Chereads / hjihghhhhh / Chapter 143 - Chapter 3 | A counterattack is sent

Chapter 143 - Chapter 3 | A counterattack is sent

Weber Residence

A limousine arrived at the curb of the home, belonging to the aforementioned German family; from out the back door of the limousine, Tanya emerged as she stepped out from her new employer…or, going by what 'Father' said, he was just her new boss, since Mr. Fulbright's company was a subsidiary of 'Father's' Evil Adult Industries incorporated.

She didn't know why the man wasted to advertise his company with such a name, but apparently his PR was good enough that his corporation has stayed in good business for a good portion of the man's life since he manned the helm of his business.

Then again, the way this world worked and that unruly Kids Next Door club always stuck their noses in the business of adults, and vandalized everything adults owned as they saw fit, the adults were a bit in the right to chastise the children for their behavior.

And where were their parents in all this? Where was the punishment and grounding? Was the American nuclear family this bad in correcting their own children to not misbehave? At least the school system was an upgrade from what she knew of the American school system, hard and fair to make their students work for their grades.

With her moments of thought finished for now as she turned around to face 'Father', the man himself sat back in his seat with his leg crossed over his other, his arms were raised as he held his hands into a steeple; Tanya politely shut the door while the window lowered down for the man to converse with her, "Now remember, Miss Weber. I expect you tomorrow at my house, eight a.m. sharp. We have much more to discuss, and I've already discussed the matters with you parents." he told her with a pointed look at her.

With a bit of a surprised look on her face, Tanya spoke back to 'Father', "Oh, well, that should help, wouldn't want my parents worrying about my location." she nodded.

'Father' let out a 'hmhm' of affirmation, before speaking some more, "I've worked with your father on a number of occasions for various acquisitions of his sausage merchandise, so he's no stranger to me, just makes it easier for this process to work out. Now be off and do whatever you need on your time off." He ordered while making shoo'ing motion with his hand.

Tanya nodded as she respectfully waved him off, before the window was raised by him and the limousine zoomed off through the streets of the suburbs. She had some homework to finish, and if she was fortunate, with her paperwork, she could finish on time to eat some toffee as a reward from her grandpa that lived with her parents.

Her grandpa Heinrich always had the best chocolates, something he would reminisce about when his grandfather created the recipe himself to make the perfect beer infused chocolate bar…

Course, Tanya's own father chastised her grandpa for mentioning the beer infused chocolate bar at the time, but it wasn't like she was going to try the chocolate bar anytime soon, she was nowhere near the drinking age!

"Mom, Dad, I'm home!" Tanya hollered lightly as she opened the front door to allow herself in, tapping her shoes off to not drag dirt through the house as her mother had asked, and walked through her German style home with her socks.

Her house had been passed down through three or so generations, and while her father could move his family into a better home with the amount of income he gets from his company, the house meant more to him than selling it off to some random family, or least, that's what he's said when she asked the 'innocent' question of why he didn't move out into mansion or something.

"Welcome home Tanya!" Her mother's thick Germanic voice chimed in from the kitchen, the sound of metal clattering as she spoke, "Dinner will be ready in an hour." she hollered back. Gerda was her name, a descendant of a family from an eastern German village whose parents arrived after the second candy war.

…Don't ask her why…

Walking through the soft carpet that had marks of having just been vacuumed, Tanya continued towards the living room to see if her father was home yet; the man was a bit busy at times, but he was home on time for dinner at all times, a real family man that made sure to be home as much as he could.

Walking into the living room where there were stuffed wall trophies hung from her father's and grandfather's many hunts across the country, with a stone built fireplace that would be soon used for winter, the floor of the living room itself was wood oak with stone around the fireplace to prevent a fire hazard. Tanya spotted her father sitting back on his old recliner watching some news about the ongoing world events, "Anything of note, father?" she asked, earning the man's attention as he turned his head.

Friederick, the man himself nodded at her, "yes! Oh, and congratulations on the transfer!" he added, with a proud smile. "Mr Benedict Wigglestein and I go way back to college! a real upstanding man I tell you!" he pridefully stated with a brimming smile.

With a brow raised, Tanya nodded, "Well, he expects me at his home bright and early at eight, so I'll be gone in the morning, not sure how long into the day, so I'll be busy tonight to get my homework done." she told her father. Noting 'Father's' real name and storing it for later.

Her father nodded, and let her leave. Tanya made for the stairs, she had a busy night tonight, but nothing short of simple paperwork.

