Chapter 37 - The Evergloam

(little note here, The Evergloam is the name of her Dedric plane. Will be going back to fix this in earlier chapters later... sorry? The Ebonmere is actually the "portal" in the twilight sepulcher. A receptacle for the skeleton key. Elderscrolls lore can be all over the place.)


She descended from the porch of the cabin meeting me in the walkway. As she came up to me she hugged me.

"Welcome to the Evergloam, my child. Before we retire I would like to show you my realm, is that alright?" She said as she released me.

"Perfectly fine with me." Was my simple answer. I was curious of the Evergloam after all. Not to mention she talked about changes to her realm.

"Perfect, here take my hand." reaching out to me. Grasping it our bond flared as I was given the perspective of herself, albeit only a tiny portion.

I continued to hold her hand as we walked back on the path I came from. Though the path had already changed.

"This is the Crow's Wood. I've recently decided to, appropriate, The Garden of Shadows for myself. Long ago there was a time when mortals came upon my realm tempted by the festival to take part in rituals in the Garden. Now it keeps a new home for you and myself. At least when I am away from the Shade Perilous. The Garden of Shadows will always welcome you."

Azazel decided to come out and stay on my head when we started to walk among the trees. Keeping an eye out while enjoying himself up there. Mother just took a glance at him while pulling me close to her.

It was then I began to see why this was called the Crow's Wood. They would peak about in the trees keeping an eye out for us. Slight whispers of their muted calls as the murder of crows flew from here to there. None were too daring though.

That was until two very different birds flew to their owner and perched upon her right side. On landing on her finger and the other her shoulder.

"Oh, it seems the little ones are jealous." A quiet chuckle left her before she turned to me and said. "My son, These little ones are my nightingales. They have been with me for a long time. To introduce them, The one upon my finger here is Nox. A rambunctious little brat, he is. The lovely little girl on my shoulder is Ombra. She loves to sing but doesn't like anyone to hear her often. Unlike her sibling, she is a shy little thing."

A warm smile was on her face as she introduced her Nightingales. They were unlike normal ones as they were as large as ravens and their feather coats were shining like a night sky. 

Nox, was slightly bigger than his sister. He was also just as daring as my mother said as he moved to my left shoulder, opposite his sisters position on my mother. The beady eyes of the bird bore into me as it puffed it's chest.

Obliging him I curved my remaining unoccupied arm to scratch his chest. He practically melted into my shoulder as he relaxed onto the side of my head. 

Before I knew it we were out of the Crow's Wood and upon a new place. A fortress was in front of us. The blackened stone of the walls climbed high into the sky around it. 

"This my son, is my seat of power. This is the Shade Perilous, My fortress. Only recently it has gained something new. A touch beyond the shadows has allowed me to, redecorate, if you will." her tone slightly proud of such a thing.

As the gate to the fortress opened I was greeted to a different sight to what I was expecting. Shadows and people walked around hand in hand. Some of them were different shadows from those they walked with. The Hall we walked into was wide allowing for a vast view of the people in the fortress. Tables were set around the area decorated with various foods and drinks. 

Music in the background was filling the air as some danced to the bards tunes. Sometimes you could pick out the various voices from each other as they didn't keep the same tones but still kept in time. 

Every which way was a different group. There were also soldiers as well dressed in ebony armor but a crow's head was where the helmet was. Similar to the Yokai race from Japanese legends. They were stationed in intervals in case of an emergency so they could react.

The end of the hall kept another large door way. This led me to figure out this was just an "Outer" courtyard. Only they kept a roof over this section. 

The guard next to the door then announced our entry, "The Dedric Prince Nocturnal has returned! She brings with her to her realm, Her Son! Azarius, Lord of Mysteries!"

A hush fell as the guests and bards all stopped. A silent courtyard followed as they all gave a bow or curtsey for the ladies to us. 

"Rise, my subjects. I thank you for your, liveliness, you have brought upon my fortress. For so long these halls held little noise roaming about them. The Shadows now can dance, can enjoy, and Can feel. You have my son to thank for these blessings. So enjoy." 

A round of applause was heard as they raised their heads. Shadows and man alike were celebrating the change. Then a voice sounded from afar. A small stage where some bards set up upon. 

"My lord, Does he have a request?" The melodious voice of a female ringing about as the hall quieted down so my words could be heard. The woman's accent was thick with a Nord's tone. Thinking back to all of the music from Elder Scrolls one always stuck with me.

So I stated, "Do you know Three Hearts as One, from the second Era?" My curious tone echoing through the chamber. 

A chuckle came from my side as Nocturnal embraced my side. This was a tone she also hummed once or twice as well. 

The way cleared as we moved towards the bards. The Voice from before now held a face to it. It was a Nord woman, on the taller side as well. She had dark brown hair and she wore a leather armor top with tan colored pants. Leather boots to round out the look as she kept her hair in a braid.

She laughed as she heard my question, answering me saying, "Know it? I lived through those times! The Ebonheart Pact was my home and my lively hood. My Lord, allow me to regale you with this song!" 

A smile coming onto my face as she looked at the other bards, handing her lute to another as she prepared for the singing role. 

The Altimer who held her lute gave her a nod before beginning to play. 

{Three Hearts as One - Malukah Cover}

"We till Skyrim's ground, Despite frozen toil

We tended the Kwama, beneath Morrowind's Soil

We Hunted the Wamasu, In Black Marshes Glades.

We Three hearts have no need For Blades.

