Chereads / Percy Jackson: Scaled Lord Of Strife / Chapter 6 - Giant Trilogy Part 4: Energy Of Life II

Chapter 6 - Giant Trilogy Part 4: Energy Of Life II

||Primordial Blood Tomb||[Centuries ago, a primordial engaged in a catastrophic battle with a powerful giant, the aftermath of the battle devastated the land for centuries, transforming it into an eternal battlefield, a cursed place where ghastly creatures prowl at night, charging at anything that breathes, the vile creatures follow after their father, forever in conflict with towering, dark abominations whose size put even immortals to shame. Any who dares venture into this ruined land, beware of the broken curse of d@%^n*&(v)%^9x??]

Dentrivix, looking up at the foot streaking towards him forced his brain into overdrive, compelling it to think up a plan to get him out of his current predicament because if that foot came in contact with his head then it was over for him, nothing would bring him back from that sort of damage.

'Fuck, what do I do?!?!' As the foot neared his head, fear enveloped his heart, His mind kept spinning and spinning, Quickly shifting from scenario to scenario, plan to plan, one idea to another, he even wondered if he said sorry enough he would be spared however reality soon doused him in it's cruel, harsh waters, extinguishing all his hopes of surviving the attack.

No matter how fast his brain was, no matter how many scenarios he shifted to and from there was no way his body wouldn't be able to move at a speed fast enough to enact even a single one of them, it just wasn't possible. The foot was rushing at him at super-sonic speeds, even if he could dodge that attack would he be able to dodge the second? the third? the fourth? 

No, that was the answer, He couldn't dodge them even by some miracle he dodged them then it would take only one hit to put him in the sky eternally, and as for if he could tank the shots then he would win however that wasn't how things were, right now he wasn't able to dodge, wasn't able to block or do anything, hell his body hadn't even reacted to the attack yet, if it wasn't for his world sense then he wouldn't have known what happened at all.

How his mind had been able to react properly and run through simulations of what could happen and how he could survive was an absolute miracle, something that would have taken him far if he had only time to grow, only if he could survive past this fight and keep surviving. 

Even as he realized it would be impossible to get out of this situation he still feared death, he still feared the unknown as in the end he was only a coward with an intense will to live and an incredible reservoir of life energy...

Wait a minute, that was it!! 

Life energy!!, He manipulated his life energy to heal his broken body so he should also be able to manipulate it to form a barrier around him maybe, just maybe he could survive this, maybe he could actually make it!!

Dentrivix focused with all his might, even shifting off his world sense, leaving him unknowing of the distance between that mini-missile and his soon-to-be mangled head. Dentrivix only willed his life energy to help him out however he soon shifted from that, falling into a trance and speaking to with his heart, he asked for it to emerge from him, to protect him and shield him from the horrors of the earth and all that could pose harm and the life energy responded.

'Your wish is our command, father...'

'Wait, what the fuck?!?!'

'Is fuck an attack father??'

Due to raw life energy being unable to manifest outside the body without being carried by a more physical energy as it was the mix of an ethereal energy that stemmed from the soul as well as a more physical energy that stemmed from the body, the sentient life energy was forced to manifest itself in a different, far less potent form, such as blood.

Liters of blood erupted from every pore in his body, quickly converging above his head and solidifying into a small javelin that shot up, shooting through the creature's foot flying through it, and digging into its abdomen before erupting in a shower of thorn-like blood that turned into small maggots that ran up and down the giant's body, devouring it, however the small maggots soon shrank before fading away, the last vestiges of the blood quickly rushed back Dentrivix, finding sanctuary within the boy's body.

"Aughhh!!" The giant screamed, intense pain wracking its body, eating away at its soul and clawing at its mind, The giant screamed not only of pain but of rage, of longing of all the emotion that tormented him for days now. He could still remember that day, weeks ago when he got news of his brother's death.

He had just come back from the war-front, eager to reunite with his brother after 3, long and painful years, He was ready to reunite with the last family he had, His little brother had been his light in the darkness that was war, The sun the shone brightly in his colorless world.

When he arrived he saw a letter left at the entrance of the den he and his brother had shared until only recently. He picked up the rolled-up letter and read its contents, unaware of how to feel at the end of the short yet mind-numbingly long letter.

On 27/31/1879 Nexter Inurta, a prodigy and a supreme talent, had reached the second rank of the Bodily Expansion stage at only age 8 was brutally murdered by experiment MLK8312011, experiment MLK8312011 was from Project LFE, a project meant to increase the life force of our new generation, Nexter was tasked in collecting flesh and blood of the experiment however was sadly killed, Nexter will loved by all of us and will continue to be loved as we honor his memories and his contributions to the Giant race, may the progenitor bless you and your late brother.-Sincerely Patriarch Giganto.

Nexteriea felt as if something there was a hole where his heart was, He felt as if there was only a void where his soul had once been, he felt as if the sun had been pulled out of the sky, once again submerging his world in endless darkness.

Even more so Nexteriea felt a deep longing, All he wanted was for his brother to come back to him, he wanted this to all be fake, he hoped that all of this was just one bad dream that would go away when he woke up, however he knew it wasn't, the link connecting him and his brother was gone, not severed, entirely gone, the only way this was to happen was if the other party was no longer in the same plane or dead...

Soon this longing was replaced by rage and hatred, It ran through his veins, contaminating his very soul, he yearned, no he lusted for the death of the soon-to-be-very-mangled creature that had taken his brother from him.