Chereads / hjihghhhhh / Chapter 151 - Chapter 11 | Operation Weredog part 2

Chapter 151 - Chapter 11 | Operation Weredog part 2

Numbuhs 3/Kuki and 5/Abigail

Nothing out the ordinary was seen by the two KND operatives, as they spied on Tanya with the temporary base's camera and monitor; they watched as Tanya had gone into the kitchen and grabbed herself a cup of water, before a pink dog walked out into the room for Tanya to kneel down an pet.

"Daaaaw" Kuki palmed her sleeve covered hands together as she spoke in a cutesy tone, "Look at that shnookems Poochie!" She said while she and Abigail watched the evil girl pet the pink dog.

Abigail withheld the urge to roll her eyes at Kuki's behavior, but she did have to admit that the dog was cute. "Wait!" Abigail said as she pointed at the screen, "Numbuh 5 sees something!" she alerted her fellow operative.

"Huh?" Kuki questioned as she watched the scene unfold, a large yellow haired poodle was followed into the kitchen by other ones, all of which stood on their hind legs, with the yellow haired one speaking to Tanya. "Big dogs!"

"No, those are weredogs!" Abigail corrected her friend, expressing shock as well. She's heard of this sort of thing in the KND archives, but she didn't want to believe they existed near them.

They were supposed to be based in Romania or someplace near there in Europe, she couldn't remember at the moment.

Kuki looked to her friend with worry as Tanya began defending herself with a rolling pin against the weredogs, "What should we do?" she asked, uncertain of the situation now.

Abigail shook her head, and spoke, "Numbuh 5's not going down there, this is supposed to be simple spy mission not a-"

Before Abigail could continue her sentence any further, however, the entire temporary base structure was pushed by an inexplicable force along with the presence of a loud growl. "Wooaah!" "WaaaaH!" Both Abigail and Kuki yelled together as they fell out of their base and rolled out of it once it crashed onto the ground.

Both girls groaned as they picked themselves up, and rubbed their heads as they turned to where their temporary base of operations was; both operative's expressions were of surprise and shock at what stood beside the tree.

Standing beside the tree, with her weredog handpaw palmed up against it, was another female looking weredog poodle stood with a menacing gaze; the weredog's hair matched the one inside, leading the other weredogs towards Tanya, yellow and curly.

The weredog stood on her hind legs while glaring down at the two girls, "I think it's time, two naughty girls ceased their spying, perhaps bring them into the pack as well!" A deep feminine voice left the maw of the large weredog.

The weredog clawed her nails through the bark of the tree, and prowled towards Kuki and Abigail; the two KND operatives quickly picked themselves up and steadily walked back defensively as the large weredog grinned menacingly at them.

"Valerie's mom!?" Abigail said aloud, putting the pieces together, this was far beyond what she thought this mission would entail, "Then wait, those dogs inside!" she cried out in shock.

Valerie's mom chuckled at the two operatives as they continued to back away, "It was only a matter of time for this secret to come out, but now the weredog is out of the kennel, I'm sure my sweet little Valerie will enjoy more friends among the others!" she howled, before lunging at the two girls with her claws out.

"Run!" Abigail shouted as both she and Kuki dodge to the sides opposite of each other, while Valerie's mom missed them and crashed into the fence, sending bits of wood and splinters flying.

The two KND operatives quickly ran off to escape the backyard, while Valerie's mom picked herself up and shook her herself to rid the wood chips out of her fur; she howled into the air, before chasing after the two, "No one escapes tonight! All will succumb to the Honor Roll Pack and earn good grades!" she growled out loud.


While Valerie's dog scurried off, Tanya kept a hold on the rolling pin as Valerie and the other girls, who were now weredog, stalked towards her, "Valerie…while I appreciate the offer…I have to refuse…" Tanya answered her friend's request to join her and the others as a weredog.

As the other girls filed into the kitchen to block off the exit through them, leaving only the back door available, Valerie's maw smirked as she prowled towards Tanya, "Unfortunately, for you Tanya, the queen demands you join us. Your homework is par excellent, leagues above the taste of any other homework we have ever eaten."

