Having sent those kids packing and whining about the 'noogies' she gave them, she took herself back into her home to eat dinner with her family; she went easy on those kids, really, it was the end of the day and she really didn't feel like twisting their arms or anything else that was shy of causing a bruise.
Course, she could have been thorough as when she sacked and decimated those treehouses with the Kids Next Door operatives in it, but dinner was ready soon and she simply went with a little bit of bullying torture that made any kid fold under pressure.
Currently, she sat in the kitchen with her mother and father, along with her grandpa Ludwig; the old man himself sat hunched over as he ate his food that was processed down into chewable form for him. Grandpa Ludwig looked up from his food as he finished chewing a bite of his, and swallowed before he looked over a Tanya through his thick glasses, that for some reason she could not see his eyes through. "Greh, girl, what's this I hear about you getting a job!?" he grouched out in a thick German accent.
Tanya herself finished eating her bite of her dinner, and talked back with a respectful tone as she looked back at her grandpa, "Well, I've had the job over the summer, and now I've been transferred to work under the chairman. The CEO Mister Fulbright had started up a junior worker initiative to let kids begin their own career into the company, so recently, I've been able to accrue quite the stable amount of income for the work I've been contracted under him for the summer, until recently." she explained, earning a proud look from her mother and father.
Her father Fredrick smiled as he set his fork down to comment on the conversation, "You must have made quite the impression with your hard work! Make sure you tell Benedict I said hi, won't you?" he asked, earning a nod from Tanya.
Her grandpa pointed his finger through the air with a sneer, "See, this is why children should be working, not playing! They earn experience, and a foot in the door of the adult working world. Why, when I was a kid her age, I was working at my own parent's factory, wrapping chocolate bars and earning an honest dollar per hour!" he exclaimed and sneered.
Mother however shook her head with an amused smile as she looked at the two men of her family, "Well at least my daughter will have a secure future!" she clasped her face, before relaxing it down and looking over to her daughter with a worried look, "You are fine with this, though, right honey?" She asked Tanya.
Her mother was most likely worried she was putting too much stress on her Daughter, But Tanya shook her head positively, "I am, mother, honestly." she smiled softly, "This is a headstart I need!" she answered with a firm gaze.
After that was said and done with, Tanya and her family resumed eating their dinner, with some minor conversation held between her mother and father about their own work. Father had been able to work out a deal with a man named Chester, talking about how the man kept wanting to haggle, before finally agreeing on ordering a package deal of bratwurst.
Her mother on the other hand talked about the sales she was able to do for her job as the salesperson for the Rainbow Monkey Company Incorporated; Tanya still has that first rainbow monkey her mother brought her home, it was gift and if anything, she wasn't going to dispose of something her mother worked for to gift her. That was a waste of her mother's money.
Of course, she made sure her interest in Rainbow monkeys were next to nothing, but she still appreciates the gift her mother gave her. It still sits at the top of her dresser.
Moonbase Zero
From one of the hallways leading out into the landing bay room, Numbuh 274 rushed out of the hallway, along with the others, with Numbuh 1 through 5 closest to him as they all rushed towards the landing subway train refitted to be a space ship; behind him and the other sectors were the onsite medical operatives, all of which were trained to handle in healing the most dangerous stuff from purple nurples to atomic wedgies.
Numbuh 1 of course was fortunate that Numbuh 3 was a certified nurse of their sector, so she was now wearing a nurse cap to help the other medics in treating Numbuh 86 and her special team.
As the space ship angled its jet propulsers down to gently land, it soon then landed softly while the side door to the space ship lifted up with a hiss; from out of the doorway, the operatives poured out, with Numbuh 86 trailing behind holding her head like the rest of her team, pinpricks of tears threatening to fall from their eyes.
As the rest of the medic operatives rushed over to help tend to Numbuh 86's team, Numbuh 3 rushed over to deal with Numbuh 86 herself, "step aside, nurse coming through!" she said as she ran past Numbuh 274 and the others, and met Numbuh 86 halfway.
