Chapter 3 - Whatwhat

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Pleasantries done?






"What?" More confused than this fic's readers, Purple Heart looked at the blond's 'brother' with a raised eyebrow.

"He's asking why you're here next to me," The newest diety there facepalmed, "Even though he was there when you chased after me."

"That's the confusing part, Gynesis." Neptune sighed as she continued, "Ignoring that narrative inconsistency, let's head off. Your friend can come too, something tells me he'll be important to the plot somehow. That and the readers have been waiting long enough at this point."

"Gyal! How yuh go just say dat outta nowhey(Woman! How can you just say that out of nowhere)?!" Mugen questions with a twinge of panic, getting his friend's blood-red blade at his neck as a response.

"No, none of your Creole nonsense. Either English or silence for the rest of this chapter," Gynesis warned sternly, "Your dialect is a pain in the ass to translate, save it for when we're fighting or something."

"Steups," Mugen made a weird sound of annoyance , pulling his sword out of the floor before hurling it in some random direction. "See you two at Her Highness's Basilicom, I'm out."

With that said, Mugen disappeared into a burst of lightning, following the trajectory of his thrown weapon. Leaving the two deities on the rooftop as Gynesis put his sword away.

"I think it's high time we take our leave," Purple Heart giggled, staring in the direction Mugen had headed off to as 3 pairs of futuristic wings formed behind her back, each glowing a light purple like revving engines.

"Agreed," Gynesis nodded, "I'll see you at the Basilicom, Lady Purple Heart."

"Race ya!" With a cheeky grin, the Goddess shot off, leaving a neon trail in her wake as she shot off leaving the newer diety in the dust.

Gynesis stood and stared, chuckling to himself at the last-minute challenge, "I guess it's a free W for us, Laz."

As he spoke to absolutely no one, the man-turned-God sliced thin air into a '+' shape. The shape opened up into an oval-like portal.

"Let's go," With a chuckle, the exorcist entered his portal, the thing closing the second his form disappeared into it. 


Memerdimension Neptunia: Checkmate Re;birth!

Planeptune's Basilicom; At the Same Time_

The deities of Planeptune were sitting on their couch, with a woman small enough to fit on the encyclopedia she sat on yelling at them. And by the looks of things, she'd been doing that for quite a while now already. Neptune was already disassociating while the shorter-haired Nepgear was looking at her knees in shame. 

"NEPTUNE!" Shouted the tiny woman sitting on a book, "You can't keep doing these late-night 'goon sessions' as you call them! Our SHARE reserves are already running low as is!"

"Come to think of it Histoire, when are we not running low on SHAREs?" Asked Nepgear, making the book sitter in front of her stop and ponder. "Since we stopped fighting the other Nations for SHAREs, I don't think we've had a surplus."

Everyone grew silent, thinking long and hard at what the younger sister had just said. That was until the older Deity piped up with her cheery expression. 

"Nonsense Nep jr!" Interjected Neptune, "We've had many booms in SHAREs! Like when we first went to Lastation during peace time! Or when Sadie came to visit!"

"Yes, but how long did those booms last?" Questioned the closest thing to a mother figure those two had with a finger pointed right at Neptune, "Thanks to someone here slacking off 24/7, we never got to capitalize on those booms, making them dwindle until flatlining like your chest!"

"That was mean Histie..." Was all the elder Goddess got out as she comically deflated like a popped balloon, the shame of Histoire's words piercing her like a sturgeon.

"Hmph!" The book-lady harumphed at her daughter figure, "It woukldn't hurt if it wasn't true."

The room grew silent again, with neither sibling saying anything as they both stared at their feet. Their mom was right, one of them was slacking far too much for her own good. And since she was a Goddess, that means she's slacking too much for her Nation as well.

That was until a surge of SHARE energy flooded the room. No, not just the room, but the entire Nation all at once. Like an EMP, a massive shockwave of SHARE energy pulsed throughout Planeptune, hitting the two deities and their mom in its wake. And after the initial surge, a smaller ping emurged and stuck around.

"Wh- What?!" Gasped Nepgear, the first to react, as she looked up and around in a vain attempt to search for the source, "Big sis?"

"What the what?!" Neptune jumped up, instantly facing the source of the surge's direction.

Even Histoire felt it, although her genuine reaction to that informationwas a lukewarm gasp. Followed by a staring at the same direction Neptune did with a simple question.

"Was that SHARE energy?"

