Chereads / Shadow Lord Returns / Chapter 31 - Gentle touch

Chapter 31 - Gentle touch

Zephyr thought to himself as he lay in the rubble, a large flat rock pinning him down. 'This human's ability is pure and explosive energy. It's unstable, and he can't control it well, but it could be useful to me. However, I can't have someone so unpredictable in my revenge plan. I need loyal allies who would protect me with their lives. And yet, he dared to hurt Browny.'

Zephyr had a goal: to gather strong and faithful people for his team, those who would aid him in his quest for vengeance. Browny was a potential member due to his loyalty, but he was not strong. Zephyr considered turning him into a vampire to enhance his strength, but the right opportunity hadn't presented itself yet.

**[You have suffered significant damage]**

**-10 Energy**

Despite the pain, Zephyr's bones were healing at an astonishing rate, a healing speed not even champions could match. Being a vampire, his recovery was swift, but this time it seemed too fast. In about two minutes, he was completely healed.

**[All injuries successfully healed]**

'Hmm, it might be due to my undead race's genes, known for their quick healing. I'm almost invincible,' Zephyr thought, noting the notification before him.

**[-30 Energy]**

**[Energy: 20/60]**

'Oh, I've used that much energy,' he realized. It made sense, considering his shadow enhancement skill consumed 5 energy every 5 minutes, and his healing had taken a significant amount. 'And thanks to my evolution, my energy capacity has increased by ten. That's why I could use it so early without worry.'

Zephyr was deep in thought, pinned under a large slab of flooring—a remnant of the massive explosion that had obliterated the ring. As the dust settled, revealing the gaping hole where the ring once lay, three figures rushed in. They had heard the blast and swiftly deactivated the energy barrier to offer aid. Their first concern was Darwin, grievously injured, his flesh torn, lying unconscious. Yet, Zephyr remained conscious, his indomitable will shining through even amidst the chaos.

"Go take care of the other guy; I'll handle this one," commanded the woman with long brown hair and dark, hollow eyes. Her beauty and poise could captivate any onlooker, but she was uninterested in such attention. Her name was Abby Lee, a high-ranking doctor at the academy. As she gazed upon Darwin's prone form, her hands glowed with a radiant yellow light that seeped into his body, mending his wounds with astonishing speed until he was as good as new.

Abby was both revered and feared for her powers. She could heal with a touch, but the same gift could wreak havoc on one's health. Her ability was a double-edged sword, offering support and inflicting damage in equal measure.

Yet, using her powers came at a cost. Healing consumed far more energy than causing harm.

Meanwhile, the two men approached Zephyr, but before they could reach him, the ground trembled. A boulder shook violently, then soared through the air, cast aside by an unseen force. "I need no help from anyone," Zephyr declared, his voice resolute as he emerged from the rubble.

The two men were taken aback by Zephyr's words and even more so by the fact that he appeared unscathed, as if he hadn't been in a fight at all.

"Shouldn't you be injured from that blast?" one of them asked, puzzled.

"Should I have been?" Zephyr retorted with a question, slightly annoying the man. Both men glanced at Zephyr's watch, curious about his strength. They assumed he must be at least level 6 or higher. To their astonishment, it showed only level 0+, leaving them even more bewildered.

Zephyr remained silent, unconcerned with concealing his powers. He relished the idea of being feared, and this display, witnessed by the other students, would surely be the talk of the academy the next day. He approached Browny, who, thanks to Abby's healing, looked as good as new.

'I'll have to thank her properly later,' Zephyr thought, helping Browny to their room, with Jade trailing behind and leaving her sister Elle behind.

"Seriously, she just left me and followed some guy?" Elle said, clearly annoyed.


Zephyr and Jade each took one of Browny's arms, supporting him as they navigated through the dormitory. When they reached the room Zephyr shared with Browny, they gently pushed the door open and helped Browny onto his bed.

"Are you okay, bro?" Zephyr inquired, concern evident in his voice. Although the school doctor, Abby, had healed Browny's injury, the pain lingered. Thanks to his resilient Champion's physique, the discomfort was gradually subsiding.

"Don't worry about me; I'll be better by tomorrow," Browny assured, closing his eyes to rest.

With Browny settled and resting, Zephyr turned to Jade, who had been quiet. He met her gaze, his own eyes intense. "Thanks for the help," he said. He could've managed alone, but Browny mattered to him, and it felt right to be gracious.

"No problem. I'm always happy to help," Jade replied, her smile warm. Her kindness was unexpected, considering their rocky start, where they had once only shared hostile glares.

Zephyr and Jade locked eyes, their intense gaze softened into one of comfort, each curious about the person before them.

Their moment, however, was shattered by Jack's entrance. His brown hair and hazel eyes, framed by cherry-red lips, always irked Zephyr. As Jack took in the scene—Browny lying motionless, Zephyr standing with a blue-haired girl he recognized from the tests—he felt the weight of the room's tension.

"What happened?" Jack's voice cut through the silence, his unease growing under Zephyr's dark stare. Being near Zephyr always put him on edge, a primal fear taking hold.

Zephyr's voice was calm yet icy as he confronted Jack. "You abandoned Browny, and now he's hurt because of you," he accused, his eyes briefly flashing red with anger. "Weren't you supposed to be protecting him?"

Jack's hands trembled a little despite his bravado. 'I can take this guy, why am I trembling?'he thought, but Zephyr's commanding presence unnerved him. "Apologies, I had something urgent to attend to," Jack stammered.

"Urgent matters?!" Zephyr's voice rose, his irritation palpable. He took a step forward, but halted as a gentle touch on his shoulder calmed him. Turning, he found Jade's concerned eyes on him.

"There's no need for conflict. Browny is fine," Jade's soothing voice melted Zephyr's icy demeanor, and he paused to consider her words.

"It's getting late. Let me walk you out," Zephyr offered, casting a final glance at Jack before leading Jade away, exiting the room in quiet companionship.

Jack watched, bewildered. He didn't know Zephyr as well as Browny did, but he had never seen Zephyr's stern facade crack so quickly. "Who is she? The one who softened the beast with a mere touch?" he wondered aloud, his confusion echoing in the empty room.


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