Chereads / Minami no hanashi : Yume / Chapter 7 - Club Day (1)

Chapter 7 - Club Day (1)

Minami no Hanashi : Yume - Prelude

10 minutes before the start of classes in a corner of the schoolyard

The Otakus group were going about their business, Tutsomu was reading a manga while Tetsuo was playing on his phone.

-(Daisuke) Darn it, we don't even have time to enjoy ourselves just before classes... He said with a sigh.

Tutsomu adjusted his glasses.

-(Daisuke) Guys, we have a little less than ten minutes before class starts.

Tetsuo looked more than focused, Tutsomu spoke up: "Enjoy ourselves, you say? Are you implying that my reading of this volume released just this morning is a diversion?"

-(Daisuke) Oh no! What did I just say?

-(Tutsomu) Daisuke, I have no doubt about your passion and seriousness regarding Manga culture, however, to avoid being seen as immature teenagers having fun, you must choose your words more carefully.

-(Daisuke) Wow, what class! I recognize here the creator of the world-renowned Forum, Re:Hoview!

Daisuke stood at attention and replied with discipline: "Very well! I will try to do better in the future! Thank you for this lesson!"

Tutsomu then resumed his reading, while Tetsuo seemed tired.

The troublemakers of the class approached.

Nao initiated the conversation with a mocking tone: "Oh, what do we have here? Aren't these the three biggest losers in the school!"

Katsuro, right next to Nao, laughed.

-(Nao) And what's with that posture? Are you trying to join the army or something? Hehe, that was a good one!

Katsuro continued, laughing loudly: "Yeah, but I bet you couldn't last a second!"

-(Nao) Woo! Nicely done, Katsuro! You've improved, I see! Hehe!

-(Daisuke) ...

-(Daisuke) You haven't changed a bit, I see, you're still Kurou's slave, aren't you?

Daisuke smiled devilishly.

-(Nao) Ugh, jerk, he's not wrong about that, what should I do?! Hehe... Might as well bring him down with me at this point. We'll die together! He thought dramatically.

-(Nao) Hmpf, you're in no position to say that! You're the bootlicker of that perverted otaku!

-(Daisuke) ...

Tutsomu sighed upon hearing these words, and Tetsuo suddenly stopped playing.

A silence fell... It was the beginning of chaos...

Daisuke held his face, revealing only his right eye, and smiled evilly like a manga villain. Nao was troubled by the situation and didn't know how to react.

-(Nao) Huh? What's gotten into him? Has he gone mad or something?

Daisuke suddenly chuckled.

-(Tetsuo) Don't tell me--

Daisuke laughed louder and louder, the people around him looked at him without saying anything. What was there to say in the face of this scene? Not much.

Daisuke's laughter, which had been going on for good seconds, gradually faded, giving way to his heavy breathing, which in turn gave way to silence.

The silence was heavy and palpable, just like Nao and Katsuro's incomprehension.

Daisuke finally continued his speech with a mocking and contemptuous tone: "I'd rather lick the boots of an otaku than kiss the ass of a delinquent!"

-(Tetsuo) He really dared.

Daisuke continued to laugh to himself. Nao was distraught, the situation was slipping out of his hands little by little.

-(Nao) What?! But this guy is completely insane! I didn't expect this! Does he have no limits?!

-(Nao) HUH?! But what are you--

Daisuke didn't give him time to understand what was happening and continued arrogantly: "Well yeah, I called you a slave but you didn't react enough to my liking. So, I deduced that it was the case."

Daisuke's smug smile annoyed Nao, who clenched his fists, he was about to explode.

-(Nao) Jerk, just wait--

-(Daisuke) AND IN THE END I THOUGHT: COULDN'T HE BE HIS SEXUAL SLAVE?! He said, pointing at him.

-(Tetsuo) He's completely lost it.


He suddenly stopped.