"I think so, Histoire," Nepgear chirped, confused as to why the spike in SHAREs appeared, and why it's persisting, albeit in a far lesser amount.

"Whatever it is, it can't be good!" Chirped Neptune, transforming in much the same way Gynesis had prior, except hers was on command. "I'll check it out! Nep jr, hold the fort for me while I'm gone!"

While the Goddess spoke she was already revving her wings for take off, waiting for right when she finished telling poor Nepgear to sit tight to fly off, crashing through the ceiling and roof of her own home on her way out.

"... Did she just-" Nepgear began to ask, her eyes wider than dinner plates at what she'd just seen.

"Dip out on us? Yeah," Histoire both finished her younger daughter's question and answered it in the same breath.

"I was gonna say crash through our ceiling, but yeah that too." Nepgear sighed, knowing she would have to deal with the aftermath herself. "I'll get a broom..."


Gynesis's Apartment; At the Same Time_

The rogue exorcist was still standing at his apartment, pondering on what had just transpired with a finger on his hairless chin.

"It can't have been that easy, Laz." He spat out in protest, staring at his sword defiantly before putting his head on a swivel. "I know I didn't move yet, I'm just waiting for bullshit cheap jumpscare is all. Fuck you mean 'It's not happening'?!"

The man continued his senseless rambles, not even realizing the drastic changes to his drip as he frantically searched for whatever he may or may not have unleashed onto the world for him to deal with.

He noticed not his drastic shift in color or wardrobe. Not the switch from his red tracksuit to an open purple trench coat. Nor the gold cyber-punkish visor with a matching halo above his head.

He'd instead notice the sound of thunder booming in the direction of his patio, so loud that the source would have to be at most a few feet away. The boom made the man gasp, not in surprise but in acknowledgment.

"There he is..." Gynesis grumbled, heading to the source of the thunderous clap, rubbing his eyebrows as he opened the door to outside, "Yeah, yeah, don't touch the artifacts the weird old people pay you in."

Standing behind the sliding glass door was the blond from earlier(?) His body was in much the same state it was in when he first showed up in the narrative.

"Ah done tell yuh doh do dat bhai (I already told you not to do that)!" Mugen berated, his hand making an angered four-finger point at his friend, "And wuh yuh gone and fffuckin do (And what did you do)?!"

"I get it, I get it..." The purple enjoyer groaned as if he'd listened to this speech many times before. He closed the door behind Mugen as the blond kept shouting.

"I was sleepin on d otha side a Planeptune and that chuhpidness yuh do wake meh up bhai (I was sleeping on the other side of Planeptune and your stupid actions woke me up)!" The Green Heart enjoyer yelled further. After which he sighed and facepalmed, making that weird sound of annoyance from earlier(?) "Anywayz, what fuckery we have to deal with this hour the day?"

Gynesis deadpanned at his friend's annoyance, waiting a few extra seconds before opening his mouth., only for Mugen to comically cut the new deity off before he could even finish taking a breath.

"Wait nah! What in the fuck going on with yuh clothes, drehd (Wait a minute, what's happened to your clothes, bro)?!" He shouted in realization, taking a closer look at the male's change of clothes in disbelief and skepticism. "I know yuh hair purple, but why the open trenchcoat with nothing underneath? And that visor making yuh look retarded!"

"Come again?" Gynesis asked in confusion, prompting his ally to pull out his phone and show the young God how he looked. "What da heeelllll! Oh, Purple Heart no wayyayayy~!" 


Lost for words as to his current wardrobe, Gynesis didn't even get time to realize the black rings in his purple eyes when an unfamiliar sound hit his ears. The voice of a woman, specifically Purple Heart's, but he didn't know that just yet. 

"FBI OPEN UP!" The deity ordered. There were three loud knocks on the door as the patron Goddess of the lands shouted, followed by said piece of plywood falling off of its hinges and a shy 'oops' that was too low for any of the two men there to pick up.

"Oh shit!" Mugen yelped as Neptune's declaration filled his ears, the shout echoing as he jumped out of the nearby window. Which, unfortunately for Gynesis, was closed, making him shatter it on his way out.

"We have a door!" Gynesis shrieked in rage at the definite cost he'd have to pocket later, nevertheless following the blond's escape route.

The Leanboxian leaped out of the window with much grace. So much grace he had time to do 4 summersaults, 5 gainers, 7 corkscrews, and start a swan dive before his descent even began.

