I opened my door swiftly. I saw a old (pardon my language) ass man. At my door looking like a old fart. Asking me "I've been watching you for some time. And I think you meet all the qualifications, for the Honor Academy." 💭Did he just practically say he was stalking me....damm. "Um. Sir. I think you got the wrong house, cause I'm pretty sure I would know if someone's watching me." Like dude. What the actual fuck?!? Why would you watch someone probably like a creepy stalker! Then using the excuse of have 'qualifications for the some-…' 💭wait he did he just say honors school?!? I looked at the old man but when I really took a good look at him it hit me. He looked like the old man from the otome game. Huh 😀. Oooooooh 😲. Oh 😅. "You know what? Sure! I'll join you…Honors academy or whatever." "Honor Academy ma'am!" I looked at him again then said with a beaming smile. "I shall pack my stuff then!" "Yes! Ofcourse. Indeed!" I closed the door and got ready to leave whatever dump this was. I checked the mirror and I realized I was Jasime, Tee! The main chatacter of my favorite otome game. 💭😀 wow! Well, I surely didn't expect that. I bet you did though. I packed all my things which was the only shirts I had WHICH WAS ONLY 2! Some makeup, money, accessories, books, and more money! Soon a screen popped up in front of me. 'Money Money! Logged in!' Huh?! 💭What this? 'Please put user name!' I wonder *click*