Tanya's eyes narrowed at her friend, keeping herself defensive, "Excuse me?" she asked, expressing disbelief of the old 'my dog ate my homework' shtick made into reality with weredogs.

While Valerie prowled further forward to press Tanya back further towards the doorway with a small dog door in it, the other girls encircled around to leave nowhere for Tanya to run save for through the back door. "But don't worry, it's not like the lycanthropy is uncontrollable! It will be great! You and I, we can share this together!" she expressed with her paw out, and quickly changed back into her human form.

"See!" Valerie offered, holding her hand out for Tanya to take for her to join her, "The honor roll society needs you Tanya, The Queen will be greatly pleased to have you among our ranks!" she explained with a bit of a dangerous grin, while expressing hope in her eyes, while the rest of the girls in their weredog forms expressed toothy grins.

Realistically, there was no reason for her to join such a thing, it provided no benefits besides the fact that the form perhaps provides extra strength and reflexes, if that; Tanya shook her head as she backed away more, "No. I'm sorry, Valerie, but the offer is nice, and it was kind of you to want to share this gift of yours, but I politely decline." she answered,

Valiere sighed, but was not depressed by Tanya's choice of word, and curled her fingers in to form a fist; with a downcast expression and closed eyes, she shook her head, "I was hoping this wouldn't have to be this way." she said, before opening her eyes that now shown eye completely fangs grew out from the corner of her mouth, before her entire form changed back into her weredog form with her fists still clenched, "I'm really sorry, Tanya, but the queen demands your attendance into the pack!" she howled, causing the other girls to howl as well.

From outside the backyard, the door to the kitchen shattered into bits from Valerie crashing into it, with Tanya having ducked in time before her friend could get her claws into her; while Valerie was picking herself up from off the trashed back door, Tanya in the meanwhile was able to exit out into the backyard for more room as the other weredog girls ran out at her passed Valerie.

"Of all the times to not have drunken coffee…at night!" Tanya scolded herself, she mostly drank coffee in the morning and in the evening, but at night; she wasn't like those sort of people that went to sleep easily after drinking a cup of coffee, the caffeine in the stuff woke her more than put her to sleep.

Muffy, in her weredog form, was the first to reach Tanya as she herself turned around to face the incoming weredogs with just a rolling pin; Muffy howled as she leapt at Tanya, aiming to wrap her arms around Tanya and put her into a hold.

Tanya backflipped out of the way, and retaliated with a loud crack of wood over Muffy's head after she attempted to capture her; Muffy was sent sprawling into the ground while the other girls were already upon Tanya with claws out.

Jumping up into the air to bound over the head of Collei's head, and then over Stacy's, Tanya then had to swing her choice of weapon into Lucy's weredog face as she jumped off from Stacy's back; another loud crack of wood echoed as Tanya whacked Lucy in the head, before vaulting over her as well and landed safely on the ground.

As Tanya stood up showing no worse for wear, she frowned and saw that the rolling pin was now broken in half. "Don't fight it, Tanya!" Valerie's deep feminine voice said, bringing Tanya's attention over to the form of Valerie stomping over the door she crashed through; her friend smirked at the state of affairs Tanya was in with nothing to use but her fists. "It just takes one scratch or bite, and it'll be all over. Better than a doctor's visit to get a booster shot!" she reasoned.

While Tanya kept herself in a defensive stance, ready to dodge and use every maneuver she knew of to keep the aforementioned claws and teeth from ever touching her, she expressed a stern look at her friend Valerie while the other girls began picking themselves up from the brief attempts to capture Tanya and infect her. "My answer remains the same, Valerie, now cease this at once. This doesn't have to get more physical!" she demanded.

She would have to get more serious with these girls now, since a mere scratch or bite could infect her.

Not a second sooner, all the weredog girls leapt upon Tanya, with Valerie howling aloud, "Then we'll do this by force!"

Numbuhs 3/Kuki and 5/Abigail

From out of the backyard and to the front, Abigail and Kuki had made a run for it, with Valerie's mom hot on their trails; as the two ran out into the street, Abigail pulled out from her pocket her gadgetphone, a flip phone with added gadgets installed into it, but for now, she needed to call her base.