Moonbase Zero

It wasn't before Sector V was able to get one of their earth to space vehicles ready and operable, thus at the moment, Numbuh 2 was steering the space worthy short school bus he fixed up with rockets on its end and wheels replaced with more rocket repulsors. "On approach to the moon base!" Numbuh 2 announced as the spaceship he flew was on fast approach to said location.

Stepping up to the moonbase see for himself Numbuh 4 let out a 'woah', before speaking as he peering around Numbuh 2's seat, while Numbuh 5 was sitting in the installed passenger seat beside Numbuh 2 with her feet kicked up on the dashboard, "I think this is the first time I got to see the moon base with my own eyes!" he remarked.

"Yeah…" Numbuh 2 agreed with his friend as he steered towards the loading bay of the base, before glaring at Numbuh 5, "And please! Can you not put your feet on the dashboard! I just cleaned this baby!" he complained.

Before a full blown argument could take off between the two, a screen lowered down from the rearview mirror on the front window Numbuh 2 had reconfigured to work as a two-way video communication; the operative in charge of space control around the moonbase chimed in with a serious face, "This is Moonbase, please state the code to be received and welcoming into the bay." he ordered.

Numbuh 1 stepped forward passed Numbuh 4, and leaned forward, behind him was Numbuh 3 playing with one of her rainbow monkeys. "This is Sector V, clearance code is seven zero zero, C zero zero one." he related to the operative on the other end of the hail call.

The operative nodded with a smirk and gave Numbuh 1 a two finger salute, "All good! Welcome to the moon base, Sector V!" he greeted them, before the screen retracted back into the rearview mirror that it once was.

Numbuh steered the spaceship bus towards the loading bay, "Don't they change the password every week?" he asked nonchalantly, earning a nod from Numbuh 1 as he leaned back to sit back down while Numbuh continued to peer over his friend's shoulder as he flew the bus.

"Indded." he answered as he sat down, Numbuh 3 all the while made rocket noises as she flew her rainbow monkey through the air.

"Commander Rainbow Truffles is on duty!" Numbuh 3 announced as she continued to play with her stuffed animal, earning a passing look from Numbuh 1, before he went back to waiting for the spaceship to land.

Meanwhile, in the moonbase main quarters where Numbuh 274 would send out orders and missions across the sectors on earth, the supreme leader himself paced around.

Just as Numbuh 274 turned to pace once more, he was met with the sight of the doorway to the mission control room opening up; from in through the doorway, Numbuh 362 jogged in before she stood before Numbuh 274 with a salute, "Sir, please, I've just heard you've sent Numbuh 86 and her special team after that new evil girl, please, bring them back before she and the others end up with some serious burns or something worse!" she requested.

Numbuh 274 halted and stood before Numbuh 362, behind him a large screen showed the home that belonged to the very girl that sacked, ruined, destroyed, and practically decimated five sectors and their bases. It was beyond unheard of for one person to be able to launch such an offensive against them, at least however, they were getting a bigger picture of how.

The evil adults had brainwashed the girl with coffee, and supercharged her to give her abilities over coffee itself, no doubt the Adult's plan of creating the next big evil adult once she was one to replace 'Father' so that he could probably hand the reins off to her.

But that was all speculation…and he knew the division of conspiracy theorists that came up with the conclusion were at least ninety percent right with their speculations and studies they answer to the new scenarios and villains that pop up.

Numbuh 274 shook his head, "Negative, Numbuh 362, I already have Numbuh 86 and her special team on earth to infiltrate her home and hopefully catch the girl off guard and capture her. Numbuh 86 has a good track record of capturing even teens and adult villains!" he assured his fellow operative.

Numbuh 362 stepped forward from her salute with her arms out pleadingly, while distress was visible on her face, "But sir! I've seen the footage! There's no way Numbuh 86 and her team could handle that amount of evil power!" she pleaded.

Numbuh 274 however offered a comforting smile as he stepped forward and placed his palm on Numbuh 362's shoulder, "Relax! I'm pretty sure that evil girl would not be able to use whatever she did in her own home!" He reasoned, while earning a reluctant look from Numbuh 362.

"I…suppose you're right, I mean, she is in her own home now…" Numbuh 362 remarked while looking off to the side.

"Right!" Numbuh 274 said as he marched off to head to the assembly, to discuss what to do with the soon to be prisoner that destroyed five sectors. "Now come on, we have an assembly to go to." he hollered back at Numbuh 362.

"Sir!" Numbuh 362 relayed back on his order, and ran after him, but not before pausing to look back at the home of one Tanya Weber.

Numbuh 362 ceased staring and continued to catch up with the supreme leader, she dearly hoped Numbuh 86 will be alright in her mission.

