Holding that preteen boy operative up to guard herself against the incoming blast of decaf, she was able to protect herself from being depowered; as much as she hated the weakness that was the absurdity of it, she was smart enough to test the fact that decaf was her weakness before she finished training herself with coffee powers.
The increase in speed allowed her to view the world in very slow motion whenever she went into coffee speed, while her powers over all coffee liquid and beans practically allowed her to bend the stuff to her whim.
"Aghglaphapflaoh!" The KND operative yelled as he was doused and bombarded by the blast of decaf, while Tanya held him up by the shoulders. She was sure being touched by decaf didn't depower her, but ingesting the stuff caused it instead, thus she was fine letting her hands get splashed by the decaf.
It was better than letting the stuff touch her lips.
Once the laser beam of decaf ceased and the ship that fired at her soared overhead, she tossed the operative aside, making him groan as he laid flat face down on the pavement, drenched in the stuff that was meant to depower her. He would be fine, it wasn't like the laser beam of decaf would kill anyone, much like everything else that the Kids Next Doors used as weapons.
…At least, from what she knows so far from what she's seen.
Tanya's eyes sharpened as she noticed from the peripherals of her vision that those KND operatives Numbuh 1 and 5 were getting back up and charging at her with a new set of weapons, a pair of what looked like a gardening set of claws fashioned to look like Sai's in the girl's hands, while boy with the shades ran at her with a retractable meter stick that was fashioned into a sword with rubber bands and duck tape at the handle.
"Yaaah!" "Raaahg!" Both children yelled as they then went for another round at her, making her express an annoyed look as they ran towards her.
She did not have the time for this, she had at most nine minutes now, it was better to just finish this now with her coffee speed time. Time for her began to slow down to a near stand still, as her coffee time went into action, the two operatives were now moving very slow.
Tanya's eyes drifted over to see that the preteen was in the midst of picking himself up, but at a very slow rate as well due to how she viewed time; it was beyond surreal to see the time dilation.
Walking over to the two operatives she defeated at the sector V tree house, Tanya approached the kids, and stuck her foot out to kicked the kids feet from under them while taking their weapons out of their hands; tossing the weapons aside, Tanya momentarily watched the girl and boy trip at very slow speed, their angered faces slowly morphing into surprised by the minute degree; deciding to rub a little more salt into the proverbial wound, Tanya reached out and moved the operatives one after the other in a flipping motion, that would be tripping and flipping through the air until they fell flat into their faces.
Looking back over at the preteen kid, Tanya walked back over to him, a jaunt of a walk really with as fast as she was in coffee time; once she reached the kid that was supposed to be the supreme leader as he called himself during his fight with her, Tanya reached down and propped him up into the air.
Moving the supreme leader into a body throw by tossing his body through the air, his body would eventually crash in the thorn bushes on the side of the road.
Nodding to herself, Tanya looked around, and saw that the rest of the operatives were just now landing from their demolished ships she had wrecked with her coffee, the nonsensical use of stitched together clothes as parachutes on brand for how their stuff works; other operatives were running out of their crashed ships, she even saw that irish girl head towards her with anger all over her face.
Figures she'd come back for another round, she was a sure spitfire.
While time was still running, albeit for her it felt very slow to a near halt, Tanya made her way over to the irish girl first since she was running at full tilt and the closest towards her; once Tanya made it to the other girl, she moved the condiment laser around in her hand and pulled the trigger, allowing a slow moving beam of ketchup to move at a snail's pace at the irish girl's face.
With that settled, she began tripping up and tossing the rest of the operatives that were behind her, from aiming and shooting their own weapons at their own faces, to taking their combat weapons out of their hands and using them to whack them over the head before tripping them up to fall slowly flat on their faces.
Once Tanya was done with the rest of the nondescript operatives, who were now all slowly about to be hit, tripped and run afoul by Tanya's actions in coffee speed time, Tanya herself looked around and spotted the ship that had shot the decaf laser at her; it was in the midst of flying back towards her while that australian accented kid was leaping out from the side of the fast moving ship, mustard laser guns in both hands while above the ship, a mecha rabbit of all things was in the process of launching out from the top of the ship.