Unlike his companion, Gynesis's fleeing form didn't get such luxuries. Instead of floating like an elegant swan, the new deity fell like a sack of daft rocks. Flailing and thrashing midair as his fall caught him.

"Yeet!" On his way down, Mugen grabbed his sword, looking in some random direction before chucking it in said direction, followed by disappearing into a literal lightning bolt.

Finding he'd flailed his limbs long enough, the exorcist folded his arms and looked around while still falling- upside down. He grumbled something about how he should've thought things through a little better to Laz. Now reaching terminal velocity, he guessed he had around a minute until touchdown. Meaning he had 60 seconds to bullshit his way out of a nasty fall.

"Did you know it's illegal to run away from your Goddess?" That was until Purple Heart made her presence known, smirking as she flew a few inches away from the male deity with a suspicious smirk. "I might have to punish you for your transgressions~"

"Technically, I'm not running away, I'm falling... for you?" Gyensis tried to DESTROY Purple Heart using FACTS and LOGIC. But that smirk hit him with a super effective Confusion, causing a misclick in his dialogue choice.

"Ara ara~" Oh naw, it's too late for this poor young man... Purple Heart pulled out the most powerful words in her arsenal, flustering him further as she slowly placed a hand behind his ear and leaned into him, "Is that why you suddenly started emitting SHARE Energy tonight?"

The Goddess's voice was on the more sensual side of things as she spoke. She leaned in close enough for the newer deity to feel her breath on his cheek through the breakneck winds. Either one of these would've had most men severely distracted. As for Gynesis, he was also distracted. Who wouldn't in this situation? Don't lie.

"I- uh... Well- you see..." Completely flabbergasted by the patron deity of Planeptune's actions, the rogue exorcist was at a loss for words. His eyes darted all around in a desperate search for any means of escape whatsoever from her deceptively loose grip. Unfortunately, he came up empty-handed, finding nothing of the sort to save his skin.

He knew not why his Goddess was onto him, but it couldn't be good, whatever it was. The desperation coursing through the new deity's blood was reaching lethal levels. He needed to do something to get out of this predicament, anything, and quickly before this became one of those doujins. Or worse, if he hits the ground, that fall damage pack will hit different if he doesn't make a move. The ground was coming too hard and fast for loligagging.

"Virginity shield, activate!" Gynesis was out of options, but not out of mana, in a last-ditch effort to escape his Goddess's soft touch, he activated the legendary skill only the highest levels of wizards could utilize effectively in an altercation with members of the female sex.

Known to those who witness its effects as "Bitch Repellent™", an aura of pure virgin activity, it emitted from the newer deity's pelvis. Manifesting as a light blue glow that grew to cover the man's entire body. 

And when the bluish hue hit the woman's fingers, a sharp pain ran through her hand. It wasn't great, on par with a pinprick, but still enough to force her to recoil her hand.

And once Purple Heart's embrace was broken, the man and the SHARE energy he emitted disappeared, leaving a confused Purple Heart behind. A thick fog quickly surrounded Gynesis, fully enveloping his form before dissolving into thin air, all a few seconds before arriving at ground level.

The Goddess would easily flip herself upright, using her thruster-like wings to land with the grace of... a Goddess. Once her heels clacked onto solid land, she cracked a grin.

"To think someone would use that on me..." She sounded amused at that, staring up at the skyscrapers in thought. "Too bad it won't be enough to escape~"

Whatever the new diety used couldn't have gotten him far, at least Neptune thought so. And even if he did, there was nowhere in Gamindustri he could run to without one of the four Goddesses finding him eventually. As long as he was emitting SHARE energy like he was then. Something he wasn't at that moment. Or at least it felt like that.

Finding her current location lacking in vantage, Planeptune's patron Goddess revved up her wings. Taking off in nearly an instant, she returns to the skies. She wasn't picking up his signal where she was, and needed to fix that.

In seconds the Goddess is past the cloud line, leaving a streak of neon as she zooms through the stratosphere. And while she was up there she heard someone calling her on Nepcord. She pulls out her totally-not-an-Iphone to see that it's her group chat calling, and Vert and Noire already joined. She joins, noticing that the call has been on since the first minute of the surge, meaning she missed the call when heading out to meet Gynesis.

"Hey guys!" Purple Heart greeted with an almost audible wink. "I'm guessing this is about that sudden surge in SHARE energy and its sudden disappearance?"

"Indeed it is, Neptune," Noire greeted, her voice reflecting just how annoyed she was at being reawakened before sunrise.

