Chereads / Percy Jackson: Scaled Lord Of Strife / Chapter 8 - Giant Trilogy Part 6: True Life Exists Within

Chapter 8 - Giant Trilogy Part 6: True Life Exists Within

||Primordial Blood Tomb||[Centuries ago, a primordial engaged in a catastrophic battle with a powerful giant, the aftermath of the battle devastated the land for centuries, transforming it into an eternal battlefield, a cursed place where ghastly creatures prowl at night, charging at anything that breathes, the vile creatures follow after their father, forever in conflict with towering, dark abominations whose size put even immortals to shame. Any who dares venture into this ruined land, beware of the broken curse of d@%^n*&(v)%^9x??] 

Nexteria quickly zoomed toward Dentrivix, rage overtaking him as he looked at the murderer of his brother, if he was being honest he knew that his rage at him was both understandable yet stupid, it was not the creature's fault that it had killed his brother, the creature was forced to do so out of his will, yet at the same time this boy, creature, man, whatever the thing was had his brother blood stained upon his hands, the large head lying at the center of broken land was proof of this, in the end, his feelings panned out as remorse, pain and incredible hatred at the higher ups for forcing people to do things like these and for killing his only family.

Within these short few seconds he had arrived at Dentrivix's position determined to put the creature to rest and then exterminate the clan's higher-ups, and maybe, just maybe make this world a better place. 

"This is for Nexter...."

"Ohh fuck...." 

As the foot quickly streaked through the air Dentrivix's mind quickly shifted into overdrive, switching from scenario to scenario, plan to plan as he frantically tried to find a way out of his current position, gears continued to spin and spin in his mind and soon he came to a conclusion.

It was impossible, he wasn't fast enough to react to it at all, let alone move out of his way his body hadn't even moved a single inch since the time he started thinking and even now it still hadn't reacted as less than half a millisecond had passed, hell the foot would take at least one and half more seconds to reach him.

How his mind had started to move this quickly was an absolute mystery but it was a welcomed one without a doubt, or else he wouldn't have even known how he would have died, now he got to feel it all in detail, he got to experience someone's feet penetrate his skull at unfathomable that he thought about it the more it sounded like a curse than a blessing.

Although he knew it was impossible to survive he continued to think as he desperately hoped to cling onto life, wait a minute, life, what did he have in great abundance that he seemed to be able to manipulate with his will?

Life energy!!

Life energy was what he had and he would use it to its fullest potential!

Dentrivix was elated to have found a light in the darkness that was death, he hoped that he could move the life energy the way he did while he healed his body although it did seem more like the energy was helping him out back then.

Dentrivix then shifted off his world sense, cutting himself off from what could be going on around him leaving him oblivious to the distance that separated his head and bullet-like feet that seemed to covet him having an early death and focused completely on his body and what was inside of it.

He quickly managed to create a link between himself and his life energy and he spoke through the link, he at first asked it to stop the foot from reaching him however he soon fell into a trance where spoke to his life energy as if it was a person, he let it knew of all his desires, he told it about how much he wanted to survive, how much he wished that the person targeting would die.

And then, it, like a person responded to him.

'your wish is our command, father...."

'Wait, what the fuck?!?!'

'Is fuck an attack father??'

Due to raw life energy being unable to manifest outside the body without being carried by a more physical energy as it was the mix of an ethereal energy that stemmed from the soul as well as a more physical energy that stemmed from the body, the sentient life energy was forced to manifest itself in a different, far less potent form, such as blood.

Suddenly, liters of a certain crimson liquid sprung from Dentrivix's every pore and coagulated into a small ball above his head that swirled around like a typhoon while rapidly increasing in length before fully transitioning from a scarlet sphere of blood into a small javelin adorning many small engravings that gleamed with a crimson vermillion hue.

The small javelin shot forward as soon as it was fully formed, charging at the foot above it, piercing through the foot with little resistance, and continued moving, stabbing through the giant abdomen before erupting into a shower of thorn-like blood barbs that dugg into the giant's body, the small barbs seemed to dissipate, however, they still had more to them as the quickly turned into hundreds of small maggots with circular maws lined with blade-like incisors.

The incisors quickly rotated as the maggots dug into the giant's body eating away at many portions of its body before dissipating into a fogy red mist that quickly shot back into Dentrivix's body, Dentrivix was quite elated as the javelin had effectively stopped his charge completely and left its body brutally mangled. The sight of the horribly mangled giant was quite terrifying, to say the least.

"AAUUGGHHHH!!!!" Of course, a javelin being shoved through you by itself was quite excruciating however said javelin turning into multiple prongs that then shifted into hundreds of little maggots that dug into one's body was just beyond agonizing so it wasn't very surprising that the giant let out the blood-curdling scream that it did.

The giant quickly fell into the sea of black blood below as Dentrivix stood there for a second absolutely dumb-struck, suddenly however, before he could properly comprehend what had just happened the transparent plate of energy below him exploded violently, thankfully, he was able to form a shield of life energy below him.

Although he had stopped himself from any serious damage by forming a barrier at the last moment his skin was still marred by multiple burn marks and cuts of varying size, depth, and intensity, even more so the attack had shot him high into the sky, something he was starting to get used to now.

Before Dentrivix's momentum could stop Nexteria shot up into the sky, rapidly flying off little plates made of unknown energy, he quickly started gaining on the now-falling Dentrivix who was falling face first with his eyes shut tight.

Nexteriea soon reached him and stuck out his arm violently, attempting to skewer Dentrivix's abdomen akin to a shish-kabob, Dentrivix's mind raced as he attempted to get out of his current situation, and then it hit him!

Dentrivix had high control of his blood if the hand pierced him then he would just lock the creature's hand up inside him and strike back, Dentrivix lamented for his attacker, the idiot decided to kill him now it would be the one getting killed.


The hand quickly struck Dentrivix's torso, piercing right through him with almost no resistance, Dentrivix willed his blood to encase the creature's hand and solidify however things didn't exactly go to plan.

Nexteriea obviously knew that the creature he was fighting had high control of blood, the creature had shot a literal javelin of blood at him after all, he still remembered the traumatizing experience. Thus he coated his arm in a layer of his blood and willed the blood to explode into multiple prongs.

Dentrivix was baffled, the enemy actually had intelligence! it could actually use its mind! of course it could, although Dentrivix viewed beasts as bloody-thirsty creatures driven by instincts alone most beasts were actually intelligent and capable of thinking ahead and planning.

The shocked Dentrivix quickly picked up on his fact as he desperately shot his hand at the creature in front of him and from his every finger and palm blew forth a sea of crimson, large amounts of blood spewed from his hand and slammed into the creature's head wrapping around it and squeezed tightly, crushing the beasts head into a grotesque bloody pulp.

"I won?" Dentrivix paused

"But how?"

Dentrivix was had not seen this coming at all, he expected the fight to take a long while and even if it ended quite quick he thought that he would at least suffer grievous injuries, presumably from a final fuck you like what had happened last time however he actually one quite easily.

But there was something a bit off yet he couldn't seem to put his tongue on it, until it finally hit him.

"How am I floating?!?!"