Walking up under the Australian boy, she reached up and grabbed him by the ankles and threw him towards another thorn bush on the side of the road; while the boy was still in the air from her throw of his body, she walked over in front of him and turned the dual mustard lasers at the boy's face, and pressed the triggers while putting his fingers in place so that he would be pressing them the whole way to his collision with the thorn bush.
With that settled, Tanya looked back to the ship and motioned with her hands to pull the coffee over to her, it somewhat echoed sloshed in her sense of time as she whipped it around in the air; she then extended her arms out to cut the ship in half with the liquid, and followed up with cutting the decaf laser cannon off; making sure none of them could use it for the day, Tanya continued to slice the cannon up into bits, until it was nought but pieces now in freefall along with the ship she cut in half with coffee.
Settling her sight on the rabbit mech next that was up in the air, Tanya gestured with her arms and motioned with her hands to bring her coffee up and slice the arms and legs of the mech off; the pilot was no doubt that asian girl, and was now gonna be landing a mech with no limbs.
Nodding to herself and looked around at her work, she was able to see that all the Kids Next Door operatives would soon be defeated, or at least in the sense that it would take some time for them to recover; right now, she needed to walk up to Mr. Benedict's mansion and knock on his door, letting him know she was at his home.
Checking the time as she walked past all the slow moving chaos that was moving at a snail's pace; from condiment laser guns going off, kids being tripped, to ships crashing out of the air, Tanya pulled from out her vest pocket her watch. It was still less than nine minutes, so she made up for good time with coffee speed.
This sort of power would benefit her immensely in getting paper work done, in the corporate world, she'd be unstoppable!
As Tanya reached the front door to her boss's home, she allowed her sense of time to return to normal, so that she could normally knock on the man's front door, all the while behind her, shouts of surprise, crashes and wails of pain erupted behind her, making her unable to hold back a grin of satisfaction. Coffee in this world really was the best thing in this world.
Meanwhile with the Kids Next Door
For everyone involved with the fiasco that was unfolding, everything was like a blur of motion or a face full of their own weapons…or ground.
Both Numbuh 1 and 5 were tripping over and face planting into the asphalt, yelling out shouts of surprise while they felt their hands that once held their respective weapons be suddenly bereft of them. "Wooah!" both of them yelled.
Meanwhile, for Numbuh 274, the preteen was now finding himself in the air all of the sudden flying towards a big thorn bush; he was in the midst of trying to pick himself up to try and attack the girl again, but now he had to quickly bring his arms up to defend his face as he was sent flying towards the thorn bush, no doubt by the super coffee speed the girl had. He had forgotten the girl had them in the heat of the moment, so now he was feeling the pain of crashing into a prickly bush of thorns. "Yeeowch!" Numbuh 274 yelled in pain, now laying face up after his body flipped through the thorn bush.
"Shoulda…brought decaf laser guns…" Numbuh 274 wheezed out with a pained face.
On the other side of the battlefield left by the evil girl, Numbuh 86 was now tripping back over herself as her own mustard gun was firing into her own face before it stopped, "GaH!" She screamed and fell over onto her rear end with a face plastered with yellow mustard, "What happened!" she screamed with squinted eyes as she desperately tried to clean her face off of her own friendly fire.
The rest of the operatives behind her were succumbing to their own inevitable defeat from the evil girl's actions, from tripping over themselves to getting a face full of condiment laser beams of from their own weapons; everyone was now trying to recover from getting attacked by a super speed villain that was now far away on 'Father's' property and was now knocking on his door.
Up in the air with Numbuh 4, he let out a surprised shout as he was suddenly hurtling through the air while his guns were aimed at and firing at his face, his fingers on the triggers not making matters better, "koughblagcough!" he blubbered out as he panicked and felt himself crash into a thorn bush, "YEOUCH!" he screamed while he finally released his mustard guns.
