Chereads / hjihghhhhh / Chapter 150 - Chapter 10 | Operation Weredog part 1

Chapter 150 - Chapter 10 | Operation Weredog part 1

Operation W.e.r.e.d.o.g.


Exists and

Run the night,


Danger lurks

Over at

Girl's party

Friday night

Hiding within the bushes across the street, Numbuhs 5 and 3 were inside the shrubbery, of which was a secret small portable base with the two operative crouched inside; Numbuh 5 held a headset over her head and ear while Numbuh 3 was quietly humming as she typed into the nearby small computer made up of a typewriter, a screen and many wires connecting it with vacuum tubes.

None of the boys would be taking part in this mission, since it was a girls only sleepover, and Numbuh 5 had declared it wasn't appropriate or the least bit fun for the boys to spy on the party.

On the screen, they were able to see the ongoing event of Valerie's sleepover with the so-called 'friends' she invited along with Tanya. While a small camera lens poked out the side of the bush, the two operatives were able to surveil a few vehicles pulling up to the side of the curb of Valerie's house.

The first guest to arrive was an orange-haired girl with glasses, humming with excitement as she exited her parent's car and waved off her parents before she skipped on up to Valerie's house.

"Lucy Megelan…" Numbuh 5 announced, narrowing her eyes as one of the girls of last year's honor roll was trotting along up to Valerie's home and knocked on the door.

Hm…what's that?" Numbuh 3 asked as she turned her head to glance at her friend, "Who's Lucy?" she followed up by asking.

Numbuh 5 shook her head and more girls were being dropped off, all of which were last year's honor roll students, "Numbuh 5's thinking something's up, but she can't put a finger on it!" she answered.

"Hmm." Numbuh 3 tilted her head as she looked back at the screen, and excitedly pointed at it, "Oh look! It's Muffy Jenkins!" she smiled while saying.

"Huh?" Numbuh 5 said as she looked at the screen in confusion, and watched as said girl walked up to the door and was welcomed in by Valerie and her mother. "Well Numbuh 5 knows she wasn't an honor roll student last year."

She couldn't say this year, as the month hadn't passed by yet for the school to begin their honor roll society program; the school needed to collect everyone's monthly grades, before the highly graded students would be inducted into the honor roll program, or back into it for the returning students that kept their grades up.

Numbuh 3 giggled a bit, before answering her fellow operative as she watched the screen show Muffy Jenkins walk into Valerie's home, "Nah, Muffy was the part of the homework club!" She corrected her friend.

Numbuh 5 narrowed her eyes at Numbuh 3, "Wait, since when did school have a homework club!?" she asked, she must have missed hearing or knowing about it.

Numbuh shrugged off her concerns while keeping a chipper attitude, "Yeah! It was created last year near the end of the school year! I'm surprised you didn't know, silly!" she explained.

"...right…" Numbuh 5 drawled out, remembering she was already ahead in her grades and tests, so she could leave school early and do KND missions. Out of all her fellow operatives of Sector V, she was the most Studious. She was smart enough to know she had a future ahead of her, but she wanted to first and foremost help innocent kids against Evil Adult tyranny.

Numbuh 5 shook her head, and continued to watch the screen with Numbuh 3, another girl walked up being Stacey, a girl with yellow hair that went over her shoulders and wore an orange dress. "Wait, isn't that the girl you fought for a Rainbow monkey book for?" Numbuh 5 pointed out.

Numbuh 3 giggled again, "hehe, yeah, I kicked her butt over it last year, and won…but lost the chance to read that book we fought over!" she rubbed her head in awkwardness.

"Hmmm." Numbuh 5 mused to herself, this was quite the show up of girls, this made the mission a tad bit more suspicious, "I'm guessing she was part of the homework club or something?" she asked afterwards.

Numbuh 3 smiled as she answered her friend, "Nah…she was part of the library club last year!" she answered, before pouting a bit, "And I wasn't even invited!" she moped.

Numbuh 5 shook her head at her friend's antic, "And who was president of the club? Tanya?" she asked critically, earning a negative head shake from Numbuh 3 while she reverted to a chipper smile.

"Nope." Numbuh 3 simply answered, "That was Collai Jucation!"

Numbuh 5 eyed her friend, and asked, "And how do you know all this?" she asked, her air headed friend was not the sort to be that attentive as school, right?"

