The music was deafening, and the people danced and enjoyed the never-ending drink and food.
My new husband and I sat at the large table surrounded by our family and received gifts from those attending.
" This humble gift couldn't begin to thank for..
" I hope Ehlite will bless your new family..
" Master Zephyr, this is from all of us as thanks..
" I pray for your happy children to bless this village soon.."
" Thank you, Myma.."
Granny friend and council member waddle away, giving us a brief breather.
" Did you notice how almost all of them are giving us baby stuff? " Zephyr turned to me with a small onesie for our future baby.
I took it and put it to the other dozen. " It's tradition..besides. ..
" Besides what? "
I leaned in his ears. " Mom told that after a week of..well abstaining the likelihood..
" I know..."
I was surprised. " Was it.. one of the guys? "
" Hmm..Demelza told Alex, he told me..it was one of the reasons I was able to make it. "
" Still?..you remembered, huh? "
He reached over and took my hand. " I don't want us to hurry.. but, as we talked about it. We are married, and it will be a blessing whenever it happens. "
I agreed with him wholly.
But further talks were postponed when Zephyr was taken by his brothers and pulled to a table full of drinks and very eager friends to share it with.
Similarly, I was surrounded by kisses and hugs plied with wine and prayers for a healthy baby.
" Stop it! .. we just agreed .. we are not in a hurry. Same as always, it will happen when it happens. "
" Still, Sisi.. I'm impressed how you two are able to hold back considering the now 8 day hiatus. "
" She is very right, Lylly. Tonight could be the night after so long await... "
Whatever I said went into one ear and out the other.
The crowd cheers stole our attention. Zephyr was led outside by Alexander and Carlos, followed by Lucian and Marcus. we walked out with almost everyone else.
Outside was cold as hell, but at least no snow.
The skies were clear, and the stars were bright as ever.
I walked to Lucian. " Did he challenge him? "
" Hmm.. he couldn't wait. Have to leave tomorrow morning, heading back to his homeland. "
The two faced each other in a circle.
Zephyr bare handed stretched a little, his opponent spinning his daggers with efficiency, drawing the admiration of the people, including our daughter, watching this from Alexander's shoulders.
Carlos walked in the middle and initiated the battle with a few rules.
" As agreed, Zephyr can't use his Blessing in the first round. It's Martial arts vs. Dagger Arts. Ready!?"
He waited until both nodded and then clapped once signalled the start.
Marcus moved with purpose.
He stabbed the air as Zephyr avoided the last second and locked his wrist, pulling it out the side and kicked the man ribs once before letting him go with a smile.
He laughed, amused as if he had to fight a child.
To his credit, the creep didn't lose his composure.
He took off his coat, lowered his centre of gravity, and waited for my husband to move.
He took off like an arrow.
Despite the cold and ice, he ran as if it was summer ground, sure footed losing none of his speed.
He closed the distance, and 5 feet away made the all too obvious front kick.
Marcus caught his leg locking it under his arm and elbowed him in the face, knocking him back.
He touched his mouth seeing the blood.
" Hahaha..."
He lifted the tense atmosphere with a good-natured laughter.
I bet some people thought he might break the rules after getting struck.
Despite the cold, he took off his jacket and did a few practice kicks as he measured his opponent height and if he could reach it.
Marcus looked happy as well. He laughed with the people and seemed more relaxed, warming himself, hopping around, showing great footwork.
Their white breaths were the only thing that indicated the cold around them.
They clashed this time, both arrived at he same time exchanging blows, Zephyr dodged his dagger and blocked his hits and kicks that were similar to his own kicks.
" It looks like they almost evenly matched.."
" You are wrong, young Lucian..Zeph indulging himself..he could finish this fight whenever. He pulls his punches...because it's fun."
Carlos smiled at the scene of two men expertly dodged deadly blows from one another.
With my limited training and ..well talent. I couldn't see what Carlos saw for me, and I guess the rest it looked even..until.
" Stop!..I yield. "
Marcus put up his hand signalling surrender.
My love looked disappointed for a second, but it changed to an appreciative smile.
He offered his hand in friendship. " That was great..but you held back, friend.."
Marcus smiled widely. " It's not disrespecting you, Lord, I assure you. It's more like self-preservation. As a wanderer, I can't afford to ..go all out in case you know.."
He nodded, understanding. " I took no offense. In fact, I enjoyed myself very much. Thank you, Marcus. "
" Those should be my words.. I suppose you blessing my might be... too much for the current me. Could I see it? Experience it? "
" Sure.."
He stepped beside him and put his hand on the mans shoulder.
" Don't panic no matter what happens and ..take a deep breath. "
Marcus followed and..
Everyone looked up, but saw nothing.
" Boy.. Big brother must've taken him to the clouds."
Lucian, with a bunch of others, scanned the night sky.
A few minutes later..
They arrived back, both covered in light snow.
We all rushed the laughing couple.
" Master, did you jump the sky? "
Zephyr shook his head to Manata question and pointed at the mountain. Formerly home to Emet.
" Lord Zephyr showed me the most wonderful animal Pen and mentioned it's heroic women's tale who built it."
We all smiled, knowing where they were.
I picked up his jack before the idiot climbed the mountain naked.. upside down or something.
" Ahh..my wife. How did I ever get so lucky."
I put his jacket around his shoulders and heated him and myself up with a few kisses.
" Good job, husband. "
He shrugged and signalled the crowds to follow us back the tavern.
" He will be a decent ally..or a fearful enemy. "
I looked behind him at the man surrounded by a dozen and still only watched Zephyr's back.. he saw my gaze and smiled kindly before turning to the others.
He was creepy..why those eyes shining with almost fanatical madness when looking at my husband?