Valerie's House
With a seething look on her face, Tanya lifted her legs up to wrap them around Miss Thompson's arm that still had its hand gripping on her shirt, and screamed, "I refuse!" Tanya shouted with fury in her eyes, and pulled herself out from her teacher's grip, while ripping part of her pajama shirt off; Before she jumped off from Miss Thompson, she kicked her foot out at her face and used her teacher's face as a spring board to jump away from her.
As Tanya landed atop the kitchen table, now with an askew pajama top that was ripped and showing her white tank top underneath it, "You will keep your claws away from me, I have no need nor want to be part of your pack!" she hissed in anger, suddenly feeling a bit under the weather all of the sudden.
Miss Thompson however smirked as she tossed aside the piece of fabric Tanya had ripped from her pajama shirt to escape her teacher's grasp, "I'm really sorry, Tanya, but the pack must grow." she smiled while lifting her morphed hand up to show her claw, "Unfortunately for you, my good student, I've already nicked you." she added, smirking proudly.
Seething at the Teacher, Tanya's eyes trailed down where she felt a particular itch on her arm, and found that indeed, Miss Thompson had been able to scratch her during her escape attempt of the teacher's grasp.
Miss Thompson smiled demurely while clasping her hands together as her hand reverted back to normal, "Welcome the pac-" Her sentence was suddenly cut off, as a furred foot was immediately planted into her jaw, bone crunching before finally the force of the kicked finally came into full effect as Miss Thompson was sent flying back past Miss Grey, and out the doorway.
While the teacher's own body soared through the air until her body impacted the backyard tree, making it cave in and crack from the force of the impact and fall over Miss Thompson's body, Tanya herself landed with a half transformation underway from the waist down; before Valerie, Stacy, much less Valerie's mom, Miss Grey, could do anything, Tanya used her new canine legs to jettison herself forward out through the door to sprint out the door to attack Miss Thompson some more.
"....woah…" Valerie spoke, surprised that Tanya was able to control herself so soon.
Stacey looked at her friend with a concerned look, "Should…who should we help?" she asked, uncertain of the situation now. They were under no control of Miss Thompson, just the instinct to do as she said, especially since she was their teacher and was in charge of grading their school work.
Valerie's mother on the other hand growled at her child and friend, "You dare question to help the queen, I should ground you for that!" she stomped forward towards the two girls, who were now making second thoughts on their allegiance to the Weredog Queen.
Valerie glared back at her mother while said mother changed into her weredog form, "No, no more mom. If Tanya can fight back, then so can we! No more eating someone's homework!" she yelled petulantly with her fists clenched. The homework always tasted great at first, but then the aftertaste would come back into her mouth later into the day.
Valerie continued to talk as she morphed into her weredog form, giving her mother a glare all the while, "I don't want to lose Tanya as a friend, and this whole affair probably pushed her away! I have to make this right!"
Stacy morphed into her weredog form along with Valerie, as the two challenged the parent of Valerie with angered looks, "I'm going to have to side with Valerie, on this one!" she began speaking with a growl. "Eating homework was great, but it's been getting disgusting! The ink and graphite stains my teeth!" she howled, as the two girls began circling around Miss Grey.
Outside the house, Tanya's morphing weredog form that was working its way up, was in the air as she had bounded onto the back patio, and jumped again towards the fallen tree that Miss Thompson had crashed into.
From under the tree, the large weredog form of Miss Thompson emerged as she pushed the entire tree that was on her, and growled angrily, "upstart little bra-" She was cut off once again as Tanya's weredog foot was planted again, this time into her canine mouth, "KURK!" Spittle flew out from the teacher's mouth as Tanya had kicked her.
The force of the kick, again, sent Miss Thomson flying back, this time into the far off wooden fence in the back; Tanya's teacher's body rolled through the air as she was sent flying towards the fence, with a loud crack of wood, the teacher's weredog body crashed and splintered through the wooden fence and bounced along the ground, causing some small trenches to be dug by the teachers body.
After finally coming to a complete halt once Miss Thompson's body smacked up against the house on the other end of the fence, the weredog teacher shook her head and growled as she quickly picked herself up, "Enough, I will have obed-" she again interrupted as the full weredog form of Tanya landed from out of the air, and jumped to roundhouse kick her in the shoulder to crash into the nearby grill.
The German shepherd looking weredog that was Tanya, was seething mad as she bounded over at Miss Thompson, who was now picking herself out from the pieces of grill she crashed into and broke apart.
With her clawed hand, Tanya growled as she yanked Miss Thompson up by the scuff of her neck, and began to punch her fist into the back of her teacher's head, "I said, I refuse this, change it back, now!" She demanded, her eyes red and full of hate towards her teacher. "Tell me how to change it back!" she yelled while stopping her punches and pulled her teacher up by the shoulders and tossed her into the back window of the house nearby.
