" .. You are an insane person, that's why. That's why you have these violent impulses out of nowhere. "
" Yes, that makes perfect sense .. "
" Make sense to me, love. "
We spent the entire ride towards the village arguing on horseback. He kept dogging my question, fully knowing how much it annoyed me.
Don't get me wrong .. my husband would never cheat on me. All the same .. it never hurt to give him a taste of what's to come if he ever would .. but he wouldn't.
" Guys, stop already .. we almost there. "
The voice of reason came from Eli, I looked ahead and saw how right she was.
We galloped under a beautifully made wooden Archway decorated with flowers and depictions of animals. It was big enough for the two of ride inside on horse with room to spare.
Someone clearly made this by hand, maybe multiple someone's.
I wanted to ask who, but taking one look at my husband's smug expression in anticipation of my question.. I let it go and turned my face to the other side.
The whole of Hori village seemed to come out to greet us. A group of women standing on the front holding flowers led by a lady in a blue dress .. Amarah, I suppose.
Zephyr made some nervous looks at me, but after a long sigh, he got off the horse and walked ahead.
" Lady Amarah.. thank you for your hospitality. "
I had to repress a smile, seeing her hiding a hand out expecting a kiss, I guess, only for Zephyr to shake it.
She quickly wiped the disappointed look off her face and took a look at us still on horseback.
" Your companions ..? "
Zephyr looked behind, only to close his eyes, clicking his tongue.
It took us another second, but we understood his feelings, and we all climbed off the horses and walked closer.
" Indeed .. come wife. Meet the lady of the village. " He invited me making faces.
Tchtch. . You pay for that later.
I walked beside him and did a short bow.
" Lylly Wold Astoria .. it's lovely to meet you. "
Her eyes quickly lost their light, but with the speed of an experienced leader, she pulled herself together.
" Amarah Landa .. the pleasure is mine. Please enjoy your time here. " she said, showing an almost believable smile.
" .. We will. "
It might be shameful, but it gave me a certain kind of rush seeing others drool over what's mine... and this poor woman was a drooler.
" Khmm .. let us settle in a little, and then we join you in the festivities. " Zephyr cleared his throat and nudged the situation forward.
" Umm, yes ... Oswald, please show our guests their home for tonight. "
We let the horses behind to be lead to the stable of Hori village.
Now that I looked .. aren't there any men here? Well, I saw a few .. but the crowd was mostly women. I guess that wasn't that strange with villages bearing the names of Divine beasts.
The man named Oswald bowed towards Zephyr and silently led us through the people .. the people making eyes at not just Zephyr but all the man in our little group.
We walked hand in hand until we arrived at the largest building we saw so far and led straight inside.
The place was empty, but clearly, a working Inn with all the tables and chairs pushed aside, making enough space in the middle for us.
Oswald smiled and left without a word .. at this point, I think he might be unable to speak.
" Strange village brother .. barely any man at all. "
Instead of answering, he turned me toward him.
" Truce? "
" Truce .. " I agreed.
He kissed me timidly at first, which made me smile but were interrupted before the good part started.
" ..did you hear me? "
Alexander couldn't read the room and walked up just a few inches from our faces.
" Ughh.. "
I pushed his face away before I joined the girls who were unpacking for the night.
" .. I saw it, too .. apparently, these women want their eyes to be scratched out. "
I smiled at the conversation. We were clearly all jealous women, and they didn't miss the lingering gazes.
" Thank Ehlite, my Lucian is too preoccupied with the hunt to notice anything not directly related to it. "
We all looked at Lucian, who was busy directing the man where they were going to sleep. The faces of them being led around the room as children were funny, though.
" .. No, we are not going to stay long, and no drinking. We need to be in top form tomorrow morning. "
I overheard them talking and kept my ear open.
" ..Don't worry, little brother, we keep the man in line, but now I'm afraid to leave them here with all those women. "
" Yes .. I'm sure they are terrified. "
"" HAHAHA.. ""
I turned around and drawings their attention. They quickly found something super interesting in the back of the establishment and slithered there with our eyes glued to them.
We quickly made a makeshift bed on the ground and gathered ourselves at the empty bar.
Meanwhile, the soliders were standing around fidgeting until Zephyr noticed them.
" Yes, go join the fun .. just don't overdo it. "
They shot some grateful smiles and left the Inn.
I took a seat, resting my head on the cool top of the bar, and felt my shoulder gently rubbed by a familiar hand.
" Come on, let's get this over with. "
" Hmm... I'm not staying long. Won't just stand around and see that wrench fawning.. ouch! "
He bit my shoulder, then turned me around, seeing his serious expression.
" My love, we can't offend these people. Just stay close to the girls, and maybe don't let Veila overdo it for coin. "
I would've pouted, but I didn't wanna make him angry. Besides, we only stayed for a day.
" Hm.. fine, but I won't like it. " I said, getting up.
" You don't have to. Just don't hurt anyone, please. " He said after me.
The girls were just waiting at the door, so we headed out immediately. With the man close behind us.
The people mixed well with our soldiers, and in just a few minutes, the atmosphere turned jovial. People paired up and danced to a pleasant tune made by a young woman, and her aids on a harp.
We were handed a cup filled with what looked like red wine by some girls who seemed to be waiting for us to come out.
" .. apparently, there is no man shortage here. They just been placed all around the valley. "
I paid attention to Eli, who were pointing at the fires lit all along the mountain, with sun is setting, they were easy to spot.
" Why they ..
" Signal fires .. "
We turned to the side and saw an unknown man holding two cups in hand.
" Apologies .. " He said, walking past us.
He handed a cup to my husband, and they shook hand, I catched his eyes for a second and understood he wanted me there.
" ..Draykos, meet my wife Lylly..." He introduced me.
He shook my hand with a small smile.
" I'm Draykos Wanin. Nice to meet you. "
He looked like a nice guy, shy looking, a little timid but pleasant.
" My husband mentioned you and your blessing as well. " I initiated some small talk.
" Nothing fancy like Zephyr's here. " he tapped my husband shoulder. " .. I'm am grateful, though. Wanna see it? "
That was a little unexpected, but I nodded along immediately.
" Zephyr would mind? " He asked politely.
" Hmm .. absolutely let's go. " He handed his cup to Manata and took his sword.
The others gathered around us, already sensing a show about to happen.
" Who's that? " asked Veila.
" He is the blessed of the village named Draykos. He about show us his ability. "
Even the music stopped, and all paid attention to the middle of the square.
We all glued our eyes to Draykos, who closed his eyes, and the almost transparent white fog enveloped his entire torso. A few seconds later, it was gone, and his skin left with an ugly shade of grey.
" Right .. Zephyr .. Strike me! " He said and turned his back to him.
My husband smiled ear to ear, pleasing the crowd, and took a swing at the man's exposed back.
( CLANG!! )
The well-made steel bounced off his back. It even sparked on impact, but Draykos was fine.
We joined the crowd in on the applause while the man himself took a bow towards the people.
Zephyr walked back as Draykos was surrounded, massaging his wrist.
" It is the exact same feeling as trying to slice a rock. "
He smiled and took back his cup and walked over to me.
" .. I known were in a fight, but .. are you.. good to go? " He asked suggestively.
I was a second slow on his meaning but caught up quickly. I was so busy and excited that I managed to forget about this little monthly inconvenience.
" Oh .. I'm.. I'm not sure. Have to check. But don't get your hopes up, as you said we are in a fight. "
He furrowed his eyebrows and walked away, making looks at me with those narrowed eyes of his.
The second he was away, regret washed over me like a river.. Why can't I just think for second before, I open my mouth?