As if déjà vu, the tension in the air exploded as if the atmospheric pressure had increased exponentially. Yes... It was him... It's not really known if this man is a high school student or more, his humanity is doubted. Legend has it that he would be able to make the Zomu tree fly like a branch with a simple sigh. 1.85 meters tall for 85 kg of fat... Makoto Kiyoshi!

Kurou grabbed Daisuke by the collar: "Get lost, you pervs." Tetsuo turned to Tutsomu who was getting up and adjusting his glasses.

-(Tutsomu) Coming to blows for so little... That's mankind's greatest weakness.

-(Nao) How dare he?!

-(Tutsomu) Let's go, we shouldn't be late for math class.

The Otakus group walked away to go to class.

A heavy silence hung in the air, and a feeling of defeat took hold of Nao. He was having trouble standing, leaning against the wall where the 3 Otakus were sitting.

-(Nao) I-I lost...? T-To these clowns? H-How can I still proclaim myself the underboss of Chika-bankaa?

Nao was distraught, he seemed to have lost his identity. Katsuro, who admires Nao, felt guilty and was angry at himself. Seeing his role model in this state could only hurt him.

-(Katsuro) Oh no! I was completely useless in that battle, because of that Nao lost and now he's distraught! I have to comfort him!

-(Katsuro) N-Nao don't worry! They may have won this battle but they haven't won the war! Hehe that was pretty good, I'm too strong!

On the Otaku side...

-(Tetsuo) Wow Daisuke, you really impressed me, I didn't know you were so cool! He said, yawning.

Daisuke, after his act, responded with embarrassment: "N-No... Haha you're exaggerating! I just did my job..."

Seeing his embarrassment, Tetsuo decided to praise him even more to dispel this modesty: "Come on, give me your secret!"

It worked, and he replied confidently: "Hehe... Always be crazier than your opponent."

-(Tetsuo) WOW! So, what do you think, Tutsomu?

The silence that ensued stressed Daisuke, who was apprehensive about his role model's response.

Fortunately, Tutsomu's response put an end to his doubts; he smiled and replied, "I have to admit, you were pretty cool."

A big smile spread across Daisuke's face.

-(Daisuke) Hehehe!

This beautiful conclusion made Tetsuo smile.

Later... after the first hour of class

In the hallways

-(Taiya) Are you feeling better, Minami?

-(Minami) Hm?

-(Tsuka) Look, those teachers are holding stacks of documents!

-(Sanae) Hmm... could it be related to the next class?

-(Minami) Ahh! It's club day!

-(All) Oh yes!!

-(Tsuka) Do you already have an idea of which clubs you're going to join?

-(Minami) Of course.

-(Taiya) Athletics?

-(Minami) Yes, like last year.

-(Tsuka) Are you going to bring us the trophy again this year?

-(Minami) The trophy? What trophy?

-(Taiya) Come on, Minami! The one from the inter-high last year!

-(Minami) Ahh yes, that's right!

-(Sanae) And you two? Where are you going?

-(Tsuka, Taiya) We haven't decided yet!

-(Tsuka) We'll wander around looking for our future club!

-(Taiya) And hang out with Haru!

-(Kobanocchi) Alright, you may enter.

Once all the students were settled...

-(Kobanocchi) As you saw at the entrance, the rest of the hours will be dedicated to clubs. It's a tradition at Unmei for the day following the start of the school year to be dedicated to clubs.

-(Rikka) But that's new, we didn't have that last year.

-(Kobanocchi) Very good observation. That was decided this year. Imposing a day for clubs as early as possible to foster contact between students, to minimize exclusions as much as possible.

-(Tishiku) But couldn't it have the opposite effect?

-(Kobanocchi) That's also a concern for us, teachers. But on one hand, it will help to reduce, as I mentioned earlier, the risks, and furthermore, to identify students with difficulties much more easily.

Sanae whispered to her friend.

-(Sanae) Minami? Are we in agreement that there are still quite a few people missing, right? Where did the troublemakers go?

Minami quickly glanced around: "Well... They must have skipped class."

-(Sanae) And the trio?