Answering her friend without missing a beat, Numbuh 3 answered Numbuh 5, "Easy, I'm part of the Juicy gossip tabloid club!" She cheered with her hands up a bit, but kept her voice low to not give away their presence.

As if summoned by her name, Collai was soon dropped off next by her mother, and was greeted by Valerie with a welcoming smile; before long, another car was pulled up, dropping another girl off for the sleep over party.

Numbuh 5 shook her head once more at her friend's behavior, and returned to viewing their monitor, "Looks like Tanya's here finally…" she observed, earning Numbuh 3's attention on the screen as well.

Said girl was in the midst of walking up the sidewalk to Valerie's house, carrying with her a simple back pack with a rolled up sleeping back atop it; once Tanya reached the door where Valerie greeted her with an excited and warm smile, she was gestured to come in by Valerie.

"Glad you could make it, Tanya!"

"Thank you. I had to make sure I brought my spare pajamas and sleepsack."

"Heh, you almost look like you're ready to go camping!"

"Not a bad idea really, we can camp one of these days before fall really hits."

"I'll think about it!"

The conversation between the two friends was as mundane as Numbuh 3 and 5 heard, before long, the two girls entered the house with the door shut behind them by Valerie's mom. "Visuals gone." Numbuh 5 announced.

"So what now?" Numbuh 3 asked her fellow operative as she began gathering up the equipment and packing it up.

Numbuh 5 tapped her chin in thought, before she leaned over to the monitor to control the camera to make it angle over to spot a nearby tree in the backyard, "Numbuh 5 says we should move on to the next step in the mission, spy on Valerie's slumber party from that tree." she pointed at the screen.

With that vantage point, they might be lucky to listen in on more of what was going on inside with their megaphone noise intaker, a device they could use to listen on the directed location through thick walls.

With a faux serious look on her face, Numbuh 3 saluted her friend, "aye aye, captain!" she answered after shutting the monitor off.

"Shhh!" Numbuh 5 shushed her friend, as Numbuh 3 had spoken a bit too loudly that time, "not so loud, people might still be around!" She spoke softly.

"Oops!" Numbuh 3 covered her mouth and giggled, before speaking in a hushed whisper, "sorry!"


Being that this was the first time she had ever attended such parties, Tanya was expecting a few things most media portrayed a sleepover to entail. Throwing pillows, talking about boys, talking about perhaps rainbow monkeys, or even the latest juicy gossip at school.

Right now though, Tanya sat on one of the couches in the living room, with Muffy beside her, while the three other girls, Lucy, Stacy and Collei sat on the other couch; meanwhile, Valerie herself stood in front of her modest sized television holding up a VHS tape, "Alright!" she announced, expressing a simple smile, "Now that everyone's here, the first order of business is entertainment!" she declared, and held her movie up proudly.

"Girls, I have the newest Battle Princess movie. Stardust intergalactic unicorn!" Valerie proudly announced, earning excitement murmurs from the girls, while Tanya looked on with curiosity. She wasn't aware of the movie franchise, nor the premise.

With much else fanfare, Valerie turned and took the VHS out from the tape case, and slotted it into the VHS player; once the tape was in, the television that was already on at the moment to the correct setting put on by Valerie's mother, changed to the beginning of the movie.

While Valerie put aside the tape case, atop the table after she sat down next to Tanya, everyone grew silent as the movie ran its feature length film.

"Last time, with Battle Princess Rena, the confederate nation of sugar plums was at war with the planetary systems of bubble gum. At the time, Rena finally married her dearly beloved prince Gorge, a childhood friend she had grown up with during the era of cranberry jubilee…"

Tanya furrowed her brow, this was a bit more complex than some ordinary girl movie, she might have to watch the previous one or ones to see the actual history that lead up to this point.

"But during the wedding ceremony on planet gumdrop, Rena's nemesis and former friend, Janet, interrupted the celebration and slew Rena's beloved prince, reigniting Rena's heart to swear vengeance on her foe."

Well, at least the movie was giving a synopsis, she'd have been lost otherwise…

"Janet! By my sword of lemon, I shall tear your hair out for this!"

The movie then began its opening credits. After that, Tanya watched and listened to the movie show a flying view of an ongoing space battle above a planet with flying unicorns and gumdrop looking spaceships; the opening cinematic opening credits soon cut to the inside of a gumdrop drop ship with Rena chasing after Janet, "Get back here!" the star of the movie yelled. "You shall pay for the misdeed you've done!" Rena yelled.