"It's no use running, I can keep this up all night!" Valerie's mom howled with delight in her tone, using her front hand to run on all fours, "By tomorrow, I'll make sure the queen has more members of the pack!" she added with another howl.

Undeterred to run from the weredog woman, Abigail and Kuki continued to run as fast as their legs could take them; in the meanwhile, Abigail phoned in numbers to the base, before she brought it to her ear. "Come on, come on, pick up the dang phone!" she said, worry written all over her face.

They didn't bring any 2x4 weapons, as this was supposed to be a reconnaissance spy mission, not a combat one!

A dial tone was all that greeted Abigail, followed by the voicemail of Numbuh 1, "Sorry, operative, whoever is calling, but Sector V is out, please call another one at-"

Abigail harshly slammed her flip phone shut and cursed their luck, "What in the busted gumballs would the boys be doing at this time of night to answer the phone!" she asked.

"Mhhm, I don't know?" Kuki carelessly answered with a little pep in her tone while shrugging, before reverting to screaming in fright with her arms thrown up, "aaaah!"


Numbuhs 1/Nigel 2/Hoagie 4/Wallabee

Having the girls gone for the night, and nothing else to do but stick around the base, Hoagie had suggested they sneak out to the 24/7 hour open arcade; presently, the three boys were playing in a racing game with the seats, pedals and all that made the game feel realistic.

"Hah!" Wallabee taunted his friends as he won the race, "That's two wins for me!" he cheered.

Hoagie, who sat on the other end of Nigel who sat at the center of them, spoke up with a curious tone, "Hey, what do you think the girls were seeing at that slumber party?" he asked.

"Pft." Wallabee shrugged and blew a raspberry, before answering his friend with a roll of his eyes, "Probably just spying on some girly lame costume party or whateva they do at girl slumber parties." he answered.

Hoagie chuckled, and agreed while saying, "Yeah, and painting nails!" he added.

Nigel spoke as he inserted another token into his machine, "Well, regardless of what you two think-" He began saying, while his racing arcade game announced "Player one has entered the race", Nigel began selecting his car of choice while speaking, "It's prudent we leave the mission to the girls, who knows what that evil Tanya may be up to at that slumber party." he explained, earning nods from his teammates.

Back with Kuki and Abigail

"Up ahead, at the corner of the street!" Abigail pointed with her finger, Valerie's mom very nearly catching up to them now by a hair's breath; what she pointed at, was a pile of bushes, but not just any pile of bushes…

"Follow my lead!" Abigail shouted, before she dove into the bushes, along with Kuki.

Valerie's mom on the other hand cackled with glee as she reached the bushes the girls dove into, and stood over the shrubbery, "It's cute you think this stuff can protect you!" she growled, before swiping her claws at the bush to remove it from her sight and uncover the two girls from their 'hiding' spot.

"Huh!" The grown weredog woman was now bewildered to see a metal hole was beneath the bushes the whole time, and it was where the two girls escaped down into, "...Hey, since when did Miss Kimley let some brats dig this hole!?" She asked out of the blue.

Without answering her question, but making their appearance be known, Valerie's mom's attention was brought behind her as the ground shook from that direction; she turned and witnessed the ground open up, and from out under the ground, emerged a mech.

Made with two backhoe for arms and hands, bulldozer treads for legs, and a body made out from a van with the two girls seated in the front, Valerie's mom glared at the children, "...Oh you have got to be kiddin-" she was interrupted just as soon as the mech was controlled to spin around and smack the woman off across the road and into a tree.

Both Abigail and Kuki cheered inside the cockpit of the mech, with Abigail speaking up, "I'd like to see her get up from that!" she contested.

Kuki however looked over where Valerie's mom was, and noted she was getting up already with a grunt while shaking her head in annoyance, "Um, she's actually getting up from that!" she answered her friend.

Abigail smirked though, and controlled the mech to begin rolling towards the weredog, "That's fine, more metal claws of our own, coming up!" she said aloud, while controlling the mech to curl its backhoes up to shine its own backhoe claws under the streetlights of the night.

Valerie's mom snarled as she narrowed her eyes, before smirking. "Allow me to call the rest of the pack!" she announced, before howling into the night sky; shortly after Valerie's mom howled into the night sky, more howls echoed back to her.