-(Minami) The otakus?... It's true, they're not here either...

-(Sanae) We should inform Mrs. Kobanocchi... They might be fighting!

-(Minami) Do it--

-(Kobanocchi) What interesting things are you discussing? We're listening.

-(Sanae) Sorry, Minami!! It's my fault!

-(Minami) Where are the others? I noticed that some people aren't here, even though they were here for the first class. And my friend and I were wondering. That's all...

-(Kobanocchi) You're not aware? When you enrolled, the school asked if you wanted to lead a club. The absent people are in front of their club room ready to welcome students who want to learn more or join.

-(Minami) Ohh, I see.

-(Kobanocchi) And thank you for the transition! There are some clubs that couldn't find a convincing leader to take over. So there are some clubs that currently have no leader, and these clubs are therefore destined to disappear.

-(Takumi) Excuse me, ma'am, but... I can't follow anymore... I haven't understood anything since the beginning... I don't understand.

A mocking laughter echoed in the room.

-(Ayemi) There are really stupid people here!

This mean and unnecessary mockery annoyed Mrs. Kobanocchi.

-(Kobanocchi) We don't make fun of our classmates here. Come up here and explain to the whole class what you understood. And hurry up because we don't have time to waste.

Ayemi stood in front of the class.

-(Ayemi) ... Ahem... It's not that complicated! Simply put, for a club to exist, it must have a leader, and at least 2 members, excluding the leader, to be able to have a room, and 4 members to have a budget. Some clubs don't have leaders because they either didn't have any candidates, or the candidates were simply rejected by the school administration. There can be several reasons for this but... Let's move on. Then, um... Oh yes, the absent students. Did someone not understand that too?

-(Minami) She's really confident speaking in public. She could be a good teacher if she weren't so venomous.

-(Ayemi) Well...

Having finished her 'punishment', she looked at Mrs. Kobanocchi to know what to do next.

-(Kobanocchi) That was perfect! Do you know how the rest of this day goes?

-(Ayemi) Yes, well, I think I understand.

-(Kobanocchi) We're listening.

-(Ayemi) Huh!? But you haven't even explained it to us yet!

-(Kobanocchi) Go ahead, try, if you're wrong or if you forget something I'll correct it at the end. And if it's very well done, I'll overlook your bad behavior on the first day, along with your classmate Minami.

-(Ayemi) Fine. I'll try then. Hmm... Today we'll walk around the school corridors in search of a club. And... Oh, we'll also have the opportunity to choose from this sort of catalogue. Am I right?

-(Kobanocchi) Yes, keep going.

-(Ayemi) Well... That's all I know...

The teacher wore a satisfied smile.

-(Kobanocchi) You can go back to your seat. If you change your behavior you could make an excellent representative!

-(Ayemi) What? I'm not interested at all.

-(Kobanocchi) Fine. I'll conti--

Suddenly, a student stood up.

-(Kobanocchi) Hmm? What's wrong?

Indeed... Only one in the class didn't accept that the position of representative could be occupied by potential candidates. It's Emiko Haru.

-(Haru) Please allow me to continue explaining the procedure for club day, please.

-(Kobanocchi) There's no need, don't worry.

-(Haru) I insist!

-(Kobanocchi) W-Well... Alright, come up.

Haru stood in front of the class.

-(Haru) I'll pick up where Ayemi left off. During this day, there are indeed clubs without leaders, and therefore clubs at risk of disappearing, but these clubs will not be closed 100% for sure. They can be saved if a leader volunteers and is accepted by the Unmei administration. There's also the possibility of creating your own club if it's approved by at least 50 third-year students. Or by the school's accounting department. As for students who already have a club in mind, once registered, you'll have the option to go home. And finally, for students who can't decide, several presentation videos can be viewed by scanning the code on each club's brochure. And after lunch break, it will be possible to do different activities within the clubs.

-(Kobanocchi) Ohh... You're extremely well informed!

-(Haru) Anyone wishing to apply for the position of representative must know the basics. Does anyone have a question?

