Chereads / My Husband Son of God. / Chapter 9 - Chapter Nine.

Chapter 9 - Chapter Nine.

The next day, I woke up early to join my mother's routine. I needed her help.

" You wanna cook for Zephyr!!? " - she looked at me like I was an imposter pretending to be her daughter.

" For Ehlite's sake, please, shushhh."

I pushed the door close and listened for anything that sounds like someone waking up.

We had no means of privacy since the walls were so thin. And I knew for a fact Ilianna was a light sleeper and if she up, then he is up. It sounded quite for her to be awake.

I took my mother further away until I felt it was safe.

" Yes, I want to cook something delicious for him. I can't have him giving other women pet names.."

" Sweetheart, you lost me."

" It doesn't matter mom..just help me, please?" - I shook my head, my wild black hair swinging around.

My mother looked radiant, beaming like the sun.

" Who would've taught? My Lylly will one day ask me for cooking lessons for a man. " - she rested her hand on her cheek and gave me a proud smile. " Of course, I'll help you. I mean... might as well help you too..."

She finished in such an obnoxiously obvious singing tone. I knew there was more to this.

" Mother, please.. it's very early." - I was so tired also it was very early for this kind of hijinks.

" Oh, you're no fun.. it's your sister! She asked me something similar for that Lucian boy! "

That made me smile. She is finally pushing for it.

She and Lucian have been playing together since toddlers. For me, at least, it was a long time coming.

I guess she won't be missing this year winter festival, huh? If that fool hurts her ,I'll bury him myself before I cut off all his pride... his hair.

My mother took both my hands and looked on a verge of tears.

" I can't believe that something, I yearned for so long, is finally happening. Both my girls are taking the leap together. " - she pulled me close and squeezed me hard.

" Our family is expanded so much already. I'm so happy, sweetheart."

I couldn't help but tear up a little too.

Seeing her so happy.. I just wished Father could be here. See that we turned out okay.

" Alright, enough tears.." - she pulled away and wiped her tears away, laughing. " Let's cook something for your future chosen one."


We went to Lucian mother house next to ours.

I didn't want Zephyr to know that at twenty years of age, I couldn't cook a simple soup.

His mother, Miranda Mordin,was a kind lady.. slightly round. She wasn't fat at all, just short.

I always felt awkward because of the big height difference. It was like talking to a little girl sometimes, specifically when she is angry and people can't take her seriously.

" Cooking for Zephyr? I would love to help. " - she looked happy considering we woke her up, and we still heard her son snoring in the other room. " My Lucian, respect him greatly he said he learned a lot from him."

It was true. Lately, he looked more sure of himself, and Zephyr martial art paired well with his longer than average legs.

I was glad too because Zephyr seemed to like him.

" Well, yes, thank you for your help. Now, any ideas?" - our pantry like everyone else's this time a year was must've look empty.

" I mean.. I know meat is a bit of stretch, considering the sacrifice is in a few days. I just want something tasty. He hadn't eaten yet."

My mother looked at me confused, and even Lucian mother seemed baffled by something I said.

" Lylly, did you not know about Zephyr work?"

" What work?"

" All those people he is training? You know they pay him, right? " - she sat down the table and joined Miranda. " The poor dear gives almost all of it to me or your granny. I tried to refuse, but he seemed so offended by it. I had to take it."

All those people paid him? That's like 20 or almost 30 bronze coins a week.

It more money than I personally ever held in my hands. And he just gives it to us?...

We have money?

" I thought you knew sweetheart. " - she shrugged at my surprised expression and kept sipping her hot tea. " Haven't you noticed on our own food? Either way, we can cook almost whatever we like."

Now, I just felt stupid.

I was so preoccupied I didn't remember what foods I eat for ... too long. I felt my elbow pinched looking down at Lucian mother.

" Yes, Mrs Mordin?"

" You have got yourself a good-looking man who is also strong and earns a lot of coin. " - she had a smile that didn't match her appearance somehow.

"...Very, very lucky. If he is also good in bed, then he's a godsend. Also I'd prefer if you called me Miranda please. "

If not for being necessary for our future, I would leave. I was so embarrassed. But I need to learn how to cook at the very least.

I also wanted to ask him for a favour later once the sacrifice is done and over with. Something he already turned down a few times in the past week alone.

I wanted him to train me with his martial arts and with weapons.

He said not cause he didn't wanna hurt me, and he kind of had to. Unless I wanna join Ilianna when she is training with him. But with him going up that stupid mountain. Maybe I can guilt him into it once he returned.

I spent most of the morning miming my mother and Miranda's movement.

It was a devastating failure.

My mother consoled me, saying most new cooks burn or undercook things all the time. Miranda just told me I'm lucky he will make enough coin so we can pay for food made by others.

I walked away depressed and ashamed.

Mother promised to make something nice for the afternoon, and she could take it to him. Today was the day we headed to Malai City with a group of others.

I haven't decided to go but Mother knew me too well. I wanted to, but I'll have responsibilities now that it can't be helped.

I went back inside our own home, found granny, and Eli watched Zephyr feeding Ilianna with some eggs.

Looking at them, I remade my resolve to learn how to cook at least edible food.

" Morning all." - I walked in with a neutral expression.

" You up this early would be surprising enough, but I also woke alone, meaning you must be up for a while. "My little sister was quick to bring up things she shouldn't. " What was so important?"

" It's things, little kids could never understand, you certainly wouldn't." - I walked inside and to the kitchen table with a classic but effective barb.

My sister fuming and made myself a plate.

Looking around was shocked. How could I not notice we had more money ?

Look at all this food !

Eggs, fresh fruit, and bread we had cheese and sausage as well. I felt like I I been sleep walking.

" You coming with us to the city or not? It's your last chance."

I wanted to quickly tell Eli no, but I wanted to go like I always did.

That would also mean I couldn't watch Ilianna two days and would inconvenience Zephyr.

I checked in his direction while pretending to think.

He noticed my gaze, and in three seconds, he understood my line of thinking.

" Please go. Lady Vistellia told me how much you are looking forward to it. I'll bring Anna with me and have Dem look after her. " - he seemed amused about my stress.

" Ironically, she's been much better with her now than when they lived under the same roof."

Yes, that was ironic. It's very ironic also...

Dem,Dem,.. Dem!!

Why is it irritating me so much?? She not only married, but Zephyr also never showed any interest in her or anyone...he better not but, still I couldn't help it.

" I see.. I hope you have fun with Dem. In that case I will go." - I turned away to hide my anger, but it was pointless.

He looked amused, detecting my change of tone. So did Anna on his lap. Granny and Eli, on the other hand, were nothing but knowing smiles.

" We be back in 2 days. Do you need something from Malai? " - did a hasty attempt to change the subject. " Or for you Ilianna, maybe?"

" We gave our lists already to Dem... I mean..Eleanor."

He basically shook from his repressed laughter.

Anna looked at me with a little pity, and the house echoed from my mother and Eleanor cackling like witches.