Numbuh 86 on the other hand glared as Numbuh 3 tried to help her walk, "I'm not that injured!" she cried out in anger, while Numbuh 3 dug through her nurse bag, and held out some lollipops.
"Here, I got just the thing to make things batter, I got flavors from cherry, apple, grape…" She said as she held out her suckers for Numbuh 86 to have, before reaching in with her free hand to bring out a roll of white bandages, "Here! I bet that noogie hurts like, buncha loads! I can wrap that up and you'll be good as new by tomorrow!" she announced with a chipper attitude and soothing tone.
As Numbuh 274 and the others stood with him away from Numbuh 86 and 3, the Supreme Leader spoke after Numbuh 86 reluctantly took a cherry lollipop from Numbuh 3 and the nurse herself was in the process of bandaging her head up after removing her headgear, "you did well in making it back, Numbuh 86." Numbuh 274 told her.
While Numbuh 3 was behind her and wrapping her head and red hair under a light bandage wrap, Numbuh 86 spoke back to her supreme leader with an annoyed tone while expressing shame, "I'm sorry sir, but that girl was too much to handle! I don't know how those evil adults created such an oppressive force of an evil girl!"
Numbuh 86 then glared at the air while punching her fist in anger, Numbuh 3 however was finishing up wrapping her head in gauze and patted her head soothingly, "I swear, just let me at her again, I need more decaf, more operatives! We can't just let that menace roam free!" she declared.
Numbuh 274 shook his head, "That's a negative." The supreme leader told her, earning a somewhat angered and betrayed look on Numbuh 86's face, "But you're more than welcome to join the retaliation force tomorrow!" he assured her, earning a relieved look from her afterwards.
Numbuh 274 pounded his fist down into his palm, "This is why, I'm having every sector here and us stay at the moonbase till tomorrow, that way, we can launch a full offense at that Junior executive at the dawn of tomorrow morning, I'll be coming down as well to make sure we bring that girl to justice!" he announced, earning cheers from the other sectors.
Numbuh 1 spoke up with a nod, "It'll be an honor, sir!" he said, earning agreement from his own team and the other sectors as well.
Numbuh 3 on the other hand raised her arms in cheer, "Yay, Sleepover party!" she yelled in celebration.
Next Day
Getting herself up an early was an early thing for her, so to get some personal time of her own before she left the house for her 8 a.m. appointment with Mr. Benedict Wigglestein, Tanya had her alarm clock set for six in the morning; she made sure not to forget to tell her parents that she would be leaving for the day, and the purpose, and was met with encouragement to respect her new employer.
Not a hard thing to do, when you were supposed to listen to your boss that writes your check.
Presently, Tanya was finishing up brewing some coffee in the kitchen, using a stool to help her reach the counter top. She wouldn't have to worry about the stuff stunting her growth, since in this world, the things you eat and drink can actually cause certain effects to one's self. Thus, she drank milk…though, from what she remembers, the growth stunt thing with coffee is supposed to be a misconception, but it didn't hurt to be safe and sorry with this world's logic.
An ocean of Aspergas, a chocolate volcano that exists behind her school a few miles away…
Shaking her head as she watched the coffee maker finish making the brew, she reached over to her thermos and lifted the pot of coffee out from the coffee maker to pour the black liquid into her thermos. It was close to six thirty in the morning, so she should get ready to leave already. It was better to be early than late. Being punctual was good, but showing up early showed you have initiative to get work done.
She wanted her new boss to know she meant business in earning her paycheck and future career.
Seeing that her thermos was nearly full, she placed the coffee pot back down to reach for the cap to her thermos and screw it on; she had that finished, Tanya reached for the coffee pot again and placed it back on the coffee maker. There was still more left for at least two cups, she was sure her parents wanted it.
With her spare four piece suit on that she bought as her spare suit, Tanya patted the inner vest pocket of her suit and pulled out her watch attached to its chain and noted the time before shoving it back into her vest pocket; she was still early, so she had time between now and her appointment with Mr Benedict.
With her watch back inside her breast pocket, Tanya clipped her buttons up off her outer suit, and hopped off the stool while taking with her, her thermos; before she left the kitchen however, she unscrewed and poured herself some coffee into the lid, it would give her a decent amount of power over coffee if those Kid Next Door decide to assail her on her way to Mr. Benedict's mansion.
