" ...I can feel it. It's the bow. "
" It's fine!.. same as everyone except Sisi's. "
With arrows missed decorating the back gorund and a very tired looking duo of master bowman on each side of the pulley, my sisters argued.
I arrived just in time.
" ..There! "
I just handed my bow to dame Demelza and see how she did with it.
She took up position and waited until the target started moving..slowly. I mean, it was like shooting at old people, and yet..
" Okay..can I have my bow back? Would love to practice myself. Demelza, you have only been training a few days. You shouldn't attempt this yet! "
She handed back my custom-made bow huffing and puffing like a much younger girl.
" I just wanted to try it.."
" First maybe hit the motionless dummies first .." I saw her ready to defend herself.." ..Ah ah ah..consistently hitting them. "
I still remember how Zephyr was offering me my squad of archers. My vision didn't include two of my sassy sisters...master Lylly sounds so distant now.
Their shot needed more time, but my own excuses became paper thin as some of the others, arrows shot right through the circles.
My damn hair..I didn't want to say it out loud during the others' happy moments. Besides, I didn't want to be so vocal about it..sounds like whining... before I could ponder it further.
"" Hey. ""
Zephyr holding Anna and covered in our blanket came outside. Their hair a close match now, and she looked like his and his daughter alone ..and it made me miss our original colour..
"""" Leader!! """"
Our four men jumped up and ran towards the two.
" Milo, Jon, Verlander, Ahern..long time no see. How is the ..what the hell is that? "
He nodded towards the pulley of targets.
Saam took the explanation. " It's a method of ancient Dharma grand mas..
" They cloth lines, and wood circles.. I get it now.."
Anna giggled shamelessly just like her mother.
" Told you, Dad..it's nothing like daggers. "
" Hmm.. talking about that..you improved? "
" Hmm..but it's just wood..like those bows. "
Her pointing at all standing around was like a tiny but sharp blue knife through everyone.
This time, we were all hurt, but with Zephyr having those exact same thoughts before, it was hard to imagine they weren't blood related.
" Aye..maybe by this summer you have your own..if you can prove that you're mature and ..careful. "
Well, her expression brightened..her daggers were made from Emet just waiting for her.
" How..
" No more injuries.. until my birthday. If you can manage that we will reward you. "
It was a thouffy..even for someone other than a six year old.
" Deal! " she didn't shy away from a challenge and jumped off from him and carefully walked back inside.
" Well .. I have space.. "
He opened the blanket, displaying nothing. He had a shirt and pants on.
As the blanket closed around me, I shared my fears.
" Ehilte cursed my hair.. I can't shoot. "
" Hahaha.."
We shook in the warmth as he treated my very serious problem like a joke...I wanted to hurt him but it was expected.
" I'm serious here.. I can't concentrate on the target because..
" It doesn't matter...it should stay. "
" You didn't hear me? "
" I did..but in a week or two that problem solve itself and .." we had perfect cover and he reached inside my pants..his hands were cold.. but not for long.
" ..I liked it last night. It was...different.."
Look at that shameless smile...
" Hmm..well, I guess it's fine then. I wonder what's your next preference will be. "
His hands, now the perfect temperature, pulled me close, and our tongues danced gracefully until..
""" Wooo!! """
..the freaking peanut gallery spoke up.
" Zephyr!..they're here."
" Master!..they. th..yes. "
Lucian ran outside with Manata close behind.
" Who? "
Instead of an answer, he kissed me lightly and undid his blanket shelter..the cold air was previously just bad, now felt like it attacked me.
We obviously all followed and found him greeting a few craftsmen of our village.
Olaf and Rachel, his wife. Asher Welk, Norman's father. Penelope Mites, otherwise known as Master Mites among the ladies who wanted to learn more about cloth making. Myma Anders old council member..she was talking with granny, so she might just wander in.
" Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming in such short notice. "
" It's pleasure, Zephyr..
" Tha- thank you master..
" Son, I'm glad you're back safely..
" Don't mention it..
They were soon seated where Carlos, Nifa, and Cintia already rested.
Once Zephyr took a chair. " I wanted you all to look at these ..drawings and .. Carlos? "
It was clearly his idea. " Thank you, Zeph. These treasures are ancient blueprints left behind by a now almost forgotte..
" For fuck sake Em..I-I..
" Alright..damn.. " Zephyr still in his pyjamas made him change the length of his explanation.
" Khmm..they are various ideas that needs a more discerning eyes then mine. We wondered how much of them can actually be built. "
The dozens of drawings contained..dreams of imagination.
Something that looked like bird wings attached to man.
A wagon..or small house with a large wood trunk in the front.
Few drawings of weapons, swords, bows, even arrows heads that looked terrifying.
Clothes already drawn, the most strangest of ways but incredibly detailed..all of them were.
Jewellery drawn in the most realistic way imaginable.
Those who had ..discerning eyes took some of them and devoured it.
" These are pure art..
" This sword..I never saw a thing alike.
" I imagined these designs but didn't have the talent to put it on paper with that much..detail.
" These would sell very well.."
" Well you can all take them make detailed copies and do what you can, let us know of what material you need and it will be provided. "
They didn't hesitate and divided the papers amongst themself..
" Penny, Olaf...I want you to look at this here."
Before they left Zephyr showed them the armour he received from the Pope of Dharma.
" Take it with you and study the style, the materials, this will be the bases of our future armor. Full sets just like these one. Make sure to alter some for ladies as well. "
He put the rest on the table. Bracers, shoulder guards, belt, shin guards and the white fabric underneath worn as a vest covering his entire upper body.
"" We do our best. ""
They left in whirlwind blown away by the new ideas and opportunity to experiment freely.
" I can't believe you just handed over your new favourite gift like that. "
" It's fine. " he pulled me into his lap. " ..I want something similar and we can colour them with a little help. "
Nifa who was feed by her wife almost choked on a bite.
Her powers will soon be needed.