First Person POV Rules
Italic text like this, are the thoughts that are accessible to everything in a characters mind in first person.
Normal text like this is the character describing what they are doing in a sort of pseudo-omniscient narration.
"Text like this are people talking", whether that be the character the POV is following or people talking around them.
-Text like this are the thoughts of anything in the characters mind- this rules both applies to second consciousnesses and certain types of magic, like long distance communication between two people.
Third Person POV Rules
-Another persons thoughts in someone else's head-
The second that thought even crosses my mind an arrow lodges itself right next to me, so I quickly rise to my feet and begin running through the trees, specifically along where the tree's end and the clearing starts.
Can you see them?
Didn't hurt to ask, even if he sees the same things I do, he can notice things I can't.
I continue running, looking around me as focused as I can be, and then I finally notice my enemy, running through the clearing, obviously searching for me.
I take a sharp turn right into the clearing and begin sprinting right at them.
Its either a one on one fight in the clearing where I can see them, or a fight in the forest where I can't see them, but they can see me. Its an obvious choice.
The quickly notice me and stop in their tracks, retrieve an arrow, aim right at me and I quickly begin zig zagging to throw them off, and when the fire the arrow I stop in my tracks as the arrow flies past where I would of been if I continued that trajectory.
But I don't stay still for long, as another arrow makes it towards me, and then another and then another, a constant wave of arrows fly towards me as I dodge to the best of my ability.
But I'm not a super human, other than faster regeneration I'm just a normal person, so more often then not arrows lodge themselves into my body as I continue running towards them, and once I'm near enough they begin running backwards.
"Why won't you just die?" he curses, his shots landing less often as he moves, eventually he arrives at the forest line, about to be masked in the forest once again, which will pretty much put us back in a stalemate.
So seeing only one solution to winning against a faster opponent, I aim my knife in hand and chuck it full speed at him, and it luckily hits perfectly.
I aimed for his legs, but the knife lands in his side causing him to fall flat on his face and groan in pain, he quickly tries to regain his bearings and aim at me once again, but to his horror he finds he has no more arrows.
He begins crawling away while sobbing and I make it to his body, stand over it for a few seconds before yanking an arrow out of my side and stabbing him right in his neck as he tries to plea with me.
He quickly begins drowning in his own blood, but to just make sure he dies I stab him a few more times for good measure. I then retrieve my knife and look around for a bit.
Yo Rot, where do you think my spear landed?
-Check to the north-
Nodding, I begin running that way as I pull out the arrows in my body.
"Thank god for this crazy pain tolerance..."
-All thanks to me-
I quickly begin searching the forest to the north, while being careful not to get ambushed by someone, and to my absolute glee, I find my spear lodged into the ground all majestic waiting for me.
"Of course. I am but a king!" I chuckle to myself, pulling it from the ground.
-You are so full of yourself-
I check the spear and grumble a bit when I notice it's cracked a bit on the shaft. A few uses of this thing and it's probably gonna snap clean in half sadly.
"Whatever. Will last a few more fights at the very least" I mutter to myself, while quickly looking for a new place to hide.
I eventually decide to head back towards that lake, and maybe cross it. There was a change in terrain in that direction, going from pure forest to more mountainous.
-Why a mountain-
There might be a cave there, and I didn't see anyone fall over that side and if they did they're probably dead. So its a good place to wait it out.
I swiftly arrive back at the lake, on high alert for anything that could jump me. I quickly get into the water and begin swimming across as fast as my arms can take me but before I can make it to the other side I hear splashing in the water that isn't me and instantly turn on the spot.
No fucking way.
The fuck didnt they tell us they put Rot Monsters here!?
-You should know by now they arent your friends-
Deep purple in color, half my size, a wide open maw filled with hundreds of teeth, eyes that span half its total head space, 3 pairs of razor sharp fins that propel it towards me, and a thirst for blood like no other.
I quickly swim to the other side of the lake and barely manage to get out of the water before the beast takes a nice bite out of my legs. I stand to my feet and move back until I'm sure it can't reach me even if it jumps out the water.
-This forest is infected-
I look around at that remark, and in the far distance, I notice the lakes water is turning a deep purple-red, with the vegetation around it sharing the same color scheme.
That... isn't good.
Shaking my head, I decide to ignore it and continue running towards the progressively steeper terrain, with more sparse tree's scattered about.
I eventually find a good place to hide, and make myself comfortable as I listen to the very loud fighting in the distance.
Bow down my subjects! Praise me! Submit yourselves to me! Give me your offerings of stones, and you shall be free of my wrath!