With a loud crash, Miss Thompson's body landed into a living room with its Television on, Through the broken window, Tanya hopped through the opening to get her teacher to reverse this situation on her. "You will change this, now, how do I fix this!?" she demanded, while Miss Thompson picked herself up off the floor to glare back at Tanya, before giving a bright happy smile.
"Oh, that's simple, you just have to remove my necklace from me!" Miss Thompson cheerfully answered her best student, before realizing what she did, "I probably shouldn't have told you that…" she added on saying with a nervous expression.
"RRRGGG!" Tanya growled, and charge tackled Miss Thompson out of the Living room of the unknown house they intruded in on, and out the front door.
While the fight between the two canines dragged on out, sitting on the couch of the living room and having seen the entire thing, was Mister Wink and Mister Fibb; both men remained quietly astonished before Mr. Fibb spoke first, "Soo? We are insured for our window, right mister Wink?" the man with buffalo horns sticking out from the tuft of his hair asked.
Mr. Wink, the walrus face looking man, turned his head to look up at his friend, "Indeed, mister Fibb…" he answered.
As a few more seconds of silence pass between the two, save for the television playing their show, Mr. Wink spoke again, "This has been a first" as he looked at the glass shards on the floor. "It's usually those KND brats that crash into our home…" he remarked, commenting on his fascination with the event that just transpired.
Mr. Wink nodded, "Quite so, I haven't seen weredogs since we were in grade school." he replied back nostalgically, before the two men became silent to watch their television.
Numbuhs 3/Kuki and 5/Abigail
"Ooh…my head…" Abigail groaned in pain as she held her head while picking herself up from the floor she was on, and looked around before instantly seeing two weredogs fight a bigger one all over the kitchen Abigail found herself situated in. "Uh…"
The last thing she remembered was getting scratched by one of those weredogs, and that Miss Thompson was the Queen of them all; while the two weredogs were still busy with the large one, Abigail looked over and saw that Kuki was starting to come to as well.
"Hey, wake up, hurry!" Abigail shook Kuki by the shoulder, who murmured about feeling sleepy, before opening her eyes a tad bit and picked herself up and rubbed her sleeve covered hand against her eyelid. "
"Huh…wah?" She asked, before Kuki noticed she was awake not and stood up abruptly, "Wait, where are those werepoodles!?" she asked
"Weredogs." Abigail corrected her friend, and stood up beside her to point out what looked like Valerie and Stacy in their weredog forms attacking Miss Grey in her weredog form, Valerie's own mom, "Check it out."
Kuki on the other hand, expressed uncertainty, "Wait, what about us, aren't we like them too?" she asked, remembering they were scratched by those weredogs.
Both Valerie and Stacy were eventually able to have Miss Grey pinned down against the floor, with Valerie looking over at the two, "Are you just going to stand there and not help!?" she growled.
Both KND operatives looked at each other, before hearing the growls of other weredogs and werepoodles from outside, making Abigail quickly run and slam the door shut, "Numbuh 5 don't know, this whole night is a bust, girl."
While Vallerie and Stacy looked at Abigail with flat looks, they soon looked over at the still broken window, "Well, choose a side soon!" Valerie growled out.
While both Abigail and Kuki quickly looked between the Valerie and the window, that was now being used by the weredogs outside to be crawled in through the stop the disobedient weredogs, a loud crashing sound echoed from further outside that earned all the weredogs' attention.
From above, Miss Thompsan's weredog form descended from out of the air and crashed through the kitchen's ceiling, and crashed into the floor in the middle; Miss Thompson's weredog body was a bit burnt, and as she was about to pick herself up, Tanya was soon upon her from through the hole in the ceiling and her knee struck into the teacher's sternum.
Miss Thompson wheezed in pain as she was almost folded in half with Tanya's knee in her stomach, everyone watched with shocked and surprised faces as Tanya picked herself up and yanked the necklace off from Miss Thompson's neck, "I'll be having this!" she growled.
Earlier with Tanya
Her fight with her teacher had eventually led them down the street and towards a gas station, whereupon they were in the midst of roll tackling each other; Miss Thompson growled at her student as she threw Tanya off of her and into the nearby metal garbage bin, "Enough! I will have obedience from you!" she demanded.
Having her back slammed up against the metal side of the garbage collector, Tanya glared hatefully back at her teacher, "I refuse to be someone's property!" she yelled back, and lunged at her with her claws out.
Ready to catch her errant student, Miss Thompson glared back as she swung her fist down to intercept Tanya with a downward slam over her fist into her face.
Tucking herself quickly in midair, Tanya was able to aim her foot at the offending fist and kick Miss Thompson's fist away and trip her over herself in the process.