"Do you happen to know anything about it?" Vert added sweetly, "Noire and I pinpointed the direction of the surge to be Planeptune's before disappearing."

"I do, but you won't believe me if I told you what caused the surge." Purple Heart chuckled teasingly. "I think we've got ourselves a male CPU, girls."

"Bullshit," Noire said simply.

"Now now, Black Heart, don't be mean~" Vert metaphorically wags her finger at her fellow goddess.

"Yeah! That's why you have no friends!" Added Purple Heart, her voice a bit sarcastic."

'Argh..." Lastation's patron Goddess let out a sigh of exacerbation, clearly annoyed at that 'friendless' comment. "Back on topic, there's no way there's a male CPU."

"Well, he emitted SHARE energy, something you all felt. He sounded male enough too, even if he ran away from me before I could get much of a word out."

"He what?" Gasped a surprised Vert. "How could you allow the first male deity to run away from you?"

"Did you scare him away with one of your outdated cringe like you always do?" Added Noire, snickering at the results of Neptune's failure.

"Firstly Green Heart, he used the Virginity Shield on me and disappeared into some weird smog," Purple Heart deadpanned, "Secondly Noire, You know my memes are as perfect as I am!"

the second half of Neptune's response leaked a feeling of betrayal felt in her voice.

"Sure they were, in 2012," Noire bit back with a laugh. "And how would the Virginity Shield even work on you? That skill doesn't exist!"

"Guys! It's back!" Vert interrupted, stopping the others' little spat to give information that could further the plot for once, "The new source is back! And it's here in Leanbox!"

"I'm already on my way there!" At the edge of her Nation, Neptune blasted off to the green-focused land of prosperity and large proportions as she picked up the source's new location as well.

"Why can't I get to him? He's in my Nation after all~" Vert pouted.

"Because I'm the Main Character, Verty~" Neptune gloated, checking Chirper for any good memes to steal.

"Didn't he run away from you?" Noire snorted.

"And you think he won't swim away from you?" Purple Heart casually asked, flying upside down and filing her nails.

"Tsk! Don't chase him off again..." Seemingly giving up on that one, Noire hung up from the Nepcord call.

"Do tell the details later, Nep Nep~" Vert chimed in before leaving the call too.


???; Right After Gynesis Disappeared_

The place was... Something. It was a field, a massive field. A field infested with borderline indescribable entities, due to their form's abstract nature. No, seriously, these things were basically shadow monsters from your nightmares. The kinds of things your brain comes up with when you've been awake 2 days in a row and in a semi-dark room for longer than 5 seconds.

The nightmare creatures surrounded two humanoids standing a few feet apart with their backs at each other. Quickly, the blobs rushed in to attack, their shapes shifting rigid and sharp protrusions like clawed limbs ready to slice the humanoids into pieces.

The cameraman pans close enough to reveal more details about the humanoids. That ugly red jumpsuit gave away one of the men being Gynesis. Standing Back 2 Back with the new deity was a tall kemonomimi in a kimono. The two men each assumed a defensive stance, standing ten toes down to whatever threat the blobs presented. Gynesis raised his fists while the new face drew a sword from... somewhere, brandishing it at the fast moving threats.

"Why'd you do that, Gynesis?" Asked the newest tangible entity, a ginger male who spoke in Latin, and his words somehow came out as perfect English as his eyes narrowed on the oncoming threats and carved the nearest one in two. "She was clearly into you."

"Can it Lazarus, I fat-fingered the dialogue choice. The narration made it clear," Gynesis spat, throwing a punch at the closest blob, hitting it square on and staggering it. Now distracted, it barely got time to react before the New God grabbed one of its limbs, tossed it at Laz and finished his dialogue. "I don't know how these nightmares found us so quickly, but we'll have to get rid of them quickly."

"Yeah, these fuckers making it out of the Dreamworld with this one it'll be a recipe for disaster." Lazarus conceded and diced the Nightmare Gynesis threw at him.

The monsters immediately start to dissolve and turn into nothingness, letting out a shrill cry of most likely pain on their way out. The blade was just like the one Gynesis used back in Leanbox and Metropolis. In fact, it was the same blade that was cutting through the Nightmares here and now that failed to cut shit back in Metropolis. The only difference here was the fact that it was now held by a redheaded 6' 4" behemoth of a man, with fox ears and tails that swayed with every cleave and swing made. Instead of a purple-haired male-faced symbol of androgyny.

