Chereads / Shadow Lord Returns / Chapter 11 - Rescued

Chapter 11 - Rescued

Far across the dense forest, bathed in the glow of the moon, loomed an enormous ditch. In the midst of this scene, an intense battle raged, with Paragox engulfed in flames. Fire-wielding humans fought fiercely, carrying out their mission with determination. Their mission was twofold: to rescue their fellow humans from the clutches of the supernaturals and ensure that such atrocities never recurred. While there were other facilities like Paragox that enslaved humans, destroying this one was a significant step towards eradicating the scourge.

The humans coordinated their attacks, working together in groups to take down as many supernaturals as possible. Despite wielding their abilities, the task was far from easy, as supernaturals refused to yield. Although the human force outnumbered the supernaturals, casualties quickly equalized the numbers, creating a fierce and evenly matched battle.

"You're quite strong, I have to admit," Mark, the vampire leading Paragox, acknowledged. "But still, I will prove to be superior. Supernaturals are inherently of a higher level than any human."

"We'll see about that," Captain Jared retorted, thrusting his sword forward in an attempt to penetrate the vampire's heart. However, the vampire countered the attack with skill, sidestepping and bending to the side to avoid being fatally struck. In a swift motion, he delivered an uppercut towards Captain Jared, who narrowly evaded the blow by moving his head to the side. Yet, Captain Jared quickly realized that the attack was not intended to harm him but to set up for the next, more intense strike.

A red-colored aura coalesced around the vampire's right fist as he launched his attack. Captain Jared observed with growing concern as the punch speed intensified, now enveloped in the crimson aura. Despite his best efforts, Captain Jared found himself unable to evade the strike. Champions were indeed a superior and stronger version of normal humans, but even they had their limits, especially in terms of speed.

Captain Jared was struck by the fist covered in the strange red aura, the impact knocking the air out of him and sending him hurtling backwards, colliding harshly against the wall of the ditch.

"Haha, you thought you had the upper hand, but did you forget that supernaturals, including vampires, possess abilities of their own?" the vampire taunted, laughing loudly as he looked down at Captain Jared, who was slowly rising from the ground. Blood trickled from the corner of Captain Jared's mouth, evidence of the powerful blow he had just endured.

'Blood aura,' Captain Jared recognized the ability all too well. It was a skill unique to vampires, harnessing pure, dense blood condensed into a destructive form suitable for both offense and defense. The blood aura embodied the essence of vampires, their very life force wielded as a potent weapon. It was a manifestation of their power and prowess in battle, a formidable tool in their arsenal.

The vampire's gaze then fell upon Captain Jared's sword. "Savages," he spat, his disdain evident. "Killing our kind and using their crystal hearts as weapons. Foolish humans."

"Well, we have no choice," Captain Jared replied, his voice steady despite the pain. "You kill us to feed or simply out of hatred. I think we're even." With determination burning in his eyes, he continued, "Let me show you the true power of a champion!"

Suddenly, Captain Jared's body erupted into flames that engulfed his entire form, yet strangely left his clothes unscathed. The intense heat radiated from his body, altering the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere drastically. With a determined gaze, he pointed his sword at the vampire.

"Hope you can handle this," Captain Jared declared. As he finished speaking, the flames coalesced at the tip of his sword, forming a stream of fire that shot towards the vampire with ferocious intensity.

"Shit!" The vampire cursed as he hastily created a shield made of blood aura to block the attack. However, the onslaught proved too overwhelming, and the blood shield gradually cracked before shattering completely. The flames consumed the vampire, burning him mercilessly.

Eventually, the flames died down, leaving behind a charred, lifeless body on the ground—the leader of Paragox was no more.

Captain Jared surveyed the scene before tapping on the telecom. "The vampire leader of Paragox is dead," he reported calmly.


"Oh, I'm screwed," Zephyr cursed under his breath as he caught sight of the two vampires making their way towards him. They moved swiftly through the chaos of the battlefield, skillfully evading the champions who attempted to impede their progress. Their singular focus was clear: they were determined to obtain the crystal at any cost.

After the champions' forces finished setting up the bridge device, they began to escort the people in groups as quickly as possible towards the surface. The bridge was capable of accommodating a large number of people, but to prevent overloading and ensure stability, they had to proceed in groups. This method allowed for a swift and orderly evacuation of the area.

Zephyr found himself at the rear of the group, the last batch of people making their way towards the surface. Though he briefly entertained the idea of forcing his way through to join the next group, he knew the champions wouldn't allow it. Despite the trouble ahead, Zephyr remained surprisingly calm.

Zephyr possessed a unique personality that had carried over into his human form, allowing him to remain unfazed even in the most perilous situations. He had grown accustomed to facing danger without fear, and even the prospect of death failed to instill any sense of dread in him. Having experienced far worse in his past, Zephyr faced the challenges ahead with a steely resolve.

Zephyr regarded Browny with a calm demeanor, understanding his apprehension.

"It seems they have their eyes set on something, or someone, in particular," he replied thoughtfully. "But whatever their intentions, we must trust in the champions to handle the situation before it escalates." Despite the uncertainty of the moment, Zephyr remained composed, his confidence unwavering.

Zephyr nodded to himself, a small smile playing on his lips. The crystal he held in his hand was not particularly large, easily enveloped by his grip. Amidst the chaos of the situation, no one paid much attention to Zephyr or the crystal he possessed—a fact that Zephyr was keen to maintain. He understood the potential consequences if the humans were to discover the crystal in his possession, and he was determined to keep it hidden for as long as possible.

In a split-second decision, Zephyr knew he had to conceal the crystal quickly. With the vampires closing in and the need to keep the champions unaware of the true reason for their pursuit, Zephyr took action.

"Well," he said calmly, before swiftly tucking the crystal into his pants and securing it close to his groin, where it would be least likely to be discovered.

Alerted by the lookouts, the champions guarding the evacuation swiftly sprang into action, brandishing their weapons as they confronted the approaching vampires. Three champions landed in front of the vampires, effectively halting their advance.

"You two are not going anywhere," declared one of the champions, activating their abilities with determination.

"Damn it, we lost the human," one of the vampires cursed, frustration evident in his voice.


With the successful evacuation of the human slaves from Paragox, Zephyr surveyed the scene below. Paragox lay in flames, the chaos of battle evident as some supernaturals appeared to be retreating in the face of the champions' relentless assault. The flames illuminated the night sky, casting an eerie glow over the once-dreaded stronghold. As Zephyr gazed down at the burning ruins, a sense of satisfaction washed over him, knowing that they had dealt a significant blow to the forces of darkness.

"Haha, Browny, we're finally free... Ah!" Zephyr's laughter was cut short by a sharp pain in his groin. The crystal nestled in his pants began to glow with a white light, and a swirling black aura enveloped it. Without warning, the black energy surged into Zephyr's body, causing him to cry out in agony and collapse to the ground. "Ah!"

"Zephyr, what's wrong?" Browny shouted, alarmed by Zephyr's evident distress. "Someone, help!"

Three champions hurried over at Browny's cry, their faces reflecting concern as they quickly assessed Zephyr's condition. Shock washed over them as they noticed Zephyr's veins protruding from his skin, tinged with black, while he continued to scream in agony. His eyes turned completely black as he writhed in pain.

"What happened? Did he get poisoned? Let's get him to a doctor, quickly!" one of the champions exclaimed. They swiftly lifted Zephyr, but the pain proved too much for his weakened body, and he lapsed into unconsciousness.