Twisting the cap back onto her thermos, she enjoyed the taste of the black liquid's aftertaste, and made her way to the exit of her home. As Tanya exited her home and shut the door behind her, she glanced in the direction of the pathway that led to the backyard and thought to herself, she should take her bicycle out from her father's shed to make the trip faster.
Moonbase Zero
"Let's go, go, go!" Numbuh 274 ordered as he stood out in the ship bay, where many reconfigured vehicles were fashioned and reconfigured to handle space travel and re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere.
The supreme leader had put on his best war gear, as did most of the other sectors; everyone charged out into the loading bay with their laser condiment guns at the ready, safeties on and everything as they all charged towards their respective ships.
Numbuh 1 led his own sector as he headed to his own appointed ship that Numbuh 2 would be piloting, the top half of a bus welded down into the bottom half of a boat, four thrusters that could shift around and one big one on the back.
Numbuh 2 talked as he made the side door open upwards, "Been working on this baby all night!" he exclaimed with pride as he entered after everyone, and took the seat at the held, "She gots a duper ray gun, dual claws, and my piece of resistance-" gone went unsaid that he said the word he meant to say wrong, "-the decafinator three thousand!" he patted the dashboard where a big button was visible.
"Perfect!" Numbuh 1 pounded his fist with a smirk, while Numbuh 4 fisted pumped.
"That cruddy girl won't know what hit her after this!" Numbuh 4 smirked as well, before holding his hand up for a high five with Numbuh 2.
While the boys at the front high fived each other, Numbuh 3 gasped in excitement as she saw her mecha rabbit, "Mr Hippy-Hop!" she said, while running to the back of the ship where the mecha rabbit was docked inside, and looked over at Numbuh 2 who looked back at her with a smirk.
"Yeah, figured we'd need the big guns, so I had a few operatives retrieve it from our base while it was being repaired!" Numbuh 2 answered her giddy but questioning gaze.
"Cool!" Numbuh 5 said as she nodded and walked up to the radar and other subsystems of the spaceship, soon to be an air ship that would be flown down on earth, "Numbuh 5's got this, let's move out!" she encouraged while she sat on the barstool that was installed for a place to sit in front of the subsystem.
While Numbuh 5 picked up the head phones for the communications, Numbuh 2 turned the ignition on with an excited look, "All right, everyone, hang on to your butts, we're setting off!" he announced, prompting everyone to get into their respective seats. From the view of the front windows, the view allowed everyone to watch as the ship lifted off, as well as the many other ships that the sectors and Supreme Leader took into to head down to Earth to launch a counterattack assault against that evil girl.
It wasn't long before every ship zoomed out from the moonbase, the Earth itself was viewable as all the ships headed down to the surface, their destination clear as they headed towards the state of Virginia.
Since she was taking a bike to her appointment with Mr. Benedict, and it was still bright and earlier than the specified time he wanted her at his mansion, Tanya brought with her her other suit to take to the dry cleaners; she would be passing through an area that had a few services and restaurants there, chief being one of them being a dry cleaner business.
As of the moment, she had her suit folded in a neat little bag on a hanger that hung off the handle bar of her bike; reaching the dry cleaners, Tanya stepped off from her bike and put her kickstand down.
The business was well regarded across who she asked what dry cleaners they prefer, and the place opened early, allowing her to drop her suit off. A minor errand to run for herself, but it needed to be done.
So after exiting the place once she was able to drop her suit off, and knowing the time it would take the dry cleaners to finish the suit, Tanya took off once more towards a gated community in the distance, where quite a few mansions and neighborhoods that existed there.
Just as Tanya reached the gate however, she was greeted to the sight of an overweight security guard, who eyed her with suspicion while peering at her from within his security guard box, before taking quick note of her state of dress, and softened his gaze of suspicion.
The man turned on the chair he sat on, and grunted as he walked out, he walked over and leaned his palm against the entrance of his security guard box. "Eh, yeh got some business here, Girl? Yah…you look dressed for quite the job there…" he mused while lifting his security guard hat up a bit to scratch at his head.
