Chereads / Roy Mustang Template in Harry Potter / Chapter 21 - The Angel of death

Chapter 21 - The Angel of death

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After discovering that Neo was a god damm seer. Both Roy and Grim Jaw were still stuck in place, still trying to process what happened.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Mustang, but I had to leave. From the prophecy your wife just made, I have to inform my king about it. You pretty much have the run of the place already. Lastly, I have to inform you that the whole castle was refurnished with new furniture. With that, I bet you goodbye Mr. Mustang."

With that Grim Jaw promptly left the residence heading back to Gringotts. Leaving Roy to figure out what his going to do with Neo, and informing her of what she is. And he suddenly got an alert from his system 


[Quest Started: It's the End of the World as we know it!] 

[Let the Chosen One defeat the Dark lord ending all magic] [Super rare Reward]

[Let the Dark lord defeat the Chosen One ending the world in war] [Super rare Reward]

[Foil and interfere with the plans of the light and the dark] [Ultra rare Reward]

[Save the Magical World by separation of the Regular World] [Ultra rare Reward]

[Don't interfere with either side] [Rare Reward]

[Quest warning: The Dark Lord can only be killed by the chosen one. The Chosen One dies, the revelation of the magical world will be triggered, causing a war]

"Well, crap! Looks like I'm gonna have my picket at Quests. But the last part is going to make it more difficult for me, as I have to keep Harry Potter alive, and I can't kill the Dark Lord."

Roy was interrupted when he was in thought by the subtle pop of Didi entering the kitchen.

"Didi is sorry to disturb Master Mustang sir, but there be a visitor."

Didi, like a typical house elf, nervously informed Roy.

'That's odd. I can't think of anyone who would be visiting me, since I just set the island into lockdown. 

"Who is this visitor, Didi?"

"Visitor be from Master sir's village. He be named Walter, Master Mustang sir."

'Right! The village, I've nearly forgotten all about them. I don't even know the name of it, now that I think about it.'

With his curiosity peaked Roy asked

"Didi, where is Mr. Walter now?"

"Didi took Walter sir to sitting room, Master Mustang sir."

"Perfect. See that he is made comfortable. I'll greet him shortly."

-Walter POV-

Walter's appearance was that of a tall thin elderly Englishman, with a darker skin tone depicting that he's of mixed racial blood. He clearly shows his age, with face wrinkles and details.

His face is much more long and squared, and his eyes are droopier than they are sharper with his pupils gray. His hair, is balding and colored gray slicked back and tied up. He wears the same traditional outfit that any wizard commonly uses, black robes with an added monocle.

The magical residents of the village all agreed that Walter Be the first to visit the new Lord of the island.

The villagers made the plan after they noticed the castle being built, and finally appeared to be occupied When they felt the protection wards being activated throughout the island.

Walter was a veteran of the Grindelwald War. After living through the chaos of that war he learned the value of freedom and life.

As the strongest living resident in the village, he was chosen to take the course of action of seeing the new Lord of the island.

The new owner of the island Lord of the Castle will be entitled to impose sanctions on the village. He could impose sanctions that would drastically alter the villager's way of life and possibly infringe on their freedoms.

Walter hoped to discover a bit of the new Lord's personality, and possibly prevent any of the villagers from leaving the island. For it has always been a safe haven for all magicals, from Muggleborns to Squibs. Especially now with all the chaos of the Dark Lord hunting down any Muggleborns.

Hopefully, if the new lord seems receptive, he can convince him to the growth of the village, to finally become a proper town.

While the other magical communities received help from the ministry, their village was always ignored by the ministry, because their population consisted of Muggleborns and Squibs, with a few halfbloods and purebloods.

As the door to the waiting room opened, Walter stood up and used this opportunity to get a good look at the new lord. He was a clean-shaven young man with dark eyes. Roy's dark hair, keeping with his persona was worn casually unkempt, falling over his eyes.

His short hair and trimmed beard can't hide his youthful appearance. Walter doubted he was over twenty years old, while he was wearing an all too familiar uniform.

A traditionally blue overcoat, pants, and black boots with a yellow four rager and decoration/badges adorned on the uniform with achievements displaying that he's the rank of Colonel.

What Walter wasn't expecting were his eyes. The cold dark eyes seemed to absorb all the joy they looked her over. He had only seen a pair of eyes with the same face before on one other person. His former teammate, Arcturus Black.

"Good morning, Mr. Walter, My name is Roy Mustang."

The younger man stated in a soothing baritone voice.

Keeping in the edict, Walter replied.

"Good morning to you as well, Lord Mustang. And thank you for receiving me. Might I ask, are you in any way related to Arcturus Black?"

The question caught the young Lord by surprise.

"Oh, yes, these my great uncle."

"That makes sense because you're the spitting image of that man when he was young."