"Oooh,...what happened!" Numbuh 4 yelled in anger with a face caked with mustard condiment. "This isn't the last time you face me you cruddy girl!" He yelled up to the sky in anger with fists clenched, "...owowowo." he hissed in pain he felt more of the prickly thorns poke into his sides.
Numbuh 2 on the other hand screamed in fright as his ship had been cleaved in half, "I going down, mayday mayday!" he yelled as he tried to steer the front thruster of the ship to angle his crashing ship into the grass. "aaah!" Before long, the front half of his ship crashed into the grass on the other side of the road to the Delightful Mansion From Down The Lane, while the back half crashed and rolled along the asphalt.
Numbuh 3 let out a surprised shouted as all control to her hippity-hop mech failed to work, [Warning, all limbs have been disabled] her mech's internal system's said, while her mech itself flew out of the air and crashed towards the ground, "Oh no, I gotta eject!" she told herself, before slamming her sleeve covered fist into the eject button, right before the mech slammed into the ground.
"Uh oh…" Numbuh 3 said with worry, before she was shot out the top of her mech rabbit while it was lying flat on the ground, causing her to be shot out like a cannon across the street, "woah!" she yelled, before her parachute went off and made her fumble along the asphalt while getting caught in the strings to her parachute.
While Numbuh 3 felt woozy and was trapped in her parachute strings, the rest of the Kids Next Door operatives were not fairing well at all as well. Numbuh 2 climbed out from his wrecked front half ship, and fell down to the ground below, holding his head in pain. He was glad he used whoopee cushions as the airbags, it added some humor to his crashes and gave him a safe crash landing.
Numbuh 4 rolled off from the thorn bush, and stood up wincing in pain, "owch, owowow!" he winced as he began pulling every thorn out from his face and body, "Stupid girl and her coffee powers!" he griped under his breath.
While the operatives behind her were whining, and moaning, Numbuh 86 picked herself up and wiped her face off of mustard, and glared seethingly over at where that girl went; the Junior Executive girl was in the midst of being welcomed into 'Father's' home, making the rest of the mission of a failure of anymore attempts to strike at her. "Grrrr! I'll make that adult traitor girl suffer! No one makes a fool out of me!" she thumbed at herself, while splotches of mustard still hung to her hair and face.
She doesn't care that the adults brainwashed that girl! Now it was personal!
Meanwhile, over with Numbuhs 1 and 5, both of them groaned as they picked themselves up from the ground, with Numbuh 5 looking over at her leader of sector V, "Well this mission was a bust! That girl kicked our butts and then some!" she remarked.
Numbuh 1 rubbed at the pain his face felt, and grimaced, "As much as I hated to admit it…" he began to say, while he looked over where the evil girl left into, Father's own mansion, a place he's been to before when those Delightful Children From Down The Lane turned him into an adult, and set forth into motion of him finally meeting the KND's most sworn enemy. "You're right, this mission is a failure…" he groused.
It wasn't long before everyone finally recovered, with Numbuh 274 at the front facing each operative, expressing an angered look, "As much as I hate to say it, we have to call it here. Cease activity against that girl for now, and figure out ways to catch her off guard!" he announced, punching his fist in the process.
"Right." Numbuh 1 nodded in agreement as he stood among his other KND operatives, "We can fight her all we want, but many more evil adults are running amok! We can't keep diverting our resources all on her."
"Exactly." Numbuh 274 agreed with his fellow operative, a grimace showing on his face, before a fierce look was expressed on his face, "Besides, she goes to school, just like any other kid! We can find out her schedule, and only then, we can truly catch her off guard! Kids Next Door, move out!" he shouted, before he sprinted off to a retreat from the area, prompting everyone to follow after him, lest they suffer the wrath of being near Father's mansion for too long.
Father/ Benedict Uno
Just as he was about to take another sip of his morning coffee, while watching Miss Weber toss that KND Supreme Leader aside, Benedict watched the entire process unfold of the girl going super coffee speed; it was all a blur before everything became chaos for those snot nosed brats. He witnessed it all, and it was a pleasure to see.
