After assuring the others that I would be ok, They headed off to do Sheogorath quest. Leaving myself and Haskell with the Mad God.
A change in the Mad God's tone as he spoke "Less". There was still the distortion but not as grand as it was. "Come little mystery, we have some time before they return."
He stood from his throne with cane in hand. The eyeball was roaming about even in his grasp. I walked in step with him. As we walked the scenery changed around us. We practically warped through his realm as we continued our path. Sights from all across the Isles, From the root filled depths, To the mushroom filled plains, to finally ending above New Sheoth at the top of the palace.
"A spectacular place, don't you think?" he questioned. His tone smug since he recognized my stunned look from the sights.
"Quite so" being honest with him. While I wasn't one for "complete" madness, a bit here or there could be helpful.
"I've had to rebuild this many time's now, but you already know of this... Don't You?" The serious tone only came back at the end, man really does have gravitas down to a pat.
"Yeah, lucky break of seeing elder scrolls outside Mundus." They all knew I was from the outside at this point.
"Ahh... yes, outside... would be quite interesting for a vacation one of these days."
Yeah... my face cramped at that, "And a pity for the populace." Slipped out. But he simply laughed it off.
"hehehe, quite so. NOW, we do have some things to discuss. I've taken it upon myself to teach you a few things. For my own amusement perhaps... But still in, Good, faith." nodding as he said good.
Sitting down on the ledge looking out to the city i listened in. my scarf and hair blowing in the winds.
"As stated before we "Dedra" are the embodiment of Change and Permanence. This means we push forwards most of the history that could be. Some examples of this would be little Bals Plane meld in the Second Era. Or Dagon's little invasion of this Era. But Permanence is different. While the "Aedra" can die as mundus is destroyed, we will live for eternity into the next Kalpa, and the next."
Huh, never really thought about that, "So... where will I fit in?" turning slightly as he seated next to me, resting his arm on his knee and his chin on the arm in a thinking pose.
"An interesting idea isn't it. You who could embody change itself can choose. To be a force of nature as an "Aedra" or a Force of change as a "Dedra" that is what we see when we look upon you little mystery." A smile grew wider as he continued.
"We all are both dreading and looking forward to it. But nevertheless, we must discuss a few things involving you. You might have been curious as to why you truly have been held back in My Realm. The answer to that is, because it's you." Pointing at me in the end of his statement. Seeing my confusion he nodded and continued.
"You see little mystery, I meant what I said when I mentioned you embody change. YOU, do not and can not be seen. Looking right at you I cannot look AT you. Which is mildly frustrating. Like I can see you, I can Touch you, But I CAN'T SEE you. This is because you are blind to "fate". We Dedric Princes look through mortals... But you cannot be seen."
I opened my mouth and could not close it. I was invisible to them?
"Don't get it twisted. You are in my perception little mystery, but I wouldn't be able to see what could be when it involves you. That makes you special, and makes you... dangerous."
The glint in his eyes was telling, just because he was cordial didn't mean he wasn't in charge here. But Someone else decided to crash his little sermon. and as the "Sun" was going down in Sheogorath's plain, the shadows stretched. Wrapping me in their embrace.
"Don't need to scare the little one so quickly, Mad God... And to say you were educating him, how pitiful."
The glint only got worse in his eyes. "And what are you doing, in MA REALM?" A chuckle came from the shadows as now there were arms wrapped around me holding me in place.
As she continued her voice was more cordial and soothing, "Helping to educate our new little one into the fold. Soo many wish for speck of a chance to do so after all." My face going blank as her chest was pressed against me. Clown facial control was bliss right about now.
The glint in the Mad God's eyes finally started to die down. "I would think he would be the most, offensive, to you, Nocturnal." it took but a second before i realized i was now a few inches higher and no longer sitting on the ledge. I was now in her lap.
"I thought about it. At first someone to dare claim my sphere of influence. I would think they belong here in your Isles, But then when I tried to look deeper. And when even his shadow blocks my access, I became curious. Holding him now, it feels... Right..."
Almost predatory, did she refer to me. As she continued that feeling began to grow.
"For Eons I have been known as the Mistress of Mysteries, to hold a title I thought it was enough. Till now, as I have held mysteries in my arms... It is quite the feeling Sheogorath."
"ahh, yes... I quite know what you mean. It brings me back to when I gave mortals music. The little girl who only found joy in hearing those birds and their Beautiful sounds. I did ask her if I could make her into those instruments, but no one remembers me askin!"
Nocturnal turning her attention and presence to me, "So little mysteries, what are your thoughts? hmm?"
That her lap is soft and this feels heavenly? ahh i should respond. "What part?"
She chuckled as she felt me relax slightly and tightened her grip, not to where it hurt but made me more "Secure" "My title little mystery."
"Can it change?" was blurted from my mouth. My filter becoming less and less as I trained under the stick. If I was going to be hit anyway might as well make it worth while. Nocturnal meanwhile was stunned. Then she began to shake, then chuckle. Then Both began to laugh, the Realm responding to both as the shadows and sky twinkled in amusement of the Dedric Princes.
When they finished i could feel them looking at each other above me. "A change... A Change, something that hasn't changed for eons... I'm quite, interested."