Tanya was beginning to wonder who were the adults that made this movie, too many conflicting genres were spliced into the movie…then again, as Tanya glanced around, she saw all of the other girls were watching the movie with fervent expressions; The movie wasn't all that bad, it was just weird seeing girls be that focused on a violent princess movie.

Numbuh 3 and 5

The tree, as it turned out, only allowed the two operatives to see Valerie's room; so Numbuh 5 had gone ahead and assembled a mini base up in the tree, obscured by the leaves while using some greenery camouflage to aid it in staying undercover.

From what had unfolded out from a briefcase Numbuh 5 brought with her, had become their temporary base of operation, with devices and monitors; at the moment, Numbuh 5 was controlling a mini spider unit built with a minicamera. Before long, her monitor managed to bring up the image of the living room. "Numbuh 5's got visual!" she announced quietly.

On the other side of the house, a mechanical spider with a lens built with wires, junior mechanic metal from the hobby shop, and a few paperclips to keep it together, all of which allowed the device to listen in on and view the ongoing movie night the Girls were having.

"Ooh, ooh!" Numbuh 3 excitedly pushed herself up beside Numbuh 5, and viewed the monitor as well, "Is that Battle Princess they're watching!?" she asked excitedly, "I just got done watching part three!" she said, while keeping her voice low for the mission.

Numbuh 5 however looked at her friend with a curious gaze, "Numbuh 5 wasn't aware you watched those movies, Numbuh 5 thought you were all about rainbow monkeys." she pointed out.

Numbuh 3 looked back at her friend with a simple smile, "I like other things too, silly!" she answered, before both girls resumed keeping an eye on the party…and the movie.

Later, Valerie's room


The movie itself ended on a suspenseful ending, with Janet finally falling to her end into the volcano mountain of sweat and sour sauce, after she fought against Rena, but not at the hands of her former friend; Just as Janet had the upperhand, she was stabbed in the back my Rena's mother, before she fell to her death.

Right before Rena's mother, Harriet, left through her portal, Rena desperately asked her mother why and what was going on, only for the mother of Rena to simply say, "War." before leaving, then credits ran.

That gained the collective groans from all the girls, and almost from Tanya. The movie had been…not bad, though she had to question why Rena didn't just annihilate the forces of Unicorns when she had the chance. The Unicorn army was only there because they were hired, and were quite the fierce enemies in Rena's battle against Janet.

"So Tanya-" Valerie's voice brought her out of her musing, as everyone was in the midst of setting down their sleeping bag onto the floor to sleep in for the night; Tanya looked over her shoulder to see Valerie looking over at her from her bed as she sat on it, palming her hands down on it as she relaxed atop it, "What'd you think of the movie?" she asked.

Tanya shrugged as she finished undoing her sleeping bag, and let it roll out flat on the floor, "It was quite remarkable with the story, but now I can't help but wonder what Rena's mother was doing the whole time."

Stacy spoke up first, expressing amusement, "That's easy, they'll probably release the book for it, like the last ones that followed the past three movies!" she answered.

Tanya looked back at Stacy with a brow lifted, so the movies were a bigger franchise than she thought, "Oh? I wasn't aware there were books for the movies…"

Expressing surprise, Muffy spoke, "Wait, like, Tanya, was that your first time watching Battle Princess!? Like, everyone knows the movies have books followed after each movie!" she remarked.

Valerie looked at Tanya with an apologetic look, "Oh shoot, Tanya! I didn't know you never watched the series yet!" she expressed surprise afterward.

Offering Valerie a smile and a shake of her head, Tanya spoke candidly, "You're fine, the synopsis allowed me to gain some semblance of what happened prior, I just had to connect the dots…plus, the movie was good enough on its own, quite honestly." she nodded at the end.

Valerie however shook her head, and hopped off her bed, "Here, I have the previous three movies, you have got to see the last three movies! You're missing out!" She expressed amusement a bit.

Not adverse to borrowing the movies from her friend, Tanya accepted the movies and stood up to pack them into her bookbag, "I'll be sure to return them once I'm done with them, Valerie." she assured her friend.

While the movie she watched was a bit…out there, the promise wasn't half bad, in fact, it had enough intrigue to keep Tanya's attention.

