Stage 1: Increasing lifespan by 50 years to 100 years or more.
This theory of mine is developed based on observation of how the world works and what's happening in the world. The observation is as follows:
Observation number one: if a person have a vehicle, for it to work longer the person does something called servicing. The servicing includes charging the oil of the machine. The oil have to be changed because it carries too much waste such as dust so it can block the engine if not changed. When servicing, it is also important to change the filters of the machine. Filters are devices that help purify the machine from wastage so it is nessary to change it from time to time as it accumulates waste, the vehicle will work properly. So if servicing is not done the lifespan of machines reduces.
So you maybe thinking that how can servicing of vehicles help increase human lifespan. Now, I am going to talk about an animal that does something almost same as servicing to its body to increase its lifespan in the next chapter.