I have to focus on Jessi right now. Jessi had, violet hair, diamond eyes, princess of the flower kindom (I'll explain what these kingdoms are later). The reason why she was selected as part of the villains was Penelope invited her when everyone rejected her. But Penelope was jealous of Jessi's beauty so soon Jessi fell in love with people with more beauty then Penoplepe and if you aren't she will try to make your life hell. 💭I should be careful. "U-u-um" I tapped on Jess's shoulder. She quickly turned around. "Do you know where the class is 19-20?" She looks at me stunned. Soon her her diamond eyes turned into hearts. I looked above her head, 25% what the fu-? 💭I guess this shows love or interest? Whatever…I can't lose her. "HEY!! That's my class!!" She said catching me off guard. "So... let's walk together!" She exclaims very loudly. 💭Welp. That was easy. Now all I have to do is to-. I didn't even get to finish my train thoughts. Someone grabbed my hand rushing me to go somewhere. We entered a classroom. Oak wooden floors and walls, a whiteboard, and 15 desks, all in rows. Jessi purple hair got in my mouth, Ew ,🤢 disgusting. 🤮 "bleh" "did you say something?" "Nope. Nothing." I look to the side. "HEY! JESSI COME OVER HERE!" I looked up, and I saw…