"Uh, Numbuh 5, I don't think we can take on that many weredogs…" Kuki warned with a worried look on her faces, Abigail herself expressed some worry but furrowed her brow in a show of courage, "Who cares, I'll take them all on with this thing! Bring it furballs!" she shouted.

From out of the darkness of the night, numerous red eyes glowed, before a familiar face to the two girls showed up, expressing her disappointment towards Valerie's mom as she walked up from behind her and stood beside her with her arms crossed. "Miss Grey, what is the meaning of calling the pack out this late at night!" the woman demanded, while Miss Grey, Valerie's mom shirked back from the woman.

"Oh, um, apologize, Miss Thompson…um…you see, the thing is…" Miss Grey poked her claws at each other with a nervous expression, all the while, more weredogs emerged out into the spotlights of the street.

Both Kuki and Abigail looked on with shock and surprise as they saw Miss Thompson, "Wait, what's going on!" Abigail asked her teacher.

Miss Thomas looked over at Abigail, and made a stern look, "You would have found out about us eventually, but I guess now is better than later." she shook her head while planting her hands against her hips.

Kuki asked next with a confused look, "What do you mean, Miss Thompson?" she asked, before suddenly pointing out the weredog next to her, "Wait, look out, you have a weredog next to you, miss Thompson!" she warned, earning an awkward silence among everyone.

Miss Thompson gave Kuki a raised eyebrow, before switching her focus back to Abigail, "Well, regardless, I guess we'll be having two new weredog in the pack." she shook her hand in annoyance, before smirking as she began shifting her form into her own weredog form.

Kuki covered her mouth in shock as she witnessed the teacher transform, and gasped, "Miss Thompson is a weredog!" she yelled in shock, earning another deadpan glance from her friend Abigail.

Miss Thompson on the other hand smirked as she stood beside Miss Grey in all her weredog form, "More than that, I am the Queen!"

Miss Grey spoke up while the other weredogs began encircling around the mech machine, intending on overwhelming the girls with sheer numbers, "My daughter is also having her friend Weber be part of the pack." she added, earning a brimming smile from Miss Thompson.

"Perfect! She's the best student to have among my pack of honor roll society students!" Miss Thompson said, her voice deep and menacing, before howling with Miss Grey following suit.

Meanwhile, Kuki was doing her best to help her teammate in firing of the spicelaser guns seated atop the roof of the mech, while Abigail was working to maneuver the 2x4 tech mech in swatting aside as many weredogs as she could as they leapt in packs. "Keep fire, Numbuh 3, we can't stop!" she yelled with worry.

"I'm trying, Numbuh 5!" She responded, while furiously thumbing the firing buttons on her gun seat controls, "There's too many of them!" she added, right as a few weredogs leapt and landed on the hood of the mech, expressing smirks at the two kids.


Crashing through one of the back windows of the house, and into the kitchen, Tanya held a piece of the door to block another one of those claw swipes from the weredogs. 'This is such bullcrap! And I don't have any coffee near me!" Sure, she was capable enough to fight hands to hands with most, but the pressure was thick in this fight.

After Tanya had crashed through the kitchen window, her body had landed on the island countertop before falling off the other side to the floor; outside in the backyard, three out of five weredogs had their lights knocked out by Tanya. The entire fight had involved using a range of weapons from picking up a shovel to bash one of them over the head with, to using a garden hose to capture one by the leg and swing the weredog into the tree in the backyard with a harsh crash.

The last weredog she had been able to knock out of commission was Collei, by using the swingset; the girl had chased Tanya into the swingset, allowing Tanya to use the swings to her advantage by getting her all caught up in the chains, before roundhouse kicking her in the head.

The hard part of course was getting them to split up, but she eventually wilted down their numbers to just two, Stacey and Valerie.

What had caused Tanya to be launched through the back window of the kitchen, was her needing to quickly act by picking up one of the broken door pieces and defending herself from Valerie; her 'friend' had landed behind her and made for a clawed swipe at her, only for Tanya to quickly turn around while defending herself with the piece of wood.