"Ooof!" Miss Thompson expressed surprise at her student's dexterous movements, and now found herself faceplanting into the asphalt.
Tanya quickly took note of the nearby flammable red tank near her, and curled a grin on her maw.
Back to the present
The fight beside the gas station had eventually led to Tanya throwing her teacher into the explodable red tank that showed warning signs, and by this inane world's logic, that meant it was one of those cliche tanks that would explode if punctured in any way.
If not, then she'd use something else to overpower the teacher with extreme force.
So while Miss Thompson was lying flat face down on the ground, Tanya had grabbed her teacher by the leg and threw her harshly into the red tank.
Thus leading to the present situation of Tanya standing over her teacher's body, who groaned and looked up at her student with a small smile, "Been…trying to…get that…off my neck…for years…" she wheezed, her form reverting back to her human form, as well as everyone else.
Tanya stepped off from her teacher's unconscious form, as all the cursed energy from every weredog Miss Thompson had under her authority as their queen, was sucked into the magatama bead on the necklace that Tanya held in her fist.
Silence permeated the kitchen, before finally someone asked something, Key being Valarie as she sat atop her annoyed mom, "Um…do we still have Class on Monday with Miss Thompson?" she asked uncertain of what would come next.
Stacy looked over at her friend with a flat stare, "Really, Val, that's your first thing to worry about?" she questioned.
"Get off me, Girls, or so help me!" Miss Grey shouted, getting her daughter and Stacy to quickly get off her back.
Meanwhile, over with Abigail and Kuki, the two walked over to Tanya, who was still holding the cursed necklace in her hand, "...uh…hey…" Abigail spoke, while outside the former weredogs and werepoodles began leaving the place, now that the queen was no more.
A bit haggard now, and tired from the night of fighting, Tanya was now cursing herself for not being as prepared for any scenario on her person; She could have had a chocolate coffee piece, for emergencies, and it was something she'd fix soon. No more being caught on the back foot!
Tanya's attention was quickly brought to the two KND girls, who approached her, "...what are you two even doing here?" she asked, narrowing her eyes while keeping a firm grip on the magatama jewel that housed the weredog curse, "...wait, were you spying on this house!?" she accused. Assuming the reason the girls were dragged into the mess, was that they were somewhere around the house, and caught up in all this mess.
Both Kuki and Abigail nervously chuckled, Abigail rubbed the back of her head before answering, "maybe…but listen, I gotta ask…" she tried to make a placating gesture towards Tanya, who still eyed them with more suspicion, "What's you planning on doing with that thing? Numbuh 5 hopes you ain't planning on using it next." she asked.
Tanya glared at the intrusive girls that she now knew was spying on the whole slumber party, "I don't know, but it definitely won't be falling in the hands of an adult!" she answered with hissing anger.
Abigail shook her head at Tanya, "Well…that's better than hearing you say you'll give it to Father." she remarked, pointing at the necklace in Tanya's hand.
"...I wouldn't know why he'd want it." Tanya spoke back to Abigail, a flat tone to her voice as she eyed the girl and Kuki beside her. "But I'll be keeping it on me for now." she affirmed.
"Hm." Abigail let an annoyed sound escape her mouth, before she started shaking her finger at Tanya. "Well, just so you know-"
"Alright, everyone!" Valerie's mother interrupted Abigail as she was in the middle of fixing her dress, "It's way late into the night, all of you should be in bed, now!" She glared at everyone, and gestured at the clock on the wall. On the clock it showed it was near eleven o' clock at night, "You two, either go home or grab one of the sofas to sleep on!" Miss Grey pointed at Abigail and Kuki.
"Uh…" Abigail shook her head and pushed Kuki out of the back down with her leaving as well, "Uh, no thanks miss Grey, we can get back home just fine!" she hollered back, before giving Tanya a look before finally leaving out the door.
While Valerie's mom tended to Miss Thompson to see if she was going to be okay for the night at her house, Valerie and Stacy walked over to her while the other girls finally made it back into the kitchen, showing some scuff marks on their bodies. "Uh…" Valerie wasn't sure what to say to her friend, only for Tanya to shake her head at Valerie with a firm look on her face.
"Save it." Tanya sighed as she pocketed the necklace into her pajama bottoms, "We can discuss this matter tomorrow, this was an awful end to the night already." he informed her 'friend'.
She had known Valerie for more than a few years, and for all she knew, Valerie and her friends were not weredogs last year. This entire night had been something else.
Valerie smiled thankfully towards Tanya, and clasped her hands together "Thanks, just…I just hope nothing changes too much between us…I still want to help you run for 4th grade president afterall!" she offered a helpful smile, earning a small one from Tanya.