"Hey! I'm not a symbol of androgyny!" Gynesis shouted at the camera as he grappled another Nightmare and bashed its... face(?) in. Facing the camera in rage, he only proved the description's point with an angered glare before returning his attention to the countless globules of ever-changing shapes. I

t was only a moment of distraction, but a moment long enough to have one of the blobs sneak up behind him and throw an attack he couldn't counter in time. Mostly because another blob made him duck into the swipe that hit him across the back.

They didn't talk, but Gynesis could've sworn he heard "Back pn the fields with you!" when he got cracked on his back. 

The thing swung a horizontal slash, hitting Gynesis smack dab across his spine, sending him lurching forward and a few inches away from Lazarus. The blow winded him, knocking the air out of his lungs and breaking his stamina. Luckily, he came out without a scratch otherwise.

"Focus!" The ginger barked before grabbing one in what looked like a chokehold and stabbing it, dispatching the thing. "You die here you die in real life! And bringing your physical form isn't helping."

"I know!" Rolling to recover, Gynesis grits his teeth and sweeps his opponent. He was now pissed as hell at getting hit by such a lame attack, on top of being insulted in such a way. Taking his anger out on the blobs, he kicks one of them in the air before palming it into another, the one closest to Lazarus, shouting in frustration. "But the readers didn't so I'll let it slide!" 

"Then move like it!" The kitsune commanded, jumping away from a diagonal slice. Then jumping back in and countering with a horizontal spinning slash, catching the palmed one in his three-piece and a drink at Popeye's. "Who's the wielder here?! Because with how you've been acting, best I answer that question with myself!"

"You're right!" A metaphorical light bulb went off in the Deity's head hearing that, followed by a nightmare swinging at the thing and shattering it instantly. Much to the owner's ire. "Oh, you bitch!"

Lazarus snickered watching it happen, dodging an uppercut straight from hell to kick the offender away. Despite not getting cut directly this time it still dissolved from taking Laz's attack head on. As they were, many more nightmares remained, easily numbering them in the dozens. One at a time was clearly not cutting it. Something both men caught onto at a glance around the battlefield.

"Lazarus!" Gynesis shouted for his ally, as he backstepped to the man in question to finish what he was saying. "Our bars are finally full."

"It's about damn time!" The redhead chuckled, grinning like a madman, "Start the chant!"

"Expiare peccata eorum," Gynesis started whispering, causing all the nightmares to stop in their tracks as he began glowing a deep blue. As the new God whispered, his ally silently walked up to him, stabbing the deity right through his chest from behind. Something that didn't stop the man from continuing what he was doing. It only made him do it louder it seemed.

"Succedere mortales," Almost shouting by now, Gynesis kept talking, treating the blood leaving his mouth and blade in his back a mild annoyance as his voice got louder with every syllable. And the sword in his chest started glowing a bright and vibrant red alongside the foxkin. "Eleazar Extremum Fines!"

Those being the final words of whatever the fuck was going on there, a blinding flash of white hits everyone's eyes. It dissipates in seconds, revealing Gynesis holding the sword he was wielding on Gamindustri. There was literally nothing else that changed besides that.

Grimacing at the still-frozen blobs of nightmare fuel, the swordsman got into an Iaido stance. Once in that stance, a purple dome formed around him, quickly expanding enough to envelop every nightmare there.

"I know you're just doing your jobs, but I need to get out of here. But it's already been far longer than two seconds, I can feel it." He stated calmly as if talking to the nightmares directly before drawing his blade in a blink. "Mortem Mille Plagis."

As if nothing had happened, the dome disappears. And all of the formless creatures with it. What exactly did he do there? Hard to tell with what little was shown. And the lack of translation wasn't happening either, apparently, the subtitles only work for cutscene dialogue and not move names and ultimate casting.

 "Ha... Finally." Gynesis sighed, dropping to one knee seemingly from exhaustion, using his sword as a cane to remain upright. "The chapter's almost over, I just have to leave this place..."

Staggering from a lack of stamina, the man manages to regain his footing, albeit shakily. With what little strength he had left, he drew his blade, cutting a cross into thin air. The slices materialize as an oval opening in space and time much similar to what he did earlier in the chapter.

His means of escape right before him, the exorcist exited the area, limping on his way out. From there, he ended up coming out on the rooftop of a massive rooftop, gasping for air and barely catching himself from falling using a random doorframe as the portal he used to get there folds in on itself and closes silently.

Leaving the chapter end where chapter one began.