Tanya Weber

Within her room, which was decorated to look modest and provide the basic needs for one to have a functional room, Tanya sat at her table-desk atop her wooden chair; her eyes trailed down at the answers she wrote down in her homework paper, she nodded to herself and slipped it into her binder nearby to begin working on her mathematics homework.

The best her teachers could provide her with a decent challenge with mathematics was high school level, before things spilled out into college level. 'Quite honestly, it's really nice that I don't have to hide my intellect, they just view me as nothing more than a perfect student.' A smirk found its way on Tanya's face as she filled out the answers for her math homework.

She was already a shoe-in to become part of the Honor Roll society again this school year, with each end of the month granting its students the prize of thirty six case of soda for each of them with a bucket of candy of their choices; all was part of doing well in school and keeping her grades up, which was a cinch.

Finishing up her math homework and slipping it too into her binder for safekeeping, Tanya mentally thought back more to the Honor Roll society school program; she was very curious if Valerie was going to be part of it as well, she had been a consecutive member of the school program as well, and had become a good friend when she helped the other girl with her homework from time to time.

Shrugging to herself, she'd find out at the end of the first month for this school year.

Peering over to see if she had any more school work, Tanya smirked to herself as she was now done with her homework; spinning her pencil with ease around her fingers, Tanya soon expressed a sharp and glaring look as she quickly turned in her chair and threw her graphite pencil into her wall, right underneath the hand of the unknown intruder that was climbing through her window.

Numbuh 86

With her fellow special operative beside her, Numbuh 86 watched from below as half of her special unit climbed up the ladder that led into that evil girl's bedroom; the mission was simple, catch Tanya Weber while she was safe at him and her guard down and capture her to take her down to the arctic base prison for questioning and finally decommissioning to erase her memories of ever having powers.

The girl was too much of a potential threat to allow another 'Father' class villain to emerge among the Teen and Adult villains.

That's why right now, with her standard issued ketchup laser gun she wield along with her fellow operative, she waited for the operative at the top of the ladder to sneak her way in and wait for everyone to all climb in with her; with a satisfied smirk, she even made sure her whole team was made up of the best girls she could find.

No stupid boy would ruin this mission!

"AaaHH!" Numbuh 77 yelled as she fell off the ladder with a frightened yell, making her fellow operatives clamor over to catch her.

Numbuh 86 was about to scold the operative for yelling, only for her and everyone else's attention to be brought up to the window of the girl they were about to sneak attack on; the girl looked down at them with an annoyed look, before she shoved the ladder off from her window, making it clatter to the ground.

"Of course I'd have a retaliation force come after me." The girl murmured to herself, while Numbuh 86 was able to hear what she said along with the others, before the girl slammed her window shut, locked the latches, and closed the curtains with a harsh pull.

Silence pervaded among everyone as Numbuh 86 tried to come up with a solution to think of a better plan to capture the target, now that she was aware they were after them.


Stepping out from her room, she walked through the second floor hallway before she made her way down the stairs. She held herself a calm facade, but inside she was a bit annoyed that those Kids Next Door children had the gall to try and invade her home.

Though, if she wanted to be fair with them, she invaded their treehouses and trashed them and beat the kids up; and to be fair, she went easy on the children, she wasn't about to kill these annoying kids.

Besides, everyone here was made of sturdy stuff, why else would she be fine with sending that one blonde head kid to the earth below from the height of the treehouse to the ground?

As Tanya continued walking through her house, she passed by the kitchen where her mother was just finished pulling out tonight's dinner from the oven, "I'll be back inside mom, some kids outside want to play. I need to send them away." she hollered while putting her shoes on, she was still in her business suit, with the stained dress shirt and suspender holding her slacks up. She was fortunate she didn't bother changing clothes yet or taking a shower.

The weapons these Kids next door used left terrible stains just as bad as the coffee she used to destroy their bases with.

How they turned ketchup into a laser weapon, was beyond her.

"That's fine Tanya, it'll be a few minutes for the dinner to cool down." her mother called back as she finished tying her shoes on, and stood up to head out. Opening her front door, and stepping out, she shut the door behind her and walked off from her porch towards the children outside her home on her lawn…well, her father's lawn, but that's beside the point.

The children themselves sneered and glared at her as she loosened the cuffs on her wrists, while glaring back at the children, "I'd appreciate it if you remove yourself from my domicile, you are not welcome here, especially for an attempt of invasion of privacy and entering uninvited!" she announced.

