Chereads / Minami no hanashi : Yume / Chapter 4 - An Eventful Afternoon

Chapter 4 - An Eventful Afternoon

Minami no hanashi : Yume - Prelude

After the art class, in the high school library

-(Taiya) So, what did you think?

-(Sanae) About what?

-(Taiya) The other students! Interesting or not??

-(Sanae) Well, I can't really say right now, I don't know them.

-(Tsuka) And you, Minami?

-(Minami) Meh. They're just people my age. Nothing more.

-(Taiya) Hehe! And what about Rikiza?? Have you seen how he is?

-(Minami) Who?

-(Taiya) Rikiza Jukugo!

-(Minami) Um... Never heard of him.

-(Taiya) Him!

Taiya pointed at him with her finger. Afraid of attracting attention, especially since it's impolite, Sanae quickly grabbed Taiya's hand and scolded her: "We don't point at people with our fingers! It's rude!"

-(Taiya) Okay! I'll stop!

Minami, who seemed lost in her thoughts, sighed.

-(Tsuka) Are you okay, Minami?

-(Minami) Yeah. I'm just wondering if my snack bars were delivered.

-(Sanae) Again? Didn't you stock up a week before school started?

-(Minami) I already finished them! And besides, I hadn't even filled them up.

-(Sanae) You were eating too many of them.

-(Minami) No, I was eating the right amount. It's different.

-(Sanae) Yeah yeah.

"I'm counting on you, Jun!" she sighed, slumping onto her desk.

Meanwhile… In front of the Katayama household

-(Jun) Alright... I'll drop these off and then dash.

That was probably the biggest mistake of his life. When Jun placed the boxes on the porch of the house, the door swung open. Standing before Jun was none other than Minami's father, Shinsuke Katayama. The mere existence of this man was the reason Jun hesitated to come. Time stood still.

Shinsuke stood before the young man, looking at him coldly.

-(Jun) H-Hello...

-(Shinsuke) What are you doing here?

-(Jun) I– It's your daughter's stock.

-(Shinsuke) Why are you taking care of it?

-(Jun) I– It's– She asked me to this morning... Damn it.

Jun suddenly realized what he had just revealed. Mr. Katayama then furrowed his brows and questioned him.

-(Shinsuke) What? This morning? She's supposed to be at school. How come she's with you? How long has this been going on?

-(Jun) W-Wait! Don't jump to conclusions! It's your daughter who didn't give me a choice! I swear! I hung up on her, closed the door, but she insisted! You know your daughter! She– she's sometimes a bit persistent–

-(Shinsuke) Jun. You're 21 years old, you have your own apartment, and now you're telling me you're giving in to the whims of a 16-year-old girl?

Shinsuke's gaze seemed increasingly disappointed and irritated.

-(Jun) Okay... I'm clearly screwed. What do I do?

At that moment, Jun snapped and decided to speak his mind.

-(Jun) Mr. Katayama... Your daughter, sir! She makes me–

Just as Jun was about to use a derogatory term to describe the eldest daughter of the Katayama family, a voice spoke up, saving him from utter disaster.

"Hey Jun! You're just in time, I need you to drop me off at school, I'm running late!" she said, rushing over.

-(Jun) Narumi– !? Damn it, I'm beyond screwed! Why does this only happen to me!

Shinsuke was irritated to discover how Jun behaved with his daughters despite his warnings. He clenched his fists.

-(Shinsuke) Jun, how many times do I have to tell you? You need to act like–


With these words, Jun fled to his car, started it, and drove away.

-(Narumi) Good grief! Dad… you should stop at some point… Have you thought about who's going to drive me now?

-(Shinsuke) I can fill that role perfectly. He said, serious and determined.

-(Narumi) But dad… It's nice and all but… It's embarrassing to come with your dad on the first day of school…

-(Shinsuke) And wait! You said "who's going to drive me now"… does that mean he was driving you all this time!?

-(Narumi) Oops! I'm late! See you! she said, walking away further and further.

At the red light

-(Jun) Never ever ever EVER going back there! That's it!

As Jun expressed his despair, someone opened the car door and sat down as if nothing happened. It was Narumi.

-(Narumi) Thank goodness I caught you! Why did you leave all of a sudden like that? You forgot about me!

Jun had tears in his eyes as he realized he couldn't escape the Katayama family.

-(Jun) This is the end…

-(Narumi) According to a friend, I finish at 4 p.m. today. It would be nice if you could–

-(Jun) No. No way I'm risking my life again. Your intervention made things worse.

The warm feeling emanating from Narumi abruptly dissipated, leaving now her mischievous and tyrannical side.