Before long, the front door to his mansion was knocked on by Miss Weber with less than eight minutes to spare, he'd have to congratulate the girl for arriving early and making quick work of those brats. Taking another sip of his coffee, he set his mug down and slipped his robe off and tossed it into the nearby chair. "I should probably give that girl a bit of a bonus, that was every bit as good a resume of her skills as I needed to see!" he remarked with a candid tone to himself.
While Benedict continued walking towards his front door that was just a little ways away from his kitchen, he drifted his thoughts to what the stupid organization was to him in the grand scheme of things.
As much as he wanted to dispose of the KND himself, it was a global organization of children, thus he needed a world wide evil organization of adults and teens to boost his agenda of ridding the world of that Kids Next Door organization; Monty may have started it, and had tried to invite him into the organization, but he was a coward at the time, and it didn't suit him in the slightest to defy his own father at the time.
He was a good child, albeit a cowardly one at that…and now he was an adult, walking in the footsteps of his Pappy.
As Benedict approached his front doors of his mansion, he reached for the doorknobs and opened it up to look down at the young girl, "Ah, Miss Weber." he moved aside to let her in, "You're earlier, very punctual." he somewhat smirked under the cowl of his black silhouette.
Miss Weber offered him an appreciative smile as she nodded and walked in, "Apologies for the noise earlier sir, I had some business to deal with." she answered back to him, making him smirk more at her candid way of calling her way of dealing with those kids a matter of business.
"It's no problem." He waved her worries off as she walked in while he shut the door behind him, "Those snot nosed brats like to stick their noses into my properties, every bit of a nuisance is what they are." he replied back, the conversation itself was very interesting to actually talk with someone competent enough to be a one-man army against an entire squad or whatever of those KND brats.
While he led the way towards his mansion's dining room where they could discuss matters of what she would be doing under him, Miss Weber spoke back to him, "Surely you called their parents, right? I mean, at least some of them that you may know about their parents?" she followed up by asking.
Benedict scowled however, "I've tried, and even when they get grounded, they just slip under their parents' supervision, and end up being a constant thorn in my side!" he grouched back.
As the two of them entered his dining room, he gestured for her to sit, "Well, since you will be working for me, Miss Weber, let's discuss what you'll be doing under my employ for the foreseeable future." he said, prompting the girl to nod and pull herself a seat, before he reached the head of the table to pull out his own seat in and sit.
As the girl sat down, she looked at him with a respectful gaze, which was nice for once, other than from his Delightful children, and spoke, "Well, before we speak on those matters, may I ask one question first?" she questioned.
After Benedict pulled himself forward to the table, he leaned forward and steeped his fingers against each other as he looked back over at Miss Weber, she even used 'may I' instead of 'can I', she was well learned too. He let out a grunt before answering, "Sure, go ahead." he motioned for her to ask away.
Miss Weber herself leaned forward about, before she asked, "What are your company's stock prices at, and will I be able to have a portfolio under your employer-ship?" she asked, causing Benedict to somewhat have a double think at what he was asked.
Not one villain, much less a teen, asked that question before. 'I mean, my corporation does own half the world…let's see…last I checked…hrm…' It was honestly refreshing to be asked that question, he was after all a business man and a villain at the same time. Looking back at the girl after looking off to the side to think to himself, he answered her, "I'll have to actually call up my people for that, but for now, let's discuss matters of what you'll be doing under me." he answered.
Miss Weber nodded, "Understood." She said with a small smile, "I am sure with a business as big as yours, owning many publishing companies and magazine tabloids on top of your corporation, it must be an immense undertaking to manage it all, on top of dealing with that KND organization."
Benedict couldn't help himself but scoff and glare at the air, "I have people that help with it all, yes, but it still makes it annoying when those snot nosed brats sabotage my life's work!" he groused, this conversation was really something else.
After that, the two began discussing terms and agreements, the girl still had schoolwork and potential school clubs that she had her eye on such as the honor roll society, and music classes, and anything that would usually keep a child busy from bothering their parents.
Miss Weber really was an outstanding child, she had a bright future ahead of her.