Chereads / Shadow Lord Returns / Chapter 30 - Collision

Chapter 30 - Collision

Browny, as usual, left Zephyr's side and followed Jack to their ability class. The session progressed typically, with students testing and honing their powers, striving to amplify their energy capacity—a crucial factor for enhancing their combat prowess.

Despite his efforts, Browny sensed no improvement. His strength had plateaued, and the ridicule from others, who sometimes beat him to the point of hospitalization, weighed on him. Yet, he didn't succumb to despair. Instead, he ignored the mockery and bullying, focusing on overcoming the adversities that had long shadowed his life.

Jack's formidable abilities had earned Browny a reprieve from harassment since day one. Browny kept his bullying a secret from Zephyr, fearing his friend's dark, patient eyes might one day reveal an unforgiving rage. He had never witnessed Zephyr's anger, but he felt certain it would unleash chaos if provoked.

Browny's past was marred by tragedy. Supernatural beings had decimated his family in the city where they lived. His young children, aged four and ten, were slaughtered alongside his wife, while he was spared only to be enslaved by Paragox. As his wife lay dying in his arms, she extracted a promise from him not to end his own life. Honoring her last wish, Browny vowed to grow stronger and eradicate the supernaturals.

After today's class, Browny decided to train at the Gym, hoping to witness an increase in his power through the mysterious watches they had received. Yet, fate paired him with a relentless opponent who reveled in tormenting the weak.


Jade's attention shifted as Zephyr's deep call for Browny sliced through the gym's din, startling her. She had been searching for her sister, a gym regular, but Zephyr's urgency signaled that now was not the time for pleasantries.

Zephyr strode toward the ring, one hand nonchalantly tucked in his pocket. Inside the ring, Browny was reeling from a brutal punch that sent him sprawling to the mat, bloodied yet determined to rise. His efforts were thwarted by a vicious kick to the stomach, pinning him down once more. Approaching the ring, Zephyr halted, eyeing the barrier encircling it—a sheath of pure energy that hummed dangerously like a laser.

The assailant was Darwin, a figure from Zephyr's past, who had once suffered a crushing defeat at Jade's hands. Hospitalized and humiliated, Darwin was now channeling his fury into the fight, empowered by a watch that flashed the number 5—signifying a strength that far exceeded Browny's.

"The match is over; I win," Darwin declared, his gaze fixed on Browny's defeated form. "You're weak, no match for me—I might as well be a god to you."

As the match concluded, the energy barrier around the ring dissipated, controlled by a device that activated it during combat. With the barrier gone, Zephyr stepped through to Browny's side.

"Looks like you took quite a beating, bro," Zephyr observed, just as Jade knelt beside them.

"I've alerted security; they'll be here soon," Jade assured, offering her assistance.

"Jade, could you help him out of the ring? That way, he'll be ready for when security arrives," Zephyr requested, his gaze elsewhere.

"Sure," Jade replied, her champion's strength allowing her to effortlessly lift Browny and seat him on a chair outside the ring.

With the pair safely out of the ring, Zephyr turned his attention back to the arena, his voice icy, "Now, let's see your judgment." His eyes were empty, reflecting none of the life they once held. The Shadow Lord was notorious for his tyranny and mercilessness, but it was his rage that truly instilled fear.

"Who are you?" Darwin bellowed, glancing at Zephyr's watch. Upon seeing the 0+ level, he erupted into laughter, joined by some of the students. Challenging a level 5 with almost no energy seemed ludicrous to them.

"Ha! You've got guts, I'll give you that. Let's have a match," Darwin taunted, his ability flaring to life. He hadn't bothered using it against Browny, choosing instead to overpower him physically. But with Zephyr, he wanted to inflict pain for the audacity of his challenge.

Zephyr's words seemed to echo through the gym, a stark reminder of the power struggles that often consumed those obsessed with dominance. "These watches, they've made people power-hungry, desperate to assert control over their peers," he mused, a trace of his own past reflected in his tone.

Darwin bristled at the comment, infuriated by the audacity of a mere level 0 addressing him so boldly.

Unfamiliar with Darwin's abilities, Zephyr watched as a spectrum of energy swirled around his opponent, prompting the arena's mechanism to erect the protective barrier once more.

Yet, Zephyr remained unfazed by the display. He drew his katana, the blade gleaming slightly as he held it downward, ready for combat.

Darwin charged, enveloped in his rainbow-hued aura. Clapping his hands together, he focused his energy at his fingertips before releasing a trio of blasts toward Zephyr.

Zephyr reacted swiftly, his blade meeting the first blast. To his surprise, the katana shattered, but he dodged in time, avoiding the impact. The energy barrier, fueled by a supernatural crystal, absorbed the remnants of the attack, nullifying the colorful assault.

**[Threat: Blue]**

**[Ability Identified: Rainbow Energy]**

Zephyr couldn't help but find the name fitting. With his weapon now useless, he activated his shadow enhance skill, shrouding his hands in a protective layer of darkness. His fists now armored, he leaped forward, launching a punch at Darwin, who mirrored the action, his fist radiating with the same vibrant energy.

Elle watched from the sidelines, a smile playing on her lips as she admired Zephyr's skillful display. Despite his watch indicating a level of 0+, he was holding his own against a level 5. Elle's own watch showed a 5+, and Jade's a solid 5, both impressed by the underdog's resilience.

Zephyr's stamina seemed inexhaustible, as if he hadn't even begun to exert himself. Meanwhile, Darwin's lavish use of energy was draining him, though his determination to defeat Zephyr overshadowed any concern for conservation. For Darwin, this was more than a fight; it was a battle for prestige.

As their fists met, shadow clashed with rainbow energy, resulting in an explosion that resonated through the gym like a thunderous


The shockwave rippled outward, a testament to the fierce power unleashed by both combatants sent them flying in opposite directions.

A thick white mist covered the fighting ring, hiding the two fighters from view. The powerful barrier around the ring had absorbed the shockwave from their clash, protecting the onlookers. Suddenly, two men and a woman in military uniforms rushed in. They had heard the explosion and came to investigate. To their surprise, the ring was intact, and the barrier was unharmed. Inside the ring, they found the two fighters on the ground, their bodies badly injured from the battle.

'I hope their still alive' The woman thought.


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