-(Narumi) You were about to badmouth Minami. And in front of my dad, no less. You would've been done for anyway. My intervention saved your life. I'll be waiting for you at the gate at 4 p.m. And be on time. she said, while grabbing her lollipop

-(Jun) This family, I swear.

-(Narumi) Hm?

-(Jun) Nothing. Enjoy the ride.

In the afternoon, at Unmei High School.

-(Sanae) I'm going to join Taiya and Tsuka, they've taken a table over there. Are you coming? Or do you still want to go for a walk outside the school?

-(Minami) No. Today I brought money to buy myself a meal right away! And I intend to enjoy it.

-(Sanae) By the way… Last year Taiya paid for several meals for you… Shouldn't you repay her?

-(Minami) Oh yeah… She probably forgot! And besides, it's nothing! No need to repay each other between friends!

-(Sanae) Just this morning, you told her that she wasn't your best friend.

-(Minami) Best friend. It's a title that can only be given to one person and you hold it, so it's different.

"No need to repay each other between friends." quoted Sanae. She continued, "When I asked you for a cereal bar, you told me I owed you one. You even dragged me to your favorite store to pay you back."

-(Minami) That was different, Sanae! You know how important those bars are to me. Plus, it was the first class of the day and I only had one! I wouldn't have made it through the day!

-(Sanae) Yeah well, let's forget about it! I'll be waiting for you with the girls!

-(Minami) Okay. I really want a cereal bar...

In the courtyard of Unmei High School, there was a tree. A large tree known as the Zomu tree. Minami, lost in her thoughts about cereal bars, looked out the window towards that tree. There was Hayashi Ryo, eating under that tree. He noticed Minami looking in his direction from the cafeteria.

"Hm? What's she looking at?" thought Ryo.

After a few moments, Minami finally snapped back to reality and continued what she was doing.

She went in search of a meal that would meet her expectations. Obviously, she had to settle for what was available. Her expectations being too high, she could only be disappointed. Once she had her meal in hand, she went to join her friends. At one of the tables, the famous Akane Ayemi and her group were present. To reach her friends, Minami had to pass by these unpleasant characters. When Minami passed by Ayemi, the latter tried to trip her. Unfortunately for her, Minami anticipated it and dodged it. The story should have ended there, but Katayama was a girl who easily got angry. So she stared disdainfully at Ayemi. And Ayemi was equally disdainful.

-(Ayemi) What's your problem? Move!

-(Minami) I should've stepped on your foot. She muttered.

-(Ayemi) What? Speak up!

Just before Minami could reply, she caught a glimpse of Sanae getting up. She immediately thought that her dear friend wanted to prevent her from starting a fight. But before she could make her so-called intervention, Minami hurriedly headed towards her.

-(Rikka) *laugh* That's right! It's better for you! She said, shouting from afar.

Her words irritated Minami inwardly. The idea of shutting up those mean girls was itching at her. As this idea took up more and more space in Minami's mind, Taiya grabbed her arm and pulled her towards her.

-(Taiya) Come on! Let's sit down! Leave those idiots alone!

"Fine." she said with a sigh. "So, Sanae? I'd prefer if you didn't intervene! If she has a problem with me, then let me handle it!"

-(Sanae) Huh? What are you talking about?

-(Minami) She was about to trip me, and you were going to intervene. Your intervention would've made me feel a bit… embarrassed…

-(Sanae) Hey!! That's not nice!

-(Taiya) *laugh* It's true that your conflict resolution skills are reminiscent of a mom...

-(Tsuka) Even a grandmother.

-(Sanae) Oh... That's not funny! And besides, I didn't see anything, Minami.

-(Minami) What? So you weren't going to intervene?!

-(Sanae) W-Well… Since I didn't see anything…

-(Minami) She must've thought I ran away!

She suddenly got up and was about to call out to Ayemi, but was quickly interrupted by Sanae, who pretended to sneeze to cover up Minami's call.

-(Sanae) Stop it! She must've moved on to something else!

-(Minami) Yeah right! I'm sure she's boasting to her lackeys!

On Ayemi's side

-(Ayemi) Remember this, girls! If you want to crush Minami like I just did, don't look down! Especially not! And then, she'll leave on her own!

-(Rikka, Kaori) Yes!!

It turns out Minami was right.

Back at Minami's table

-(Minami) Anyway. You should stop interrupting me when I have things to settle, Sanae. Otherwise, they'll think I'm afraid of them, and I don't like that.

-(Sanae) Girls? Can you remind Minami what happened last year with the big boy from the third year?

-(Tsuka, Taiya) Hmm...

-(Minami) It wasn't the same with him!

-(Sanae) But isn't it never the same with you?

-(Tsuka) Oh! I remember! He accidentally stepped on your bag, and you saw that he crushed your cereal bar that was inside! You didn't even try to understand! You wanted to settle the score with him even though he was twice your size!