While the nondescript kids were aiming their guns at her, the one girl that had a particular looking helmet on continued to glare while holding her own gun up at her, "Hold it right there, hands up! We got you surrounded now!" she yelled with a smirk and thick scottish accent…or was it Irish?

Tanya however lifted a brow, and glared back, "No, I have dinner soon. Your time is up on my parent's property, leave now." she ordered forcefully, and crossed her arms.

"Fire the decaf!" The Irish girl yelled.

Her suit was already stained, and she particularly didn't feel like dodging the beams of diluted caffeine that was decaf; so Tanya was treated to getting splashed and drenched in decaf, before finally the kids ceased their firing on her.

With a now wet and further stained look, Tanya expressed a dry look, while the Irish girl and other kids smirked in victory, "Hah! Now you can't use your coffee powers!"

Blinking at the absurdity, while giving the Irish girl a flat look, Tanya reached up and wiped her face off and hair back; she was going to have to use an intensive shampoo just to clean her hair out, as if she didn't already have such a thing after drenching her own self in the coffee that she used to fell the treehouses. "Hm…" she clicked her tongue, and began stalking forward, "Shame, guess I'll do this the hard way." she simply stated.

In truth, she had already ran out her allotted time to use her powers over coffee, as much as it irked her; but it wasn't like she needed the powers to beat these kids up, she had more than enough combat experience to fight these kids all at once.

Perhaps she should keep a shot of espresso on her at all times, in a vial or something.

The Irish girl smirked on the other hand and pointed at her, "Charge!" she screamed.


Numbuh 274 stood before the five sectors that were brought down by the lone girl, a large screen was behind him so that he could show that the evil girl would soon be on her way to the arctic base prison, "I'm glad you could make it here!" he announced, while Sectors V, T, A, D and X were all lined up before him, all stood at attention with expectant looks and some wonder at standing before their Supreme Leader.

Numbuh 274 stepped to the side and made it possible for the operatives to see the screen, "As I speak, that evil girl should have been captured by our best team, they've fought against the worst adults and teens, a perfect record of capturing teen operatives that were slated for decommissioning!" he announced with a smirk.

Numbuh 1 palmed his fist with a smirk of his own, "That's excellent news sir! What's the plan forward after they bring that girl in?" he asked.

Numbuh 274 nodded, "good question!" he answered, and pulled out a remote to show the arctic prison, "Once we have her contained, we'll begin prying whatever information we can out of her, from using broccoli to forcefully making her listen to classical music! No other kid can stand such torture methods!" he explained with a sure look on his face.

Numbuh 5 shivered, "Oh, Numbuh 5's already feeling sorry for her!" she remarked, the mere thought of eating broccoli made her gag.

Numbuh 274 nodded again but with a somber look, "Whatever the evil adults did to give her those powers over coffee we need to know where they might have more such programs that create new evil children like her, we might even have to try and give her the ultimate rainbow monkey to try and break whatever hold the evil adults did to her!"

Shaking his head though, Numbuh 274 turned his head and aimed his remote at the screen, "Alright, let's see if the mission is a success so far." He said, while the screen blipped to a static image, shortly before coming into focus as Numbuh 86 was shouting into her two-way video-phone communicator.

"Come in, come in, moon base, Help!" Numbuh 86 shouted as she was visibly seen crawling towards her video-phone, behind her, the aforementioned evil girl was putting one of their operatives in an armlock while she sat on her back and giving her a nasty knuckle noogie with her free hand.

"I told you to leave! This is the consequence!" The girl shouted in anger.

"Uncle! Uncle!" The girl shouted beneath her, pleading mercy.

The evil girl stood up and walked over towards Numbuh 86 while the many other operatives were whining and crawling along the ground in pain from the 'gentle' punishment she laid into them, "Send help, sos, anything! Help!" Numbuh 86 screamed, before the girl pulled her by the leg, and was tossed over her shoulder. "Not again! Not again, anything but another noogie!" Numbuh 86 wailed while the girl stomped forward, and slammed her foot down on the Video-phone, cutting the transmission off between the moonbase and operation that was now a failure.

The entire room felt quiet, before Numbuh 5 spoke up, "Dang, that girl was dishing out some nasty knuckle noogies! We gotta help Numbuh 86!"

Numbuh 274 shook his head with a downcast look, "It's too late, the best we can do is pick up Numbuh 86 and her team, and plan a new strategy!" he stated while clenching his fist in anger.

Numbuh 1 nodded, "Agreed! I say we launch an entire division of us at that girl, she's way too powerful for one measly team!" he said with eagerness in his tone, earning a chorus of agreements from his team and the other sectors that arrived as well.