She seemed to hum and think for a moment. Out the corner of my eye I saw Sheogorath with a Cheshire grin on his face. Then it seemed to click for the Dedric Prince who held me in her grasp. "Currently a child, to grow into his station... So, a new title to fit then..." she muttered. I could feel her own grin as she held me.
"little mysteries I have, A proposition, if you will. Not a deal as I would normally. I will adopt you. To be your mother, unlike all others who birthed monstrosities, you will be my son. I, Nocturnal Dedric Prince of The Night and Darkness, offer this."
The shadows were far more deeper around us now as the night settled in. Sheogorath, he was letting them further in respect, or something.
When I thought about everything I knew of her and her desire in the second era most of me was not into this, at first. Then my intuition kicked into high gear. Something was fueling it in my desires to "understand". In conclusion, it simply was the best bet. And now it was time to gamble. Sheogorath must have seen something in me as his realm began to rumble in anticipation.
The answer came to the tip of my mouth as I reached my hands out to hold my authority. I remembered how names carried power back in my predecessor's world. The honorific names of Deities. My own little side project when I was bored. I finally found my last line in the prior conversation.
My own voice echoed as there's did. I held Arrodes in my hands,
"I Azarius,
The Mystery who see's the multiverse,
He who rebuilds the throne above the gray fog,
The one unshackled by all fate!
Do ask the Dedric Prince of the Night, if She will take the responsibility of the role of Mother of Mysteries."
I could feel her grin as the shadows danced around us. She thought of her own name, a simple affair for someone like them. A show has been put on as the gazes of all were allowed to see.
They were varied in how they felt. Anger, Rage, Amusement, Disgust, and a variety more.
But they were powerless to stop this, A change was coming and a show was about to begin with the God of Flair by our side.
"Mysteries, I, Dedric Prince Nocturnal,
The Mistress of the Night and luck,
She of the Evergloam,
Do accept, and accept the CHANGE, the title, upon myself The Mother of Mysteries.
Mundus responded to our pact. A connection was formed between myself and Nocturnal. Using our names like so, equaled a ritual in the truest sense. And across the Shivering Isles fireworks came into being as they shot into the sky as the Mad God celebrated. A small tiny part questioned how he knew about them but that was taken away by the chuckle of my new mother.
The connection between us allowed me to "feel" her. The possibilities that can be were infinite in their sight of the shadows. But just as I was seeing through her she was able to see through me. I was an opposite to her and an anchor she never held. She could see the limitless but couldn't truly feel them only their shadows. Now, She could through me finally touch beyond the shadows of the possible.
She waved a hand through the air feeling her new perception. If before she felt how it could possibly be now she felt how it was. Such was the nature of shadows.
"It's beautiful" she said in a quiet voice. Sheogorath was laughing and celebrating off in the distance. Her words did bring a smile to my face.
"Tell me how it was before?" I asked her. Melancholy in her voice she said, "For so long, I felt the facsimile of reality. A hollow representation of the now and everything that could be at once. It was why I sought the void. To become the infinite, beyond, just the possibility of it. Such a grand gift, just by the nature of this... change."
The happiness and joy through the bond was telling just how much it meant. The Shadows also now felt more alive as well. If before they were a chilling comfort, they were now a warm hug in the cold winter.
"A gift should be given in return for such an occasion shouldn't it, Nocturnal?" Sheogorath returned to our sides.
Amusement flooded our connection as a gift came to her mind. She reached into her shadow at the side and pulled a ball of it away. Sheogorath looked aghast and offended, in a joking manner, at what she pulled while my curiosity was peaked.
"You... You Dastardly thief!" pointing at her Sheogorath said.
"I am their patron" she quipped in response as she moved her hands in front of me. A flapping sound tickled my ears as her crows joined our little get together.
The "Ball" unraveled itself in her palms to show a small fragile kitten. It was almost solid black except for the tuft of fur on it's chest bearing purple and blue. It was fluffy. The eyes were closed while it slept.
"Once I was traveling Nirn" a chuckle left Sheogorath , "I decided upon walking Eleswer. Some of the locals tempted me the idea of cuddling a cat. So I decided to do so with the most infamous of them all. As I held him in my grasp I decided to take the smallest bit of his shadow. Since I knew he would be "aggressive" when I allowed him to flee. So, for Centuries this little shadow has grown apart from it's origin. With a tweak, It has been set free."
My hands moved on their own and carefully lifted the kitten into my grasp. My mother simply cuddled me more as I slowly pet the purring kitten.
"He carries a infinitesimally small portion of them BOTH. But now is no longer a part of them. Now he is yours, My Son."
(And a New Mother)
The Child Demands Tribute!!!!!
Stones to feed the Shadow Baby!!!!!!
Also NAME THE BABY, (Taking Suggestions...)
AN:// This was my main thought for this "Arc" of oblivion. I wanted to build upon who would be allies and who would be antagonistic towards Azarius when the Skyrim timeline approaches and his return to Tamriel. Also building our MC up, God mommy for the win! The other side of the arc is the traveling apprenticeship he will undergo after oblivion. Still have the war on order anyways. Thinking of a more journal entries and few chapters per providence kind of timeskip. Lets him get up to age. Thoughts?
In other news NAME THE BABY CAT! taking suggestions in the comments!