Chereads / Roy Mustang Template in Harry Potter / Chapter 27 - The Kingdom of Amestris

Chapter 27 - The Kingdom of Amestris

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Roy looked like a kid in a candy shop as he shamelessly drooled seeing Neo in Skimpy Lingerie. The Lingerie had openings on her voluptuous stacked D cup Knockers, to view her nipples and her crotch too, it was something he had no idea would be so amazing. It was odd, he had seen her naked already, and yet her being dressed in that Lingerie was something else.

Thanks to his Aura and exercises throughout each day with Neo in bed, Roy had filled out nicely with a lean body build and firm muscles. They weren't hulking but they were just right according to her.

Roy's Castle was relatively quiet for another night, as quiet as it could be given the circumstances of him screwing Neo's brain out. While some were preoccupied with the technology introduced by Neo, others were deeply immersed in their research, either within the library or the dungeon.

-Buckingham Palace-

Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, was seated in her private study, attending to the less glamorous aspect of her royal duties: a substantial amount of paperwork.

Having been away for several days, she returned to find the documents had accumulated. However, she found the task somewhat comforting as it afforded her an hour of solitude, accompanied only by her dogs.

It was late, and although her husband had retired for the evening, she felt inclined to stay awake a while longer. As she worked her way through half of the stack, which consisted mainly of items requiring her official signature, she noticed her dogs becoming alert.

Moments later, she discerned the presence of two well-dressed gentlemen enjoying tea in her office. Alarmed she pressed her emergency bottom, then one of the men smirked and spoke to her

"I'm sorry your Majesty, but your emergency button won't work."

Momentarily confused by the unfolding events, she abruptly recognized the pair as Wizards.

After a few minutes elapsed with no one answering the door, the Queen pressed the button once more, only to notice the second one smirking at her as well.

Realizing there was no immediate threat, she relaxed and collected herself.

"Hmm, How may I assist my magical subjects?"

The older Wizard nodded, and the younger one kept drinking his tea. Getting up he walked toward the Queen's desk with a file and the Wizard outstretched his arm dropping the file. 

"If I may, Your Majesty? My name is Darnic Prestone Yggdmillennia, and my Lord Mustang is the ruler of a nearby island, that's not affiliated with either the magical or nonmagical Britain." 

"What we came for today was to receive recognition as a sovereign ruler, by you and your sovereign nation."

Queen Elizabeth thought for a moment, then she looked at the Wizard with her Royal Business face and said

"It appears that you believe I would give up land and proclaim your Lord King to some swindlers."

The elder Wizard didn't protest at her response but pulled out a few vials and set them on her desk.

"Certainly, my Lord does not seek your acknowledgment as a sovereign ruler without recompense. In return for verbal recognition, he will bestow upon you four vials of magical awakening potions. Consuming one will endow the drinker with magical abilities akin to those of a Wizard."

The Queen opened the folder carefully using a letter opener on her desk, realizing there was no danger she began to read it, glancing at the older Wizard occasionally as she did so.

As she finished reading the folder, she put it back down and looking at the vials she thought for a moment.

"If what you are saying is true then we can work a deal with our nation, but first I need to get my Wizards to inspect the potions and my Prime Minister to go over the deal."

Darnic just smiled at the Queens political move.

"Very well your Majesty, as my Lord has granted me the position of Prime Minister, I will handle all of the paperwork and all other business, and we will undo our jamming of your office."

As Darnic gave him the get-go, Roy took out his wand and with a twirl he undid all the charms he did to block all signals from the room.

Moments later, a knock sounded at the door. The Queen pressed a button to grant entry. Four individuals entered: two disguised as Muggle attendants with wands at the ready, and two clad in discreetly armored attire, pistols poised at their sides.

Entering they saw the Queen drinking tea and eating biscuits with two men who were not authorized to be in the Queen's office.

Upon assessing the absence of immediate threat, the wizards sheathed their wands and offered a formal bow, while the bodyguards assumed positions on either side of the door.

"How may we assist your Majesty?"

Asked the senior of the two Wizards.

"Chief Wizard, please inspect these potion vials and determine their safety for use. Additionally, summon the Prime Minister to discuss the agreements and proposals these gentlemen have presented."

