Chereads / Shadow Lord Returns / Chapter 29 - I'm cursed.

Chapter 29 - I'm cursed.

"Dude, I don't know. I just saw it in front of our apartment, and others did too. It seems like the whole academy received this package," Jack said, eyeing it curiously.

"That means it's from the academy," Browny added.

"Okay, let's open it," Zephyr suggested, sitting on his bed.

Jack, holding the metallic package, noticed a glowing button and pressed it without a second thought.

"Bro! That's not always smart. What if it's a bomb?" Browny exclaimed, frustrated by Jack's recklessness. "You can't just press buttons without thinking."

"Relax, the academy wouldn't send us a bomb, right?" Jack replied, though he wasn't certain. The academy was known for its crazy challenges, like fighting off hordes of zombies to survive.

Zephyr observed the two, thinking, 'It seems they're getting along. Good to see Browny cheer up.' When Zephyr first met Browny, he seemed to think life was meaningless and didn't care about dying. But now, Browny appeared sharp and happy, likely due to spending time with Jack. 'Maybe I won't have to consider getting rid of Jack, at least for now.'

Zephyr had reasons to dislike Jack, mainly because he was annoying. But seeing the change in Browny, Zephyr decided to spare Jack, though he wasn't sure how easy it would be to actually harm him.

When the black metallic box opened, inside were three watches with blank screens instead of time displays.

"They gave us watches, how thoughtful," Jack remarked sarcastically. Just then, the loudspeaker, known for blaring announcements, started up.

"Good morning, everyone! Today, a package was delivered to all student rooms. Inside, you'll find watches. You might be wondering what they are. Simply put, the academy has provided a device that measures your body's energy, making it easier to gauge your strength. Once worn, it will display a digital number representing your power level. All students are required to wear these devices on academy grounds at all times. Failure to comply may result in punishment."

As abruptly as the announcement began, disrupting everyone's peace, it ended.

Browny, Jack and Zephyr didn't hesitate and quickly put on the watches immediately, they wanted to know how strong they were and so were the whole students at the academy.

When the watches were put on, just like the voice of whoever had spoken through the microphones which no one cared different digital numbers suddenly appeared after the watches glowed blue and scanned their body with a wide blue bim.

"Oh, I got a level 5+ power level" Jack mumbled looking at his number, and actually didn't know he was that strong.

"Well, I got a level 3" Browny not even caring if it was low and at least he had a number displayed, which meet the amount of trying with his ability in the class had helped.

And then finally it was Zephyr, but he had the face of someone how was frustrated. "Did I do something to offend the Gods of something?, Sure I killed people in the passed but didn't my death cover for all that?."

Zephyr was angry and frustrated by the number displayed, he had know what sin he had done in this new life. Sure he killed someone but he had a reason this time. Zephyr just stood there flaming with rage, and probably thinking of killing the one who dropped the package and created this device.

Browny and Jack attention was drawn when they had Zephyr cursing which made Jack chuckled a little, but when the saw what number that displayed they quickly shut up and where shocked at what they were looking at.

"How could that be possible?" Jack said surprised that such level even existed.

"You device might be broken or something" Browny chipped in, he really did care about the levels. It just determines the energy in ones body not their combat skills or capabilities in battle.

But to Zephyr it meant everything, and he was furious at his stupid fate and wanted to pain and who wouldn't when the power level was a level 0+.


As lunchtime rolled around, the students of Orchid Academy gathered in the cafeteria before heading to their combat classes. There was a buzz of excitement in the air as everyone was eager to boost their power levels and outdo their peers. Amidst this, Zephyr stood out with his unique level 0+ status, sparking whispers of a possible curse.

The combat class was a display of strategy and strength. Students were paired off for duels, and with the ability to gauge their opponents' power, they fought smartly to avoid injury. Yet, some lower-level students dared to challenge the higher ranks, only to be soundly defeated and sent to the infirmary.

Zephyr, initially underestimated due to his level, unleashed his fury on those lower levels who saw him as weak prey. His display of power left no doubts about his capabilities, especially after his near-fatal duel days before. This raised questions about the mismatch between his strength and his level—a mystery that Zephyr himself pondered.

With combat class over, Zephyr refocused on his mission to grow stronger. He set his frustrations aside and made his way to the school gym, determined and ready for the challenges ahead.

Due to the little matches at the combat class Zephyr's efforts paid off:




Level up!


[Attribute point: 1]

"Seems like the experience needed to level up increases each time," Zephyr noted, having defeated three opponents and earned an attribute point, which he promptly invested in stamina.

+1 Stamina

[Stamina: 17]

Zephyr wandered for a while before arriving at the Gym, a two-story structure marked by two enormous boxing gloves. He stepped through the front door and was struck by the interior's appearance. The room seemed ordinary, save for a large fighting ring at the center, encircled by a peculiar barrier.

The Gym was relatively empty; few students chose to train after classes, preferring to socialize or explore the academy. Zephyr noted about 30 students, including two familiar faces. Although a match was underway, Zephyr paid it no mind—until a figure blocked his path.

"Hi there!" exclaimed the woman with blue hair, extending her hand. "I'm Jade, your test instructor, remember?"

But Zephyr's attention was elsewhere. In the ring, a friend was being pummeled, unable to retaliate against the swift blows of his adversary.

"Browny!" Zephyr shouted.


Author's Note:

Apologies for the delay in updates, everyone. I've been managing a few things on my end, and I appreciate your understanding. I hope you're finding the novel engaging and enjoyable. Your support is the driving force behind my writing, so please continue to cheer me on. Thank you!

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