Chereads / My Husband Son of God. / Chapter 18 - Chapter Eighteen.

Chapter 18 - Chapter Eighteen.

I got up laughing a little Zephyr rolling around in the grass.

" I'm here..!! "

I wanted to go back but noticed Zephyr still on the ground.

" Honey? Are you not coming?" - I leaned over him, looking up at the sky, tucked my hair behind my ears.

" I think...I'm gonna stay a little love. Maybe swim a little too, I don't know..." - he kept his eyes on the stars and adjusted his pants. " Go ahead, I'll join you when I'm flat..khm, I mean done."

I knelt back and kissed him while laughing at his pain. He was teased too much.

" Hurry back... I love you.. "

I was slipped out. But hell.. if this ain't love? Then, I don't want it.

" I love you."

His was intentional. He kissed me once more gently, but passionately, and I thanked Ehlite for sending him to me.


I walked home practically flying. I felt so light and airy.

He didn't hesitate.. he loves me!

What a day..

Walked in with everyone back, including Alexander and Demelza, who looked very relaxed. Hmm.. I bet, soon I might understand that look.

" And what makes you so happy? " - Demelza got up and walked closer.

I smiled like an idiot. I never, ever felt this happy.

I both wished mom didn't come interrupt us and been very grateful she did when thought about what came after. It was a complicated feeling.

" We had..the talk. We cleared the air. "

I got quickly buried by their hugs.

Everyone seemed to understand except for Lucian and Alexander.

" Where is Zephyr. Is he coming?" - Lucian twisted his neck, to see behind us.

" He will..just needs a minute. " - I let got the ladies and looked behind me. " Talk about needs..I'm thirsty. Does anyone want tea? "

I heard Zephyr coming in with heavy footsteps.

" Whoaa, little brother..did you fall in the river?"

He looked soaked.. he didn't even bother to take off his clothes. I can just imagine him dive, head first once I was out of earshot.

" It was voluntary." - he took a chair and sat with a loud sound, his pants slapping down, dripping water on the floor.

" What? "

" Nothing Alex..God.."

He looked at me with a satisfied smile. Ilianna ran up to him.

" You're went swimming, dad..."She touched his shirt and squeezed the water out.

" There is no fooling you princess.."

I turned back to the teapot before they saw my suspect smile. Granny came by my side.

" You seem like a brand new woman, sweetheart. Anything good happened?"

".. Everything good happened."

We spent the rest of the night laughing and talking about tomorrow.

We had three men from our family heading up there came morning.

But the conversation was light and we opened some wine to toast. Only noticed the time when Anna head started bobbing on the chair.

We each went to bed. It was late, and tomorrow, it's going to be an early morning and then a long, stressful day.

Zephyr pulled me closer once we were under the sheets.

I rustled around a little with my hips, but I just couldn't help it. He seemed so flustered before. It made me happy. He only showed that side to me.

" It's a dangerous game you played..stop before.. Wenot alone." - he stopped my waist with his hand.

" Hmmph.."

He quickly shut my down.. probably for the better. These walls are paper thin.


The next morning, I woke up before him.

It was rare, I slept in more often. Being spoiled is a dangerous thing. I kissed both him and Anna, then went to the kitchen.

Granny, Mother, and Demelza were already up.

" So..did you do it last night?" - my mother asked me, looking up from her cup.

I almost fell..

" Mother.. keep your voice down! "

" That sure didn't sound like a no to me.." - turned to the others and laughed with them.

I let them have their giggles before, I answered.

" Of course not. we couldn't.." - I turned to the pot and poured boiling water over the tea leaf and murmured the rest quietly. ".. Ilianna was there."

" Sweetheart, you could've just asked us to take care of her."

Actually I was thinking about it.

" Maybe you can.. tonight?" - I turned to Demelza and waited patiently.

I let their shocked expression roll off me. I wasn't ashamed or embarrassed.

" Aah.. after he returned alive from meeting the monster? Is that so?" - mother was quick on the uptake.

" Yes mother...I love him, and he loves me. There is no point waiting. "I picked up my cup and took a seat, still watching Demelza.

I felt quite an adult.

" If you want, I can loan you some underwear?" - she simply agreed without agreeing and offered her additional help.

" ..There's no need for that, but, maybe.. thank you, Dem."

Their Ooos and Ahhs woke up Ilianna, who walked straight into my arms and ate half my apple.

I spent time hearing about various first night tips.

I had to cover Anna ears. If she retells something to Zephyr..ouff he won't like his.. I mean our daughter to learn these things.. phrases.

Even granny joined in. My head hurt by the time Alexander woke up.

" Morning everyone. Should I wake Zephyr up?" - he kissed his wife and pointed at our room.

" You will do no such thing! It's early anyway."

I can't believe the village main idiot is gonna be my brother in law. My love, you could've chosen more carefully...

Soon, Eli woke up bringing little Arnold with her. Lucian with her mother arrived. My Zephyr was still sleeping. I was glad. He so rarely gets to just rest.

We spent most morning chatting about the mountain and eating.

It was almost 10 am when Zephyr came out of our room. He looked refreshed and happy.

I needed to set everything up by the time he came down that mountain.

" Morning all.. morning, my loves."

He leaned down and kissed me and our daughter.

" You ready, brother? This is our first sacrifice together. I'm gonna go and round up the stragglers." - he looked more amped up than usual. " Lucian, go find out if the herdsmen still got all our offerings."

" Alright. When are we heading up, Zeph?" - Lucian got up and asked before heading after Alexander.

" Once you both come back, we can go and take our time.."

" Don't take your time, stuid...make it as fast as humanly possible, obviously!! "

" you can clearly hear, Lucian, we gonna make it fast."

Good boy. He deserved a kiss.

In the next hour, I fed him breakfast, and I turned very clingy.

I didn't wanna let him go. I know why he is going and that he won't fight.

But still, why can't someone else do this asinine job?

" I'm gonna be okay, Lylly. Nothing can keep me from you two."

His words were sweet and reassuring. His touch delicate as if afraid to break me.

" If you not back by nightfall.."

" I love you, Lylly."

How can I possibly sound serious if he just launches these sneak attacks?

" I will say it back when you return to my arms..."

" Promise made a debt to be paid. Don't you forget it."

He played with my hair. It's one of my favourite things he does now. I felt comfortable and safe. I didn't wanna lose this feeling... after such a long wait.

He kissed me and pulled me close so hard I could feel every muscle on his body. I lost perception of time.. when we separated, he lifted Ilianna and hugged her tight.

She didn't really understand what was happening. Zephyr refused to tell her. I agreed, she was too young we could tell her when she is grown a little, maybe by then we have some our own..Hmmm..

I saw Demelza and Alexander in a similar position we were. Even my sister looked hesitant, letting go of Lucian. So did my friend Liz with her husband and a bunch of others.

I guess we all are more or less in the same shoes.

" My beauty's I'm leaving." - he looked sad but, his eyes focused. " I'll be safe and most I love you both."

Zephyr pulled us in for a quick goodbye hug and handed me our daughter.

" Alright then.. Let's go, everyone!! We have a long walk ahead. "

He said, "He gave a little hug goodbye to our family and led a party of 11 men and two dozen or so animals up on that cursed mountain.