The Chief Wizard acknowledged and delegated the Queen's request for the Prime Minister's presence to his wizardly assistant. After employing every detection charm at his disposal, the Chief Wizard addressed her.

"Your Majesty, the potions contain highly condensed magic; they appear to function as a potent magical recharger."

"Then, Chief Wizard, are they safe for consumption?"

"The danger seems minimal, Your Majesty, but it would be prudent to conduct a test first."

"I see."

Impatient to wait any longer and reassured by the Chief Wizard of the potion's safety, Elizabeth took a potion and drank it.

"Your Majesty! You should have waited for someone to test it first"

Exclaimed the Chief Wizard, but Queen Elizabeth, undeterred, replied.

"If they had wanted to poison me, they would have done it long before now."

With that, she pointed her wand at a vase, concentrated, and in the next instant, the vase shattered into fragments.

"Remarkable! Your words about the potions were true, Minister Darnic. Once my Prime Minister arrives, I will advocate for your cause."

"Certainly, Your Majesty! You will forever be our Queen. My desire is only to govern your magical subjects and I assure you that we will uphold the ICW laws with utmost rigor."

"Forgive me, Darnic, but I am not well-versed in the ICW laws."

Darnic raised his hand, offering reassurance.

"Do not worry, Your Majesty. Under ICW law, anyone who violates the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy shall face execution, with no possibility of a bribe for their release."

Nearly three hours passed before the Queen was content with the agreement her Prime Minister had forged. She sensed it might not be well-received by her court Wizards and the Magical Ministry.

However, she was the Queen and they were not. Moreover, they had reneged on a deal to import precious metals into Britain, an arrangement profitable for both realms.

With the British Government's assistance, the Kingdom of Amestris has been officially recognized as a sovereign nation. 

The Kingdom operates as a unitary state governed by a parliamentary republic, with Roy Mustang serving as both the Commander-in-Chief of the Military and the Head of Government.

Central Command, situated in Central City near Mustang's Castle, appoints regional governments at its discretion without any known elections for the Commander-in-Chief position.

Amestris is divided into five administrative regions: the South, West, North, East, and Central Areas.

The government's power is heavily centralized within the military, and the only elections conducted are for legislative roles within the parliament, which have minimal impact on decision-making.

In reality, the government consists of appointed positions, although the military has the authority to veto and also legislates for itself.

The national flag of Amestris features a rectangle with a silver dragon rampant on a green field.

This dragon motif is also incorporated into the State Alchemist symbol, which includes the dragon within a hexagram surrounded by a laurel wreath. A variant of the flag, including a border, is also utilized as an insignia on military uniforms.

RACE: Human/Wizard 

NAME: Roy Mustang


Vitality: 25

Attunement: 120

Arcane: 206

Endurance: 38 +40 (78) 

Vigor: 25 +5 +40 (70) 

Resistance: 12 +40 (42) 

Strength: 19 +40 (59) 

Dexterity: 18 +40 (58) 

Perception: 45 +40 (85)

Skill: 8

Mind: 40 

Intelligence: 55

Faith: 5

Luck: 24 

-Base Power-

Health Points: 1,000 +14 Regen/Minute

Aura: 2,400 +14 Regen/Minute

Mana: 1,200 +14 Regen/Second

Stamina: 190 +28 Regen/Second

Equip Load: 74 +10 (84)

Poise: 6 +46 (52)

Item Discovery: 64%


Physical Defense: 56 +107 +20 (181.5)

Magic Defense: 66 +53 +20 (137.5)

Fire Defense: 86 +57 +20 (161.5)

Cold Defense: 66 +88 +20 (172.5)

Light Defense: 56 +35 +20 (109.5)

Dark Defense: 56 + 36 +20 (110.5)


Bleed Resistance: 56 +53+90 +20 (217.5)

Poison Resistance: 56 +36 +20 (110.5)

Curse Resistance: 56 +52 +20 (126.5)

Toxic/Plague Resistance: 56 +20 (74.5)


Rings (3/10):

-Chloranthy Ring: +5 Vigor

-Fire Clutch Ring: +15% Fire damage, -10% armor 

-Bloodbite Ring: +90 Bleed Resistance

-Blue Tearstone Ring: -20% incoming damage, when HP is below 20%

 Reckless (0/1):


MSP: 0