A brief silence...

-(Kobanocchi) Well, thank you Haru! You can go back to your seat! Now I'll distribute the documents, and you can officially start club day!

-(Tishiku) Uh, ma'am, just before that, I'd like to know if it's still possible to join multiple clubs.

-(Kobanocchi) Yes, it's possible Tishiku but you need permission from your homeroom teacher... that is, me! Also, watch your grades! If you have very bad ones, you risk being automatically kicked out of your club.

-(Tishiku) Ohh, I see, thanks! I'll have to be careful then!

-(Jouka) Hey Tishiku!

-(Tishiku) Yes!

-(Jouka) Do you think I have what it takes to join the soccer club?

-(Tishiku) Oh! Are you planning to join?

-(Jouka) Yes, ever since I saw you play last year, I've been really motivated!

-(Tishiku) Well, what do you say to some training today after class?

Jouka was honored to be able to play alongside someone like Tishiku.

-(Jouka) Oooh I managed to get closer to someone! I feel like this year will be different from the last one! With pleasure!

A few minutes later...

Haru got up to leave the room, and the twins saw her.

-(Taiya) Haru! Wait for us!

-(Haru) What's up, girls? Did I miss something in my explanation?

The twins seemed amazed.

-(Taiya) No, not at all! Everything was clear, you're super smart! How do you know all these things?

-(Haru) Oh, it's really nothing, my parents took care of gathering information when I enrolled, I just listened.

-(Tsuka) Wow! Tell me, which club are you planning to join?

-(Haru) The literature club. And you?

-(Tsuka, Taiya) We're going to look together!

-(Haru) Oh, I see! Good luck with your search. And if you need anything, don't hesitate to come see me.

-(Tsuka) Don't worry, we're unbeatable together, right?

-(Taiya) Absolutely! She replied proudly, hands on hips.

-(Haru) Well, I'll leave you girls, I'm going to check out the club. And don't hesitate to come see me if you need anything.

-(Tsuka, Taiya) Yes! See you later!

-(Tsuka) She's really nice!

Sanae, who was discreetly listening to the conversation, intervened teasingly.

-(Sanae) Aren't we enough for you anymore?

-(Minami) Us? It doesn't really bother me.

-(Taiya) Oh no! Come on, Minami, don't be sad, you'll always be in our hearts!

-(Minami) Huh? I just said it didn't bother me.

-(Tsuka) But yes, Minami, don't cry!

As Minami sighed, Taiya tapped her shoulder.

-(Minami) Move.

Minami hates it when one of the twins touches her to annoy her. She made it clear by giving Taiya a threatening look.

-(Tsuka) Oh no, Taiya! Now Minami is mad! She thinks we're neglecting her-

Before she could finish her sentence, Sanae interrupted by clapping her hands. "Come on, I think that's enough, let's read the document!"

-(Taiya) We'll visit together!

-(Minami) Good idea, yes. Go ahead.

-(Tsuka) That's not nice!!

-(Taiya) Tough love pays off. Come on, Tsuka!! she said as she left.

-(Tsuka) I'm coming!

-(Sanae) There they go.

-(Minami) Finally some peace and quiet.

A few moments later...

-(Minami) There are really a lot of clubs... I found the track and field club.

Minami paused to hear her friend's response. But the latter remained silent, so she looked at Sanae and added, "Did you find yours? Shall we visit?"

-(Sanae) Uh... Well... I don't know where to go... nothing really interests me...

-(Minami) Huh? You barely read the document! Weren't you enrolled in the sewing club last year?

-(Sanae) I wasn't in any club!

-(Minami) Yes you were.

-(Sanae) I quit it after a week...

-(Minami) Oh yes... it comes back to me... Well... Let's find one for you then!

-(Sanae) But I don't need one!

-(Minami) No, I want you to have one.

-(Sanae) Well... What do you suggest then?

-(Minami) I don't know. Let's look?


  1. 6.07 ft and around 187 lbs of fat