"..Eleanor? "
She and Lucian looked embarrassed, but she nodded anyway and left to her room with a shy young man with a smile close behind her.
I took some water and joined my family.
Ciren from the looks stayed with her big brother, and Zephyr was tucking in our new six year old.
" Tell me princess...how was your party? "
She was playing with his blue locks and smiled happily. " It was perfect, Dad. Thank you for Dog. "
I knelt beside them and placed the cup full next to her table. She looked at me.
" Thanks, Mom. "
I gave her a big kiss. " You're welcome, my little princess. "
I felt a hand around my waist and rested on his shoulder, watching our daughter slowly falling asleep after an eventful day.
Her breathing soon became steady, and Zephyr extinguished the candlelight.
" What a day.. you worked hard, my love. "
We walked glued together into our room.
I pushed him on the bed and landed right on top of him.
" Me? No, no.. you were the busiest of us all. Running around all day back and forth..now, what can I do to thank you.."
I kissed his closed eyes and made my way down south.
Un buttoned his shirts and started on his pants. I forgot the jam in the cabinet..and our own water.
I kissed it and bit it a little, threw his pants away and quietly made my way down the kitchen, walked around the mess left, and gone to get some water.
I tiptoe back up and close the door.
" The trash is unbelievable..but, I guess that's what happe..Zephyr? Hey? "
He was strangely motionless, and only his chest moved.
He fell asleep before..well, I guess he was tired.
I put the water down on our table and lay next to him. He looked so peaceful in sleep.
No more furrowed eyebrows, no rapid eye movement.. His nightmares seemed to be a thing of the past.
I was glad.. but also a little annoyed.
I got back up and opened the drawer to find three jars of high-quality jam and opened one.
I sat down and enjoyed the rich, sweet taste.. I can't believe he fell asleep when I was about to suck him dry...
I looked back at his sleeping angelic face and then the jam...
The morning was chaotic.
We cleaned enough with Demelza and Eli to make it acceptable, and after some tea, we made various sandwiches and snacks.
With almost twenty people going, we needed plenty of food and drinks. Packing it all in baskets so they don't get damaged on their journey was a challenge.
It was early, but mother, granny, and Liz came over.
Liz agreed to watch Arnold in exchange for some of my underwear and a promise of future visits to the sea.
" I'm exhausted..and we haven't even begun the day." Demelza looked just as tired as the rest of us.
We worked all day yesterday and partying late into the night, then slept for maybe four hours.
I wholeheartedly agreed. " Let's wash up and wake the others, I'll go wake up, my..
The sounds of footsteps caught our attention.
People started trickling down the stairs. Carlos was first followed by my Zephyr carrying a satisfied, happy girl..
Ciren Em.
" Morning lovely ladies, I slept great. Not long, but a deep, deep sleep. "Carlos went and poured some still hot tea for himself and the two walking towards us.
Zephyr put Ciren on his knees and sat down.
She looked as if sleeping on his shoulder.
I reached over and caressed her hair. " How did that happen? "
" I woke up when they did. She didn't sleep much..by the way. " he leaned close with her and asked. " Me waking up ..sticky all over. What did you do? "
I returned to my tea. " What did you do? Falling asleep like that, insensitive... "
" Stop being coy with me.. you..
" Zeph, come, I finished the note last night. "
I was saved by Carlos.
Or so I thought. " We are not done here.."
" We are not done here... kiss me." my mocking of his voice was spot on, I wanted my reward.
He rolled his eyes but gave it anyway.
He handed Ciren to her brother in exchange for a small piece of letter.
Zephyr took it and opened it.
" Zeph that it privat...
" Shushhh you...we have no secrets. " he put his hand up and nodded along as he read it to himself, then looked up, disbelieving.
" Frumkin? "
Carlos blushed and tried to take it back, but with a little ten year old on his arms, it was a lost battle.
" T-those are private thoughts.." he saw a questioning gaze and relented. " Alright, fine. It's a nickname. You don't have one for Lylly? "
" Oh..yes, of course the new one is Licknite. "
I almost fell off the chair.
" I don't believe, I've heard that.. " Carlos was confused along with the rest, thank God.
He smiled and folded the letter, walking towards me. " I'm going ... kiss me. "
He waited with an annoying smile.
This time, I rolled my eyes but kissed him anyway.
" Alright people..I'm off. " he put on a shirt and walked towards the door. " The rest get dressed and pack everything needed.. Someone makes sure Alexander or Lucian tells the others where we be all day. "
He read the note again, giggled to himself, and closed the door.
We felt more than heard or saw him gone.
Carlos sat down and nudged Ciren awake.
She looked for Zephyr, realising the wrong brother was holding her. Being a smart girl, she understood without a word where he was and went back sleeping.
" Alright..Demelza, you go wake your husband the Emils and Eleanor wake mother, granny and your future, mother in law. "
I got up myself and made my way towards the doors. " I'll wake my kid and be back in a few minutes. "
Upstairs, I nudged a very reluctant girl awake and took her down in my arms to join Ciren, who woke up now fully and eating some eggs freshly made by Carlos.
Ilianna awoke up a little smelling something delicious and soon was munching and talking about the sea with her friend.
" Morning sweetheart, princess..and everyone. "
Mother walked in, looking very different.
She put on her new dress, I had to buy for her and a lovely comfortable pair of shoes, her necklace proudly hanging in the front and even her usual beautiful hair seemed even more radiant.
" M-morning, Seline." Carlos made and inviting hand gesture. " Please join me,..us before we head out. "
Mother ignores the rest of us and goes cooking with him.
She said..what she did yesterday, but Licknite was on to her.
She liked him for sure..
The future now felt even more troublesome and way more complicated.