-(Taiya) Luckily, Sanae took the time to explain what had just happened to him! she said, bursting into laughter

-(Minami) Twice my size… you're exaggerating.

-(Tsuka) Yeah well, he was a giant.

-(Sanae) It proves that my interventions are important.

-(Minami) But we're talking about Ayemi here! I'm not scared of her! And she's not 1.19 times my size!

-(Taiya) Did you calculate that!?

-(Minami) No, I just said it randomly.

-(Taiya) Are you sure you're not afraid of Ayemi? she said with a smile

-(Minami) Even the cartoon with the ugly green monster is scarier.

-(Taiya) Ohh! But I heard she has a big brother who practices a combat sport... And he loves his little sister!

-(Sanae) She has a big brother!?

Minami crossed her arms proudly: "Yes, I know. And I have my father. Case closed."

-(Taiya) True.

-(Sanae) I don't know anything about Ayemi… I didn't know she had a big brother!

"Really?" Minami replied, intrigued.

-(Taiya) Oh, it's just a guess. Tsuka and I saw her with a boy, and we assumed he was her brother. But we can always ask her–

-(Minami) No, we don't care. And yes, she has one. But anyway, big brother or not, if she had made me fall, I would've attacked her.

She started eating under her friends' gaze.

-(Sanae) And this boy in question really practices combat sports?

-(Taiya) I made that up! I have no idea.

-(Sanae) Oh...

Tsuka checked the schedule on her phone.

-(Tsuka) After this, we have… Japanese.

-(Minami) Don't think about that. It's break time. We should enjoy it.

-(Tsuka) Yes, you're right! You're smart!

-(Minami) Um… yes?… Maths hit me hard earlier. Anyway, this year Sanae, I'm counting on you for maths!

-(Sanae) What do you mean? I can't study for you!

-(Minami) Yes, but making notes and then sending them to me, you can!

-(Sanae) Minami…

She displayed a big smile, knowing that it would make her give in.

-(Sanae) Okay!

-(Tsuka, Taiya) You're amazing, Minami!

-(Taiya) She made the mommy give in!

-(Sanae) … I'm not like that.

A phone ringtone sounded.

-(Sanae) It's your phone, Minami.

Minami picked up her phone to read her messages.

-(Taiya) A boy!?

-(Minami) No, it's my mother…

-(Sanae) Is everything okay??

-(Minami) I can't read while someone's talking to me!

A brief silence ensued.

-(Minami) Thanks. So… She wrote: "Hi, my [Minami's censored]! Your cereal bars were delivered to the house! Let Jun know to hurry up after dropping them off. He seems to be afraid of your father on top of that... Anyway! Thanks to Narumi, he avoided the worst! I put everything in your room! PS: Don't forget to..." End of message.

-(All) Huh?

-(Tsuka) We want to know the end!

-(Minami) It's nothing. Anyway… mission accomplished!!! Jun is the best!

-(Sanae) Yeah, but… I wonder what happened anyway.

-(Taiya) Yeah, what does "he avoided the worst" mean?

-(Minami) Hmm…

The bell marking the end of lunch break is about to ring. After the event mentioned by Minami's mother, other things happened. To understand them, let's go back to the events as they were written.

Jun, terrified by Shinsuke, hurried to leave.

-(Shinsuke) …

Katayama Azumi, his wife, came out of the house and called out to him: "Darling?"

He turned to his wife and looked at her in silence, ready to listen to what she was going to say.

Azumi smiled like a benevolent angel and put her hand on Shinsuke's shoulder: "I saw what happened... I know you love your daughters very much, but in the long run you could lose them with this overprotective side." she said, tapping his shoulder.

-(Shinsuke) I'm not fooling anyone, it's for him that I'm doing this.

-(Azumi) I know, I know. Poor Jun... He must be scared to death.

"I should go to the market." Azumi thought.

Later, after dropping off Narumi.

At Jun's place

Jun was lamenting in a corner of the living room: "Good grief~ He's going to kill me one day for sure! I still have his death stare in my head... I feel like it could come at any moment... If this continues, I'll end up like that guy..."

He seemed to be going more and more crazy: "Ah... I know, I'll move... Yes, that's the best solution, I'll live peacefully in another city... No! Changing cities won't be enough, I'll change countries! Yes, that's for sure, I'll be safer than here..."

Jun sighed as he realized how pathetic he sounded.

He exclaimed: "BUT WHAT AM I SAYING, I'M GOING CRAZY!" He breathed out and regained his composure: "I need to stay calm, there's no need to worry this much."

A moment of calm settled in his mind. And after a few moments, he got hungry and decided to go grocery shopping.