"Do you have a history with my uncle Mr. Walter?"

"History, ha! That Old Coot was one of my teammates, back when we were fighting in the war against Grindelwald. Out of our team of 15 only two of us made it out a life."

"Then came Dumbledore out of nowhere at the last moments of the war, and swooped the victory away from all of us, when we had Grindelwald running. Taking all the credit to himself and making all the sacrifices of. all my teammates and everyone in front of the war seem inconsequential."

That caught Roy by surprise.

"I'm taking a gander here, but you don't seem to like Dumbledore, do you?"

The question made of Walter scoff at the answer.

"That self-righteous prick?"

"Of course, I don't like him. If it wasn't for his soft handling of the Death Eaters, this war wouldn't have lasted that long. Sure, the man might be a strong wizard, but that doesn't mean squat if you don't know how to strategize."

"Everyone thinks that Dumbledore was a master strategist who fought in the war. All that man actually did was just send his students to their deaths, to fight in the war for him, with no training or battle experience."

"Dumbledore is an opportunist vulture, who will use up every around him, which makes him a perfect politician. But his greatest weakness is to give purebloods second chances even if their monsters who will never change." 

It kept bugging Roy, that he knew Walter from somewhere, he couldn't help but notice when he took out a cigarette and smoked it. He was positive about who Walter was.

"Excuse me, Mr. Walter, what is your full name?"

Walter raised an eyebrow and then smirked while he answered Roy's question.

"Strange question to ask lad? But my full name is Walter C. Dornez. I also had a nickname that I went by, but that was a long time ago."

"Excuse me, but your nickname wouldn't have to be the Angel of Death, would it?"

"It seems that old fossil has been talking about me, huh?... Yes, lad that was my nickname."

Roy finally broached the subject of Walter's presence. 

"Well then, tell me Mr. Walter, what brings you to see me?"

Placing his cigarette on the table ashtray beside him, Walter prepared herself. 

"I have come to inquire if you could finance the growth of our village to a proper town and hopefully reinstating any of the traditional events."

"How much finance are the villagers looking for? And which events are you referring to?"

Roy asked with genuine interest. While A dense tension was building in Walter's stomach. He knew he had no right to ask it, but the village needed the support.

"Will you see the issue is that our island for over a century has been used as a refugee for all magical kind. Because of the purebloods in control of magical Britain, all Muggleborn who graduate Hogwarts, usually end up in this island or back into the nonmagical."

"Because of the pureblood's hate for this island, they made it into a foreign entity. Making the island exempt from any protection or financial support from the Ministry of magic, leaving us to fend for ourselves."

"On the plus side, we don't have to pay any of those ministry fucker Knut. And the island rarely gets attacked, because it's mostly filled with old war veterans and disgruntled Wizards from the British magical community."

Once the two got God acquainted with each other they spent several minutes discussing pleasantries over a cup of tea.

They discussed that their village population consisted of 300, and that their biggest money contributors were their 3 magical horse herds of Unicorns, Bicorns, and Thestrals.

One oddity Walter noted about Roy as he conversed with him, was that he had military training from the way he talked and moved. 

RACE: Human/Wizard 

NAME: Roy Mustang


Vitality: 25

Attunement: 120

Arcane: 185

Endurance: 38 +40 (78) 

Vigor: 25 +5 +40 (70) 

Resistance: 12 +40 (42) 

Strength: 19 +40 (59) 

Dexterity: 18 +40 (58) 

Perception: 45 +40 (85)

Skill: 8

Mind: 40 

Intelligence: 55

Faith: 5

Luck: 24 

-Base Power-

Health Points: 1,000 +14 Regen/Minute

Aura: 2,000 +14 Regen/Minute

Mana: 1,200 +14 Regen/Second

Stamina: 190 +28 Regen/Second

Equip Load: 74 +10 (84)

Poise: 6 +46 (52)

Item Discovery: 64%


Physical Defense: 54.5 +107 +20 (181.5)

Magic Defense: 64.5 +53 +20 (137.5)

Fire Defense: 84.5 +57 +20 (161.5)

Cold Defense: 64.5 +88 +20 (172.5)

Light Defense: 54.5 +35 +20 (109.5)

Dark Defense: 54.5 + 36 +20 (110.5)


Bleed Resistance: 54.5 +53+90 +20 (217.5)

Poison Resistance: 54.5 +36 +20 (110.5)

Curse Resistance: 54.5 +52 +20 (126.5)

Toxic/Plague Resistance: 54.5 +20 (74.5)


Rings (3/10):

-Chloranthy Ring: +5 Vigor

-Fire Clutch Ring: +15% Fire damage, -10% armor 

-Bloodbite Ring: +90 Bleed Resistance

-Blue Tearstone Ring: -20% incoming damage, when HP is below 20%

 Reckless (0/1):


MSP: 0