my blade peeking from his back.
A door was opened to allow it to happen. My blade acted as a key into space and stabbed into another door ahead of me. A spell I always theorized could be done with raw manipulations. The shadow had no time to dodge the blade and was defeated. The Shadow giant of the Lord of mysteries was then consumed by my own. As the shadow version of myself was absorbed into mine.
Closing my eyes allowed me to feel my advancement was ready for the apprentice pathway. As the changes settled in strengthening my body and Magicka pool from another version of me. The words of my mother, "The shadows of possibility, If you fail they will take their place. If you win, what is theirs's is yours." rang in my head.
Opening my eyes allowed me to see once more I was in my room. Mom was next to me with a proud smile on her face. "Well done my son. You have done, spectacular."
A smile grew on my own face at her words. Over the few days I was noticing the changes in Nocturnal. Where before she was pale as snow you could see a flush of pink. She now always walked on the ground, as if she was prevented before. And her attitude to mortals seemed, ever slightly better. At least those who were connected to me.
"You should rest my son, Tomorrow you can adjust to the boost the shadow has given you." Guiding me to my bed as she did so.
And as I lay my head and fell to slumber to her humming of a song from long ago, I found myself in the starry sky. The constellations of my powers with two lights brightened on two of them. The third on both of them were glowing slightly more now. The shadows had pushed my physic to the next level and it was almost time.
Arrodes appeared next to me in a storm of fireworks.
"Successor! How do you do." "I'm fine Arrodes, so we are set to progress the apprentice pathway?" I asked.
"Quite so successor, And the planned mutation for the element and origin can commence. It is wonderful this was completed before the reality marble was truly formed."
"What is the status of that by the way?" It had been a long time where the thing was feeding off of my energies.
"Your reality marble needs just the materials to start building itself, but without the third pathway it is hard pressed to incorporate all fundamental aspects of yourself. So in order for it to be started, a catalyst will be needed. As suggested to the successor a fragment of a plane of oblivion would be the best start."
"We can speak with my mother when the time comes."
"Then we shall start to rewrite the origin and element of your body. This will take a moment." as thunder clouds started forming above me.
"Arrodes, What the hell is your fascination with lightning?"
In a tone that could only be thought of as smug, he replied. "What ever could you mean successor?" before smiting me in dozens of bolts of lightning.
As i recovered on the ground from the onslaught Arrodes once more began to speak.
"Successor, I have completed some of the tasks you have set. some more in a partial sense though. Just so you are aware. Due to the nature of the heroic spirit I have set a preliminary pathway for him to be able to accomplish divinity. This is not guarantied yet as further scans when he gains a body will be necessary."
That perked me up from my suffering, if only slightly. "So what have you got so far?"
"My research and the simulations I have run, have allowed me to recognize a few things about the Heroic spirit. In essence he can be compared to a sequence 5 beyonder due to a variety of facts. First is the magic circuits, they allow for him to reach a standard sequence 8 beyonder. This is only due to his poor, quality, use of them. The minimal use of the right way led to a mutation of sorts. Hence his jump from 9 to 8."
The lecturing tone wasn't appreciated, but the facts were nice.
"Next we account for the synergy he carried with the artifact Avalon. This lead to a form of body refinement bringing his standards to sequence 6. The act of literally healing his wounds with swords also contributed to stronger connection to them as well. The final puzzle piece was his ascension into the throne of heroes. This lead to a quality change in his very being. Completing the refinement process and accessing the reality marble of Unlimited Blade Works."
"So where does this lead us?" I asked. Slightly impatient.
"Getting there successor, Due to all the before factors it is a recognized fact that the heroic spirit must progress is some form. Due to this we found the best ways for this to happen is for him to delve into the art of Sword Singing. Discovery of his Shehai. When this blade is formed a quality change could likely happen to his reality marble. In this moment he would need to consume a variety of ingredients in the potion method."
Thinking for a moment i said, "So the ritual would be to unlock the Shehai, in this malleable state concoct and consume the potion?"
"Correct successor, So far these are the ingredients I have sourced from this universe based on the legends and potential history.
A block of Ebony purified then soaked in the blood of the consumer (500 g)
Bone dust of a dragon (5g)
Book containing the thoughts and life of a swordsman
A bonded Sword of the consumer
These were the best i could think of to formulate a pathway based on the Heroic Spirit Emiya."
thinking through the list and the various effects such a ritualistic way of consuming the potion would do allowed me to think of the potential abilities he would hold as well.
"So all in all, Body refinement once more using Ebony... The bones of a dragon would probably better circulate Magicka?" My tone slightly questioning but i kept talking.
"The sword and Book would probably lead to the actual divinity by taking on a more spiritual role for them leading to him being recognized as a form of Demigod. Hence the sequence 4. What would be the title?"
Finally through my thoughts I questioned the evil hat, "Successor, the name best associated would be "Sword Saint".
A potion for your woes
A potion for your tears
Only need a stone for your fears!
AN:// Thank you all for reading, finally put together a beginning for our hero of wrought iron. The potion ingredients will get more tricky but he will be at said sequence for quite a long time. His adventure will be separate when our own MC begins to travel. Hence I made it a point to where he will stay in Mundus, for now.
In other news I also have a slightly better way of keeping track of My MC's growth. I have researched enough of the Saint Graph setup to begin implementing it, slightly. It will not be extensive, and limited to those strictly around the MC. This is so we do not need to keep looking at a "Status screen" for a majority of a chapter.
Let me know what you think of the ritual and ingredients
Go! with madness in our hearts!