The current life expectancy worldwide is 73.33 years. It is said that the oldest recorded person to live till the age of 122 years and 164 days. It is said that some people have lived for more than 170 years old but because of no proper documents available in the past, it has never been confirmed.
If it is assumed that some people have lived for more than 170 years is correct, it means that humans have the potential to live for 170 or more years. So the question is that the lifespan of about 100 years is being wasted as the average lifespan of human worldwide is 73.33 years. Is it possible to reduce the wastage of human lifespan.
Based on my observation of current technologies and science if we applied some theories in real life, I think we can increase life spectancy between 110 to 150 years worldwide, which I am going to explain how the theory work though later chapters.