Chereads / slave to marriage / Chapter 2 - a new chapter created in my life

Chapter 2 - a new chapter created in my life


I don't mum. I don't want a weeding on my birthday.

Mum am your daughter, why do you want to seal me out like am not yours.


My dear, you are my child and mummy wants the best for you that why am doing this. Look at this from the brighter picture you are getting married what other women are looking for and not some kind of cheap marriage, you are getting married to a top two richest man.


This is the point mother I don't want to get married. At list not now, is father aware of this?


Who is your father?hey listen little one I make the rules hope you don't forget this. Your dad is just a man looking for who to feed him.


Mum, why do you say that?my dad is not just a hungry man. If you see him as such then please don't say it to me.


Hallin I think am done talking, pack up before sunset tomorrow you will be leaving to Abuja to stay with your grandma.


Am i going to see dad before I go at list? "tears"


We will get to know about that tomorrow, as for now good night. Leave!

"Hallin in her room"

What is happening in my life? Is this the reason am giving birth to? Why can't i have just one choice? Does anybody know what is going on in my life? Lot of questions I need some answers at list. "Crying loud"

Should I just run away? But to where? Or maybe I should just die actually? Does death solve any problem?

Oh !no no no. Why are they lot of questions in my mind? Who is going to answer them?

Am going mad actually, my life is crazy, my family is crazy I have no friends or even family I could run to at-tist. "Crying loud"


Hey hallin, wake up and start parking your bags and anything you will be needing. Because you won't be coming back to this house.


Is dad back?


Do you see your dad anywhere around here? Don't tease me or my pacient so get up from that position and park your bags.


At list can I see my father ?" loud tone"


Wait, hallin do you just raise your voice on me? Who the hell do you think you are? a grown woman or what? Am giving you this as a bonus you better adjust because next time won't be a luck win for you.


You know mum? I mean ma, I almost see you as my mother, the woman I taught I was about to know better? But I guess I was just wrong, do you know why? You don't deserve or own that title called "mother" you don't own it anymore in my life.


"Laughing out loud" you know I don't blame you, because you are just like your dad in greats. Pack your things now.....


I spit on the day I came out from your womb.


I regret it more than you do, start parking in great.


Parking and crying "


Hello! Yes am hearing you, are you done getting us a ticket? Then what Have you been doing since? Proceed please and stop telling me all the ticket has been bought. We need to leave today?

Am even getting tired of everyone.


"Staring at her mum"


Don't park, look at me like a show. Am now a movie to you right? By the time I get dress before you I promise you what you won't be able to imagine.




What is smelling? Maybe you are the one smelling.

"Hallin "

"On her knees" mum please this are sighs that this is not a good plan for me why don't I just go to school?


Funny!What do you know about school? I didn't go to school because of you. So why should I let you enjoy a privilege that I wasn't given?


Please you need to stop blaming me for your problems!


If I slap you I promise you a surgery to get your ears fix because you will definitely go deaf.

Hello sir, what are you even saying that I can't fly a first class? I should wait till Friday? Are you OK? Who the hell booked all the first class space? You don't know who booked them, just get me flying on Friday or you lose your job.


So we won't be going today right?


You still need to park.


Where are you both going to? Why is hallin parking while your bags are downstairs?


Shameless! Blaming you is the last problem you need in your life, how did I end up here? Look at you both wasteful beings.


Samara you won't speak to me like that in front of my daughter.


And what will you do about it?


Are you asking me Samara? So you now talk back because of the little money your parent left under your name.


I will speak to you how I like. What can you do? What money can your parent lend you? Look at you, generational treat of being poor is just moving around you.


Samara you call me poor? If I am poor then what are you doing with me


Dad ,mum please stop for once this hurt, seeing you both fighting it hurt me I am gradually growning to being a beast through your actions.


Hallin, leave this room!


Dad!! I want to speak to you please and this is my room.


So you don't have fear anymore you now have time to speak with me and when not to speak with me?


No dad I don't mean it that way I wanted to tell you about mum's intention and if you are aware?