Then They Came from the Seas! Folded steel in their hands.

They Burned down our Homes~ and Ravaged our lands.

Akaviri Brought Nothing. But bloodshed and lies. 

Our families were slain, Before our eyes~"

The vast room was quiet as the somber tone played. The Strumming of the lute echoing about. The Nord woman brought raw emotions to the song, unmistakable for anything but reverence for her craft. The other bards were giving vocals to aid her in the song.

"With Three separate people, They shared a cruel joke.

A Choice between Death or, the Yoke.

But then our Three People Knew what must be done.

To End the Oppression. OUR THREE BECAME ONE!"

At the crescendo a shadow of herself separated from her and joined her in singing, Layering the voices upon each other.

""Forged By War~ the Ebonheart Rose!

And Drove the Akaviri back to the sea.

When the enemies begged for their mercy They laughed!

With Three Voices as One~ Shouted Blood For the Pact!""

The Nord woman looked at her shadow self and smiled. The Shadow stepped forward as the lute chorus was almost done.

"Forged, by war. Our story be told.

No shackles can Hold us whether moonstone, Or Gold~."

The room was quiet for a moment until I began to clap, The hundreds following me as I did so. The Bard and her shadow grabbed their hands together as they bowed to me. 


"Thank you ladies. And to the Entourage as well." I said to them.

"It was our pleasure, To play for the Prince and her child is a wonderful occasion. We are just as happy as you, my lord." She stated. 

"Give my thanks to Sanguine for allowing you all to play in my realm. I do know how he likes to keep you busy." Mother said in response. 

"Oh I'm sure Lord Sanguine will be delighted to hear that coming from you my prince. He has been intrigued as of late of the new lord. So he was happy to lend us for a time in your realm."

Chiming in I asked, "Intrigued of me?"

The Nord woman answered in the positive saying, "Quite so! He was especially interested after the naming affair. Such a new way of addressing the Dedric Princes and even the Divines is now catching on."

A sly smile grew on the Bard's face as she was about to continue.

"Though our Lord has decided to hold off on naming himself. Despite what some of his followers have tried, he believes it should come from you. He does wish for a favor in this, If you would do him the honor I'm sure he would be ecstatic." 

my smile twitched slightly. But in the end i still responded, "I will be sure to try to capture the Dedric Prince of Debauchery as best I can. Please understand that it will take some time though as i am also in the process of helping Sheogorath."

The Bard and her shadow jumped and celebrated together as myself and my mother walked away. Moving in the direction of the second Gate in the courtyard. The One that lead into the fortress. 

"Thank you for accepting his request." My mother said as we moved. Nox had also flapped his wings and sung his little birdsong to her words.

Continuing she said, "Out of the many Princes he is a good ally to have. while Debauchery maybe his domain, he also carries the weight of revelry. As his Dedric plane's name represents, He has done me this favor of bringing Revelry to my realm. Without his influence." 

A Smile played on her lips as she said that. It took me a moment to realize that the people inside this realm now, were hers. Gifted by the Dedric Prince Sanguine. Not many other princes would willingly give up a portion of their mortals that give them entertainment. Especially the Revelry. 

Tales of the unending party were legendary after all.

Walking the halls of the Fortress allowed me to see the various histories recorded in the stone. Different tales spread across them as we walked. From the tale of Dagoth Ur's fall at the hands of the Nervarine. To the most recent fall of Mehrunes Dagon at the hands of Martin Septim. The Change in form was even recorded on the wall leading into the next gate. Along the way were various passages as well. 

Our destination was straight forward for us, But i noticed a subtle magic sensation washing over me through the journey.

Feeling the curiosity in the bond she sated the feeling by saying, "It is an enchantment to ward away those who were unworthy to see my throne. A defense as well as an attack for the would be invaders of my realm. To many had tried so i simply made this little trick to ward them off. They would be led to the nearest soldiers. No need to dirty my own hands after all."

Leading me to the final door she said, "and this is my seat of power. Note, all Princes have a place where it is gathered together. You will find a similar place in all realms."

She touched the final door. I noticed her symbol was etched into the door. The door itself seemed seamless until she touched it. It moved to the sides, opening the way forward. 

I was stunned by the sight of a royal purple rug leading the way to her throne as it sat upon a raised platform. Steps were set in a half circle surrounding the platform. On each side of the rug were men and women. Specters and Shadows all lined up leading to the throne. They were all dressed in grey clothing that resembled cloth strips for the non shadows at least. They, the shadows, were in the same outfit only it was in black. The symbol of nocturnal was glowing as if in anticipation of the prince.

The throne itself was immaculate. The Ebony throne was a high backed chair reminiscent of the Nord Jarl chairs, Only slightly larger. The backdrop was the Symbol for Nocturnal on the wall behind and above the throne. Black curtains dropped from the celling at an angle surrounding the Throne's platform.

As we walked a second throne rose from the shadows next to the throne. While similar it was missing a key thing from it. On the center of Nocturnal's throne was her symbol. the second throne was missing it. So I would need to make a symbol it would seem.


My precious! please give me my Precious!

please help and donate to our fund to help this poor creature rehabilitate.

It only need one stone, to save a life.

AN:// mentioned it earlier but i will be going back and fixing the issue with now knowing that Nocturnal's Dedric plane is the Evergloam. In other news from now on Sundays there will be no chapters released. This is so i can rest and recharge for the week. If i do get some writing in it will not be released immediately like i do every other day. Need time for other things as well after all.

Thank you all for understanding!