Tanya let her foot off her bicycle pedal to put her her foot down now that she was at a rest, and spoke with the man in a calm tone, "I'm here for an appointment with Mr. Benedict Wigglestein." she inquired, earning a look from the man as he lifted his brow up.
"Oh…" he mused while leaned back into his security guard box and took out a clip board, "hmm, so he used that name…go figure…um, yes, he called me about someone needing access to the gated community today." he answered back while looking down at his clip board.
Tanya mentally stowed the fact that the man said that Mr. Benedict went by another name, whether it was his 'Father' title or not, she'd remember this fact. "My name is Tanya Weber, he expects me at his home at eight a.m. sharp." she said, earning a nod from the security guard.
"Yup, got you down here." The security guard said back to her, before walking into his security guard box, "Alright, head in miss Weber." he hollered out, while a loud buzzer went off, followed by the gate itself opening up, allowing her in.
"Thank you." Tanya hollered back as she pedaled herself into the gated community, while earning a 'yep' back from the man. As she pedaled her way down the lane of the community, she mentally thought to herself on the way; those Kids Next Door yet to come and attack her yet, she'd have figured with the only day left before the school day tomorrow, they'd probably attack her.
However, her thoughts were soon cut off by the loud sound of incoming jets from the sky above her, prompting Tanya to stop peddling and look up behind her; there in the sky were several airships made from various vehicles and sawed off chunks of vehicles, quite honestly in Tanya's opinion, the ingenuity of those Kids Next Door was nothing to sneeze at.
It was quite utilitarian to use every scrap they could from whatever trash heap they scavenged from to facilitate the war machine that was the Kids Next Door; that, or they go around and disassemble stuff that was still in use by adults in some vain effort to get back at the adults.
Shaking her head, as the ships homed in on her, Tanya stepped off away from her bike, and pulled out her watch from her vest, her brow furrowed, "thirty minutes…" she said to herself, before pocketing the watch back into her vest. It functioned as both status and use, something she hoped would reflect on her appearance when she showed up for her appointment with Mr. Benedict.
As the ships zoomed down at her from out of the sky, she glared up at the incoming soon to be an attempted assault on her person, "I have less than thirty minutes, better make this fast." she chastised herself with an annoyed tone, while the thermos that hung off on her shoulder from its strap had its contents burst out, the black liquid swirled out around her to her mental command.
Sector V
"Taking evasive maneuvers!" Numbuh 2 yelled as he brought the ship to a turn as the girl began making scrap heaps of the first line of their ships. From the view of the window where there were ships in front of them, all of Sector V witnessed a sharp black liquid blade fly through the air and cut the first ship out of the air; the operatives that were inside the ship fell out in the process and had to deploy their parachutes made from stitched together pants, while Numbuh 2 had to take evasive maneuvers to avoid the incoming second blade of black coffee that attacked their squadron out of the air.
"Firing at will!" Numbuh 4 yelled as he sat in the undercarriage gunner seat, firing off mustard lasers down at the girl, only for her to bring up a coffee shield to protect herself from the incoming fire above her.
"I'm bringing this baby around!" Numbuh 2 shouted with anxiety, already this battle was shaping to be a nasty one against the evil girl.
"Numbuh 3!" Numbuh 1 shouted as he stood in the middle of the ship, and pointed over at her mecha rabbit, "I need you in that thing pronto, be ready to be deployed!" he ordered.
"Aye aye capatain!" Numbuh 3 shouted back with a smile while mispronouncing the word captain, she offered her leader a salute with her sleeve covered hand, and ran off to hop into her hippity-hop. As she entered the mech, its hatch closed on her before her voice chimed through its speakers with a deep voice she had installed for her mech, its eyes glowed red to show it meant business, "Hippity-hop ready for action!" she spoke through her comms.
While Numbuh 2 swerved his ship, everyone watched from their windows, much of their forces were being taken down out of the air, which meant the girl was practically an anti-air unit herself with her coffee powers. "Numbuh 2, can we get that decafinator up and running!?" Numbuh 1 asked/shouted.
