April 26, 1861
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
My eyes fluttered open as I woke up with the hearing of yelling and bantering before finally rising up from my bed as I went to the side opening the window from my house to see the commotion. There were men jogging to a recruiting station for a new Milita.. or maybe regular forces..? I wasn't truly certain, but I did dwell on the idea of joining, I truly was and maybe still am a fighting man.. but never had been in war.
I kept pondering on the fact before my mind had finally made its decision, I would be joining, so I walked down to my cabinet and grabbed my Springfield 1842 with catridges of buck and ball and round shot before grabbing a bag and placing it over my shoulder with me stuffing in all the ammunition I had to the single bag I had before walking out.
I moved my geet as my legs felt an odd feeling, my chest felt a bit nervous feeling like if molasses had been splattered in there. I kept moving, though, as I sighed a bit and walked up to the recruitment table, saying,
"You got another spot available for a fighting man?"
I said to the recruiting officer in front of me before he said,
"Of course we do. We always accept boys willing to fight, just sign right here."
I nodded before being given a pen as I wrote down my name and etcetera as I walked out of the line, being given a uniform, equipment, and a date to show up on the rallying area. I looked at the uniform in my arm and the webbing I held on my hand as I went back home to go change into my uniform.
After changing into my uniform and equipment I took out the bayonet from its holster as I fixed it on my Springfield making sure it was able to fit on which it did, afterwards I took the bayonet off and placed it back into its holster before sitting down on a chair in my house I wouldnt probably see in a while.. I sighed a bit, saying,
"I guess Im really going to war... just like you, dad, I'll make you proud."
I smiled a bit as I waited, just waiting for a trumpet.. or a bugler or hell what ever its called to rally us before. Well, I did hear it. I got up as I left my home and went to the rally position as I heard the orders of a man, probably the officer, to line up.
I lined up shoulder to shoulder with men as I held my rifle in a relaxing manner before the officer said,
"Gentlemen, we're gonna head out to camp, where you'll be staying and be trained at, so gentlemen, follow behind me!"
I flinched a bit as I saw the others beginning to march behind him, I followed along as I heard the clinging and clacking of equipment moving around as it felt like small pans smacking hundreds of times. I didn't mind it, but I felt an odd feeling. It was just the thought of being shot, dying.. and in agony.. I didn't know why I thought of this, but I kept marching on wards before we finally made it to camp..
Voices cheered as I kept marching with the men by me cheering as they entered in camp, then it was the long process of just getting into the tent I was stationed in. I saw some other men as I took off my rucksack and placed down my blanket on my bed with one of the men saying,
"Hey, how are ya?" He said with a smile I could never forget as it made my anxiety and the nervous feeling of my body dwindle down.
I looked at him before responding, "Im doing fine.. I'm just nervous a bit, that's all.. how about you?" I said in an akward manner.
He looked at me as he chuckled, saying, "Im doing dandy, relax as this is going to be a breeze, trust me.. this is going to be all over by Christmas!"
I smiled a bit as I said in a lighter tone now, "Yeah, maybe it is, we should probably head to sleep. it's getting late."
He nodded before heading to sleep as I followed suit, with me lying down on my bed... I felt something bad was truly going to happen in the future, I just couldn't place my finger on it..