Chereads / Shadow Lord Returns / Chapter 32 - Routine

Chapter 32 - Routine

"I hope I gained something valuable from that encounter," Zephyr thought. The clash with Darwin had been intense, ending in a literal explosion. The absence of a system notification left Zephyr uncertain of his victory, despite both combatants being downed. Yet, it was Zephyr who emerged triumphant.

Throughout the battle, Zephyr had restrained himself, careful not to reveal his vampire or undead abilities to avoid raising suspicions. A champion's feats were expected to be impressive, but only to a certain extent—anything beyond would be deemed abnormal.

+100 exp

[200/400 exp]

Puzzled by the lack of a quest, Zephyr pondered, "Why haven't I received a quest yet? Even in this fight, no quest to defeat him appeared, though I did gain experience." He surmised that the system might only issue quests in dire situations or against formidable foes, which could explain the absence of a quest to defeat Darwin, especially since he had held back.

Earlier, Zephyr had escorted Jade to the edge of the female dormitory area, stopping short of entering. Venturing further was ill-advised; the girls' territory was known for its ferocity, but Zephyr was undeterred, even if they were as wild as beasts. Jade bid him an awkward farewell before hurrying to her room, casting one final glance back at Zephyr.

'This guy gives off an odd aura. I need to learn more about him, especially after a camera caught him in the same area where that man died from blood loss,' Jade mused as she entered her room.


Zephyr muttered under his breath, "What an odd girl. She might make a suitable mate." The thought lingered briefly before he dismissed it. In his previous life, the idea of family had never crossed his mind. Although sixty in vampire years was akin to a mere twenty in human terms, the possibility now seemed tangible. Unbeknownst to him, his musings had not been as silent as intended.

"What the heck, man? You're considering mating with someone at the academy? That's revolting!" Jack exclaimed, his voice laced with disbelief upon overhearing Zephyr's words. "Seriously, I bet Instructor Jade isn't involved with any of the staff. But if you're so desperate, at least have the decency to keep it outside our room."

"Don't eavesdrop on my private thoughts!" Zephyr retorted sharply.

"If you're going to think aloud, expect people to eavesdrop; they can hear you," Jack countered, igniting a heated exchange.

"Would you two just be quiet? I'm the one who got hurt, and now I can't even sleep," Browny interjected, effectively silencing the argument.

Zephyr deemed the squabble juvenile and responded as any exasperated adult might: he flashed a defiant middle finger, muttered a silent 'to hell with you,' and turned away in his bed, intent on sleep, leaving Jack at a loss for words.

The following morning, a dazzling sun and the melody of birdsong roused everyone from slumber. Yet, no one had ever spotted a bird within the confines of the base, nor any other living creature besides humans. The academy felt like an inescapable space, a veritable cage where they were nothing more than lab rats, only to be released by teleportation—a secret known solely to the school's upper echelons.

"I detest this academy," Zephyr grumbled, eyeing the sun skeptically, questioning its authenticity. "But it doesn't matter. As long as they pit me against stronger humans or supernaturals, whom I can defeat—and perhaps devour once I transform into a werewolf—I'm content. However, first, I need a werewolf crystal to unlock my gene. Then my path to power will be unobstructed, and my strength will know no bounds. Ha!"

"What's been wrong with Zephyr talking to himself these days? He's crazier than he was three days ago," Browny whispered to Jack.

"Well, I don't know. You know Zephyr; he's one unique character," Jack replied, more impressed than worried, unlike Browny.

Three days had passed, and today was the day all the students of Orchid Academy had been eagerly anticipating and training for—their first missions.

During these days, Zephyr had been training relentlessly in the gym, not allowing himself any breaks. In this time, he discovered that he could actually earn attribute points by training specific parts of his body. Whether it was lifting heavy weights to strengthen his arms, doing pull-ups to fortify his abs, or squatting to bolster his legs, Zephyr found that no matter how hard he trained, he could only gain two attribute points per day. This rigorous training regimen had paid off significantly, granting him a total of six attribute points.


[User: Zephyr]

[Race: Hybrid]

[200/400 XP]

[Energy: 60/60]


[Strength: 17]

[Speed: 17]

[Stamina: 19]


Zephyr pondered his attributes with a sense of pride. His race was marked as a hybrid, a result of his vampiric nature intertwined with the gene of the undead. Should he choose to activate the undead gene, he would transform into a full-fledged hybrid.

Yet, within the confines of Orchid Academy, Zephyr had not dared to unleash this power. The grounds were not a place for such unsafe trials, and he was uncertain of the consequences. His reluctance wasn't born from a concern for potential casualties; rather, it stemmed from a desire to keep his secrets veiled. The world's demise mattered little to him—his eyes were set on vengeance and claiming his rightful throne.

With six new attribute points at his disposal, Zephyr distributed an additional two points across his stats. The allocation wasn't balanced, but that was of no concern to him. High stamina was his priority. However, Zephyr's satisfaction was marred by one thing: his experience points remained unchanged.

'No battles fought, no quests undertaken to earn experience points. Perhaps today will bring a new opportunity,' Zephyr hoped.

Outside, a throng of students from Orchid Academy had gathered, donning their gear and brandishing weapons. They had been summoned to the front of an enigmatic building—a structure that spanned an impressive three hundred kilometers and towered four stories high, reminiscent of a royal courtroom from the United Kingdom's pre-war era, which should have been reduced to rubble by now.

While the students were lost in the grandeur of the architecture, a grating voice from the microphone, known all too well to the academy, broke the silence.

"Welcome to the Quest building," the voice announced, trying to inject excitement into the air. But the students were restless, eager to begin their missions. Some sought power, others respite from the academy's oppressive atmosphere, and then there were those like Zephyr, who wished nothing more than to expedite the process. "This building is a gateway to transformation. Inside, you'll find Minor grade weapons and a selection of missions awaiting your prowess."

'Finally, something that speaks to me,' Zephyr thought, his sentiments echoed by the students, all eager for the promise of powerful Minor level weapons.

The announcer's voice cut through the buzz once more, "Be advised, 50% of any treasures acquired from your missions are to be contributed to the academy. This rule is reserved for those who were rescued, volunteered, or did not pay for admission."

The excitement waned at the proclamation.

"Cheap bastard!" Zephyr blurted out, unable to contain his disdain.


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