As Numbuh 2 swerved his vehicle through the air to head back towards the evil girl, he glanced back over at his leader with an unsure look, "It needs a minute of powering up, so I'll need her distracted!" he answered, earning a nod from Numbuh 1.
Numbuh 1 marched over to the side door, and had it open up for him, "Then that means I need to be down there!" he said, earning worried looks from his team.
Numbuh 5 stood up and approached her leader, "Numbuh 5's coming with, ain't no way you're facing her alone again!" she demanded, getting a nod from Numbuh 1.
"Ready, go!" Numbuh 1 announced as the airship was on fast approach to the girl, both Numbuh 1 and 5 leapt out to duck and rolled, seeing that their supreme leader was already in the midst of fighting her after his ship crashed from her dispose of it with her powers.
While Numbuh 2's ship flew off past them, Numbuh 1 and 5 ceased rolling and stood up behind the girl, just as she was able to jump side kick Numbuh 274 in the chest and send him sliding back a bit with an intense look of hurt on his face as he gripped at his chest. "This is the end of the line, Junior Executive!" Numbuh 1 spat out the words with distaste, while the girl herself gave him and Numbuh 5 an annoyed look.
The coffee she controlled continued to fly above her, attacking the ships and protecting her from air attacks. The Junior Executive pulled a watch out of her vest and looked at it, before placing it back where she pulled it out from, "Fifteen minutes." she groused.
Numbuh 1 ran at her first with an angered look while whipping out a nunchuck made from paddles, Numbuh 5 on the other hand brought out an extended bunch of radio antennas held together by rubberband. "I'll make sure it'll only be one after we're through!" he yelled.
The Junior Executive however smirked darkly at him as he leapt to swing his choice of weapon down at her, "I appreciate that." she answered back, while catching one end of his paddle nunchuck between her palms, and yanked him over while he expressed a surprised look, and head butted him into the ground.
She looked down at him with contempt, before looking back up as Numbuh 5 charged at her with her extendable makeshift staff, "I'll make you pay!" she yelled, swinging her staff at the girl, who dodged and weaved through the attack, before finally chopping her habd through the staff, causing the weapon to break in half. "What?!" Numbuh 5 squawked in disbelief, before she was palm slammed in the face by the girl, sending her flying over to land on top of Numbuh 1.
"Oooph." Both operatives weezed out, before the Junior Executive glared at the incoming form of Numbuh 274 as he kicked his foot out at her. "HYaah!" the supreme leader yelled, the evil girl herself delfy dodging the kick by roll flipping to the side and grabbing the supreme leader from out of his flying kick.
Numbuh1 watched with horror as she brought Numbuh 274 around to block the incoming laser beam of Numbuh 2's decafinator with the supreme leader as a shield. "Numbuh 274!" Numbuh reached uselessly out the air for his fellow operative as he witnessed the supreme leader get friendly fired on by their own super duper weapon.
Father/Benedict Uno
Dressed in his morning attire of a robe over his dark self, the man sipped and watched from his kitchen the ongoing mess out on the street in front of his mansion; the girl was good, really good in handling herself against those Kid Next Door.
Taking a sip of his coffee, Benedict peered up at his clock on his kitchen wall; she had ten more minutes before her appointment with him. At the very least, she looked like she would be done in time. He really should just go out there and make those snot nosed brats leave, but most of him wanted to see if she could finish on time. If not, he'd go out there and finish the business himself, those stupid kids did have a tendency to ruin his employee's time afterall…
"Ah, she's almost done, good." Benedict smiled evilly as he just watched Miss Weber almost get hit by some decaf, only for her to use one of the kids with a two hundred number as a meat shield, and block the decaf ray beam from hitting her. The whole affair was quite a good resume for the girl's skills, he'd have to thank those KNDorks for helping the process of seeing if the girl could handle herself against a greater threat.
Taking one more sip from his coffee, Benedict let out a contented sigh, today was a good day, especially a sunday morning; he got to see the Kids Next Door brats get their butts kicked.