" Hmm...what .. did..you.ahh.bought? "
It was hard to talk or speak legible with his kisses coming relentlessly.
He did stop abruptly and run downstairs, where he left the mysterious bag.
I drank some water and tried to guess. It was a large bag he carried, and he arrived back with a very happy Ciren.
He mentioned he loves those maid outfits.. but also enjoys seeing me in..
He came in and handed me the bag. He looked oddly excited even considering..
I shook my head and looked inside.
It was a long blue fabric with a white mid section. Covered everything.
It was odd ..it showed very little..an white head dress..it looked familiar.
" Zephyr..are you serious? "
He looked sideways and let the silence be his answer.
I looked back at what was clearly ..a lady of Emet..a nuns habit.
" Also..." - he leaned in and whispered some further instructions that made me embarrassed just thinking them.
" You're depraved!...I'll be right back."
I ran outside to make an entrance and used our one empty guest room to do it.
The fit was perfect..he know my body inside and out.
I looked at myself in the mirror..
I genuinely looked like a Lady of Ehlite.
The top of my hair was covered with the white hat, and everything else was covered neck to toe in blue and white.
It was warm and comfortable it even had the double circles signifying the moons. It was an authentic dress..
Where did he get it?
I walked in after preparing myself.
He was on the bed only in his pants. Devoured my figure and had a perverted smile.
" Khmm.." he cleared his throat.
I know already..
" My Lord? How m-may this humble servant of our God can..satisfy your needs tonight? "
" God is good.."
I broke character and laughed.
He stepped up and grabbed my ass as hard as the fabric allowed him.
" I didn't mean to offend you, Lormhpm.."
" But you had naughty lady.. how would your God punish such .." his pants dropped without a touch, and I got lifted a little. ".. an indiscretion, hmm? "
" I hope he will spare me..after all. " I took it by my hand and exhaled in his mouth. " I'm loyal servant..mercy? "
" God is good..."
Needless to say, God was indeed very, very good.
I was cleaning my dress... which after much difficulty. I managed to save from his grubby hands.
I liked it...
" How did you get your hands on it? " I turned to him still naked on the bed sweaty from our morning session. " I hope you didn't..
" Yep.. I stole it. "
Of course he did. Ehlite blessed the strangest of man.
" Get dressed.." I carefully hid his new fetish underneath some old clothes and put some fancy underwear on top as a bait if someone sniffs around.
" I can hear everyone downstairs."
I went down as a stronger, much dirtier woman than I did yesterday.
His ideas gave me some.. but those are summer things.. Hmm..
" Morning family. " I kissed my daughter and mother, who held her.
The tables were full of breakfast, and Carlos was busy teaching the boys how to cook breakfast his way.
" Oh!.. dear sister, please taste this before Zeph does.. will he enjoy it, you think?"
He stepped forward with two pieces of bread, which I ate quickly..
Hmm, it was just bread and cheese.
But, it was nicely melted and stringy, the outside toasted brown and crispy.
" It's wonderful..is it just bread and cheese? "
" What's in them..is just that. Butter lightly on the outside." he offered some to my mother who ate it with a smile seemingly not the first time. " ..just toast it in an iron pan and done. "
It was genius..Zephyr was right again. Also..
They looked closer...yesterday's walk must've had a positive effect.
Maybe just a few more steps.
My love finally came down the stairs, delighting the kids who quickly buried him.
" Dad, can we play? "
" Big brother, can we play? "
I loved these pictures of him buried unders kids looking happiest with his family.
So, of course, just then..
" Lylly?.. are you ever going to decide on his birthday? "
Lucian stupid and pointed question drew everyone's eyes on me. Some were accusing like his, surprised, amused..Ughh.
I am going to stab him later this afternoon.
" It's a valid question, Lylly .. November almost upon us. Then, the winter festival will take up most of December. The wall and the tavern..
" I got it, Jartok, now buzz off. "
I groaned and took a glance at him. See how he feels.
Obviously, nothing but smiles. It was silly..
Whatever day I choose will be..
" It should be the day we found Dad.."
Ilianna Astoria took exactly 1 second to decide.
He raised his eyebrows.
I was glad it was done. I nodded with an apologetic smile.
" Done.. July..umm? "
" 23rd.."
" July 23rd it is! Thank you, princess. "After my minimal help, the date was set.
I was depressed..until..
" I still get to decide your age, right? "
I stood up, startling everyone. " I'll promise I'll do it soon.. before our wedding . Maybe a little after!? "
" Done.. but be sensitive."
Hmm..well, is 17 too young or ..I mean, I am turning 21?..Ihavetime, Ihavetime..
" It should be soon enough to start planning it in earnest. " - my mother was speaking facts.
Another five weeks, and we're in spitting distance away.. I checked my ring, which never left my finger.
Maybe a dress in blue? Or some nice purple?
" Brother, who will you choose to be your best man ? "
It was a loaded question that drew all mans gazez, but it was really down to Carlos, Lucian, and the idiot who asked the question in the first place.
" I will... leaving this for later. I will inform you a few days before the event. "
He shrugged it off and left it for his future self to deal with that particular problem.
I sat back down, clutching my necklace and daydreaming.. a few weeks from the event, huh?
I can't wait.