And now, she was picking herself up from the floor, feeling some aches and pains, but nothing serious as she stood up on her own without assistance; Tanya quickly looked around, to find something to use as another weapon, else the two girls still outside would manage to gain a scratch on her.

"Looking for something, Tanya?" Valerie's voice alerts her to her 'friend's' presence from around the island counter, saying her name in a teasing way, "I can tell you can't keep this up forever, and besides, I'll just call for backup! Afterall, the queen wants you in the pack! She'll be glad to have the best student among her weredogs!" she explained, giving Tanya a toothy grin.

From above the island countertop, Collei stood with waving fur hair that began to swim in the air, "Enough talking, Valerie, I grow tired of this!" she announced, while static began to emit from her fur, as she wasn't called Staticky Stacy for nothing amongst her peers.

Tanya began backing away, cursing more of her luck that one of them had more supernatural powers than simply being a weredog, "Valerie, you strike me, and you can call our friendship good bye!" she hissed, finally making Valerie pause in prowling towards her.

Expressing a bit of a hurt look on her weredog face, Valerie stood still, "I…but…no…" she shook her head and reverted back to her human form to hold out her human hand towards Tanya, "Look, Tanya, I…just wanted you to join us! I mean, sure, Miss Thompson will be wanting you in the pack, but I don't want to ruin our friendship over this!" she reasoned with a cautious look.

Collei growled, and grunted as she reverted back to her human form as well, "Rrrgh…The queen won't like this, Valerie." she warned with narrowed eyes as she sat atop the kitchen island counter.

She wanted to be almost surprised…and she was at that tidbit of information, "Wait…Miss Thompson is what!" she asked aloud, earning nervous looks from both girls.

Collei shook her head, while Vallerie rubbed the back of her head, "Whoops…that slipped from the tongue…" Valerie chuckled nervously.

While Tanya kept an eye on the two, keeping ready to make a run for it if worse came to worse, Valerie looked back over at her friend Collei, "Look, this night was supposed to be something special!" she explained, before looking back at Tanya with an apologetic look, "I mean, it was only going to be a scratch, that's all." she tried to reason more with Tanya. "You know, finally have you among the real honor roll society!"

Giving her friend a look of disapproval, Tanya frowned at Valerie, "Valerie, you and the others were more violent than simply trying to scratch me!" she pointed out, disappointed that her friend was discounting the entire fight she had with the girls.

Collei on the other hand expressed amusement at Tanya, "Well, I gotta say, you handle yourself pretty good on your own. You'd have made a good weredog if you did or do join us." she applauded with a smirk.

At that, Valerie giggled warmly while giving Tanya her attention, "Yeah, you really kicked our butts out there! I mean, I saw you defend the bus against that teenager earlier this week, I'm surprised you're not in that stupid KND by now!" she added.

The tense atmosphere was beginning to disappear to a more peaceful one, now that she could get her friend to see more reason. If she wanted to be a weredog, it would have been by choice, not force! "I'm afraid that option has long since sailed for me." Tanya said, and shook her head with a smirk.

"And now that ship has sailed into my territory." Miss Thomson's voice was heard by Tanya behind her, making her whirl around , only for Miss Thomson to quickly pick her up by the back of her shirt, "Sorry, Tanya, but I'm afraid this is where things end for you as a normal human." she announced with a stern expression.

Tanya yelled back at the teacher with a furious look on her face, "Let me down now!" she demanded, while from the back door, walked in Valerie's mom while carrying under her arms Abigail and Kuki.

Tanya desperately tried to slip out from out of her shirt to give her Teacher the slip, but she found no purchase in getting her arms up appropriately; she did wear a tank top under her pajama shirt afterall, so at least she'd keep her modesty.

While Tanya continued to try and squirm from out of Miss Thompson's grip, more weredogs and poodles emerged into view of the windows and doorways of the house, showing she was practically surrounded, "I'll keep quiet about this, just leave me out of this!" she hissed in anger at her teacher while reaching up to claw at the teacher's hand with her fingers nails.

Miss Thompson however rolled her eyes at the dramatic behavior of her student, and allowed her hand to morph into a weredog hand with a nail out, all the while Valerie looked on with an apologetic look as she watched her friend get scratched by Miss Thompson.