As Tanya slipped the movie cassette tapes into her backpack atop Valerie's dresser, the girls on the other hand began discussing matters about the gossip of the party being held tomorrow by the Delightful Children.

At least they didn't stereo typically gossip about boys-

"Hey, you think James likes me?" Stacy asked Collei, "I'm hoping he might be there too~!"

She thought too soon apparently.

Numbuh 5 and 3

The two operatives watched and listened to the ongoing discussion about the party the delightful children would be hosting, alongside boys. Numbuh 5 was pretty sure Tanya looked like she wanted to be anywhere but in the room.

Before long, the night dwindled down to board games and fingernail painting, the fair usual of what Numbuh 5 was used to these sort of slumber parties; Tanya had refrained from asking her nails to be done, and when asked why, she simply answered with she has no need for her nails to be done.

It didn't of course leave the girl out of the activity, as she did offer to do someone else's with it being Valerie.

After all that was done, everyone winded down before the lights were shut off, signalling the slumber party was now having everyone partake of the slumbering part.

Numbuh 5 shook her head, and began to pack up. This whole mission was a bust, here she was thinking this was a gathering of certain individual girls that were seeking to conquer the school…man, she was hanging out with Numbuh 1 too much.

Conspiracies were her leader's thing, not hers!

"Wait!" Numbuh 3 hushed whispered as she shook Numbuh 5 by the shoulder, earning her attention as Numbuh pointed at the monitor showing Valerie's room, "Look, something's going on!" she pointed out with her sleeve covered hand.

Numbuh 5 looked at the monitor, and as she did, she watched as Tanya was getting up from her sleeping bag, just ten minutes after the lights were shut off; the girl began sneaking out of the room while carefully opening the door to let herself out.

Narrowing her eyes, Numbuh 5 moved to angle the camera of the monitor to angle it elsewhere to see what room Tanya was going into, taking the view away from Valerie's room, and missing the subtle changes in every other girl that were in Valerie's room underneath their blanket and sleeping bag respectively.


Having felt her throat a bit dry, she resolved to drink some water, before fully falling asleep; the whole night wasn't as bad as she assumed it would be, and not overly too girly save for the nail polish part.

As Tanya entered the kitchen, she approached the island countertop with red party cups atop it; Valerie's mother had forgone cooking and ordered pizza while buying pop and plastic cups to save her the trouble of cooking for all the girls.

Interesting thing about soda pop was that while kids under thirteen weren't allowed to drink or buy it, Parents were allowed to buy it and let their kids drink it at home.

She wasn't sure why congress was going out of their way to mirror America's Prohibition, but with Soda; there was nothing inherently wrong with Soda, save for what it did to teeth and pure sugar it contained.

Shaking her head at the nonsense, not like it mattered to her, soda really wasn't her thing anyhow. As Tanya reached up to grab herself a red plastic party cup, before walking over to the fridge with the water dispenser on the door, a soft growl alerted Tanya's attention to the entrance of the Kitchen.

"...Tinkypuppypoodlepepon?" Tanya softly spoke out, earning the dog's attention as it walked out from the darkness of the house and into the light of the kitchen. The dog himself panted excitedly as he looked up at Tanya while wagging his tail.

Taking a gulp of her water before setting it aside to pet the pink fluffy dog, Tanya expressed a soft smile as she patted the excited dog, "Got quite the name, don't you" she questioned the dog, earning a bark from the dog himself.


A deeper bark echoed from the darkness, earning a cautious and wary look from Tanya, as she looked up while petting Tinkypuppypoodlepepon, and ceased as she witnessed a few red glaring eyes in the darkness.

Tanya slowly stood up while keeping herself defensive, "...Who are you…" she demanded, while feeling around at the drawers beside her, before finally reaching atop the counter to wield a rolling pin at the potential threat.

Out of the darkness, an enormous looking dog with yellow poodle hair emerged, "...don't worry, Tanya, we're friends…I only want you to join us…" A deep feminine tone came from the maw of the big dog.

As the yellow dog continued to walk out, more dogs followed her, expressing glee towards Tanya, while she herself looked at the entire scene before her bewildered. "...Are you werepoodles?" her voice cracked in disbelief. "Wait…Vallerie!?" she followed up by asking.

Her friend was a werewolf poodle the whole time?

The leader of the werepoodles smirked at Tanya, "Yess…" she howled, followed by the rest of the girls that were werepoodles.