Chereads / My Husband Son of God. / Chapter 192 - 192. Fenex the Queen.

Chapter 192 - 192. Fenex the Queen.

" Morello. " said Carlos

" Canter? " asked Mother.

Ciren was thinking hard and asked for more suggestions.

" Hurley? Barry? " suggested Demelza.

" No, I need something cool like Fenex or .." she looked towards Zephyr and waited for his thoughts.

I only saw his profile resting on his back watching our daughter being assisted in her riding lesson by Nifa and Cintia, who claimed to be expert riders.

" Well, she has a lovely grey colour.. what was the name of that Goddess you read me about..the one with the grey hair and eyes? " he asked her.

She needed a second to recall it.

" Inari? ..Inari..Inari..I like it! Thanks for that big brother. "

She smiled brightly and turned towards the newly named Inari.

" Dad, I need your help too.. apparently. " Anna grabbed his hand and pulled him away.

She sounded just as quipy as her dad.

" Sweetheart, don't you want my help as well? " I asked.

" Totally mom.. come on then.. " she said sideways.

I walked behind and saw the most adorable pony ever. A sorrel like her aunts and was a nice little contrast with her long blue hair.

" What you thinking, princess.. be honest. " Zephyr asked her.

" Hmm.." - she was giving it some serious thought, probably because of the teasing she got for naming her dog. " ..first you tell me yours and then maybe mothers. "

We shared a little smile, and Zephyr compiled his list .. or tried.

" She is red, so ahh.. um..give me a second here. " he said, putting his hands up.

" Alright then, hear mine first .. " I quickly picked her up and walked closer to her pony.

" How about Persian? " I asked.

" Umm.. next! " she answered

" Colton? Ulster? Sora? "

" Colton .. not bad. Dad? Do you have anything? " she turned around in my arms.

Zephyr was seriously thinking and then walked towards Ciren and whispered something .. then she whispered something back with a big smile.

"'s some sort of old fire God. " he said, walking back to us.

Ehlite.. of course. Old Gods!

" Brand it is.. " she climbed out of my arms and sat on her companion while Sir Dog got into a frenzy and kept barking.

She was left with her grandmother and aunts, and we walked inside the house.

" I'm sorry about the whole taming thing. " I said, pulling him backwards. " I just wanted a special one like .. Fenex. "

I locked my arms around his waist, trying my best to look sincere.

" It's nothing to apologise, my love, I was teasing. " he talked over his shoulder. " .. besides, Fenex isn't special, I didn't even pick her.. she came up to me and kept bumping me until I patted her head. "

His profile was smiling, thinking back.

Great.. even his story is special. Like the whole damn universe was ready to fall over him, humans and animals alike .. also, she isn't special?

Please .. she has this almost arrogant air around her and is treated better than most humans on this continent. Pampered even.

" Well, either way .. come and see my Mustang after making me lunch? " I asked shamelessly and gave a few kisses as a form of bribe.

He picked me up and deepened our kiss after a minute, or so I was gently placed on a chair.

" What would you have? " he asked, smiling.

Hmm .. I guess both his horse and his wife got pampered.


After some delicious sandwiches and some lemonade, we walked hand in hand ahead of the family, who also decided to check our choices.

" I was thinking about the beast.. and how they disappeared when dead. " Zephyr said, looking ahead. " .. we should be prepared to chop them up and carry them home. "

" I thought since we operated with almost no information, we might not even succeed.. " I said, thinking about his words of caution. " So you're very confident, huh? "

He looked back, cheking on the others before lowering his voice.

" That was just for those people.. I don't mean to be rude, but I will just kill them myself if they struggle with it .. no biggie. "

I smiled to myself, thinking his strategy basically is .. let them have some fun, but if they struggle, I'll just send them to the stars.

" You're a good leader .. " I said and tiptoed up a little, giving him a smooch. " At least we not going to have any losses. "

" That's the plan. "

We arrived back the round pen, and Eli ran ahead, pulling Lucian's arm towards her horse.

" This is Shadow Flame.. what'd you think? " she looked up excited.

"'s sure .. I'm sorry. " he walked closer, examined the all red horse.

" I can see the flame part, but where is the shadow part? "

" Idiot, I'm the Shadow.. anyway, it's much better than Awaras. " she got really defensive and attacked Lucian's naming sense.

( THUD )

Their conversation cut short by Fenex, who jumped the pen with ease and walked right beside her master.

" Hello girl .. Oyy Thomas, get some feed for m-me..Alright then.. "

Thomas was already halfway by the time he finished.

Demelza walked beside her and tried to pat the large black mare, but she was very temperamental.

" Easy big sis .. she is a lady through and through, although she will bite you." he said, calling his horse.

He got on top of her and took Anna in his lap slowly, galloping towards the running Thomas with a bucket of fruits and vegetables.

" Did he just say in his own way that I'm not a lady? " asked Demelza.

" Don't pout, he came here to see my horse, and now he is away.." I said, walking after my husband. " Eleanor, stop the witty banter and bring Bethany before we start. "

I arrived at my family looking up from their shadows.

" Come on and bring her as well. She might intimidate my stubborn stallion. " I said.

" Lead the way, dear Lady. " he gestured towards the horizon.

" Lead the way, dear mother. " Anna copied his theatrical antics.

I smiled and walked them towards the single lonely white and black Mustang.

He noticed my presence and kept his eyes on me until Zephyr and Ilianna arrived on the even more intimidating Fenex.

He walked up slowly, his eyes softened, his tail hanged low, and started nickering towards her.

Fenex ignored him and kept her nose high.. I swear these horses actually interact like normal people.

I could tell he liked her.. and she was either playing hard to get or just didn't care.

Either way, it was a good sign.