That night, we were more tense than usual.
Kissing and touching each other felt great, but I had to put an end to it early, since he didn't wanna go all the way, and I was done pleasing only him .. our room was silent and filled with sexual frustration.
" Stop pouting, my love." - I said, leaning on his chest. ".. We can start doing naughty things on the road.. Or during the hunt." - I purred just thinking about it.
" Hmm.. I can't wait. After my meeting in the morning with the farmers, I still need to check on a lot of things before we head out. "
" Like what? " I asked, absent-minded.
He gently played with my hair as he continued.
" We will check out the quarry with Carlos to see what we have to work with when we come back, checking in with the new residents to see how they adjusted, check supplies and weapons ...
" Hush now..." I put a finger on his mouth muffling the rest. " .. as leader shouldn't you let some of those task for .. other people? "
I understood that he was needed in person for some of his chores, but certainly not all.
" I could, but I feel better if do them myself...Peace of mind sweetheart. " He said, sounding sleepy. " .. it's the reason why I'm going to Hori to see what's what.. "
I got up from his chest with a sneaking suspicion.
" You .. I'm not going to kill the beast alone right, I mean .. it's just to see.. right? "
" .. zZzZ.. "
Since he played like that, I bit his last remaining weakness .. that's right, his niples.
" Ahh, ahh .. Lord God Lylly .. what? "
He jumped up immediately and gave me a semi hostile look for waking him up.
" .. did you actually fall asleep? .. oh never mind, tell me! "
" .. fine .. I think you losing your touch when it comes to the bedroom plays my love ... I mean. Aaahhh!! "
He sense of humour was not appropriate or appreciated.
" .. I obviously won't kill the damn thing.. I will try and take a peak, but that's all. " He said, giving in.
I looked for any sign of falsehood, but neither his unreadable face or the lack of light in the room helped.
" I have my reservations when it comes to your ability to avoid divine beasts. Your track record speaks for itself. "
He smiled ear to ear and guided my head back on his chest. " I wouldn't do that. It's a very important mile stone for the boys and for you girls as well. "
I let his words and gentle touch push my silly worries aside and let concentrate on something else .. like my pains.
I winced when he touched the side where the balls hit me in succession. " Sorry .. Is it that bad? "
" I'm fine .. " I looked up, and even in the dark, I was able to tell the disapproving look on his face. " Okay, maybe not fine, but I will take it easy tomorrow and ask granny for help. "
The last thing I wanted was my overprotective husband to cancel the HUNT because we had done what he warned us about .. we overdid it.
" As you say .. " He seemed to let it go, but with him, one can never truly tell.
I made a mental note to act fine tomorrow, especially when he was around.
" You worried, aren't you? " I asked, listening to his heartbeat.
" Always .. I realised on our trip to Dharma that I couldn't calm my mind about our family if I'm not here myself. "
I loved this side of him, more than anything he wanted to be around his family, help them, protect them.
" Trust me, we all feel safer when you near. " I said, smiling into his neck. " .. But you also the one who made all of us .. better. Zephyr.. we aren't the same helpless lot we were. We changed for the better, thanks to you. "
I looked him in the eyes, hoping my feelings would reach him.
He pulled up a little and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. " Thank you .. but still, I wish we could take Anna with us. "
As I let my head rest on his, I couldn't help but smile, Ehlite .. never let him change.
The next morning, I woke to an empty bed and the lingering feeling that the worst of yesterday's pain was still ahead of me.
Not just my side, but my legs and back were also on fire!
I been in training for a while one way or another and considered myself quite fit .. but I haven't felt this bad since the early days of my transformation.
Hell, it took me almost 10 minutes just to put on some comfortable clothes and reach the door.
Anticipated the usual crazy waiting for me at breakfast. I never considered, but it was like we were living in an actual working Inn.
" Morning champion. "
" Sis. "
Dem and my sister were sitting around the table and looked just as fatigued as I felt.
" Morning .. where is everyone? "
The house was seemingly empty with only the 3 of us inside.
" Everyone is busy with something or other, Alexander took it upon himself to make sure every single individual understands their expected duty while we are away. "
Sounds ridiculous but very much like him.
" Lucian went with Zephyr and Carlos. The kids are off with mother on the fields. Is it just me, or does everyone else seem fine, and just us 3 looks like we were dragged around? "
I smiled and sat beside Eli with some accompanying groans. " I know, I need granny's advice and healing touch. We are setting out tomorrow. "
As the others nodded along with me, the door opened, and Nifa and Cintia walked inside.
" Morning girls.. Demelza, your face is back to normal! " shouted Nifa after taking a second look at her.
I didn't even notice it, and apparently, neither was she.
" Is it? .. " She touched her eyes and nose.
" .. Suppose it doesn't hurt anymore. "
Nifa obviously wanted a more spicy comeback, but her energy levels were super low for that kind of interaction. Cintia just smiled at her wife and tapped my shoulder lightly.
" We ran into Penny. She wanted to let you know the armour is ready to be picked up. "
We shared the first happy smile of the day, and even the pains subsided.
" Ughhh.. nooo.. "
We all looked at Nifa, who had a sad smile.
" What happened? " I asked.
" I just thought we should've got a set as well, don't you think? " She checked with Cintia, who was quick to calm her.
" Don't worry, we have ours as well, I told her your measurements, and she took mine. "
Cintia got a few kisses for being a thoughtful spouse.
Talk about spouses .. I wondered where mine was?