Chereads / Memerdimension Neptunia: Checkmate Re;birth! / Chapter 6 - Six Lines, Two Dragons, and a Messiah

Chapter 6 - Six Lines, Two Dragons, and a Messiah

"What's the matter, boys?" The woman chuckles, a low, menacing sound that not many would want to hear coming from behind them on a late-night walk home. "Cat's got ya tongues?"

As she spoke, Vinaya was attacked by the black sword's original owner, signaled by the stinging feeling of his knuckles smashing into the side of her head. Her face barely flinched from her impact though, a shocking revelation to her attacker. In fact, she tanked his fist with such ease that she managed to turn her head to face him while said appendage was still making contact with her face, much to his horror and ire.

"Oh? wanna get handsy I see?" She asks half-sarcastically half seriously, her smile unwavering.

Even as Gynesis came in from directly behind her with a dropkick. A dropkick she narrowly yet easily avoided by dropping into a perfect split so that the attack went way too wide to hit anything. In contrast, Mugen used his enemy's fist as a platform to jump away from her using his fist to push off of her cheek.

"I refuse to allow the likes of you get under my skin!" Declared Mugen, a bold claim considering that's exactly what's happening. Even if he was doing everything in his power to hide said fact.

It's clear this 'fight' was more of a dick-measuring contest between the three moving entities. And the only two men there were losing horribly. Proven by her easily allowing this 1v2 to take place and still win.

Despite the multiple pincer attacks sent her way, Vinaya was yet to get hit even once. And on top of that, she was still holding the exorcist's sword in her mouth at least until she grabbed the handle with her hand and stabbed it into the ground.

The action caused a bit of steam to emit from the points of contact, but neither male could notice then. Gynesis was too busy narrowing his eyes in a steadily growing fury while Mugen was a little too flabbergasted by how easily she was dealing with them. And both men kept their mouths shut since their last words, much to the lioness's slowly growing ire. Up until that exact moment.

"Oh my god Ronny," In a mocking tone, Mugen said what was probably a producer's tag in a vaguely feminine voice before his ally began speaking quickly in a hushed voice. 

While he spoke, Mugen dashed at the woman before him. Because that worked oh so well the first time, didn't it?

The only thing the movement succeeded in for the electricity user was setting the man up for getting a free palm to the chest. But it did leave the VPU open for Gynesis to attack from outside of her peripheral vision with a slap to the back of the neck.

Out of all the attacks this guy could've went for, this could quite possibly be the least damaging out of them all. Resulting in nothing more than a slight sting of pain for Vinaya.

And a searing set of agony for Gynesis.

"Ah FUCK!" The newest deity screamed in pain, holding his wrist to coddle the aching his palm was feeling from said attack landing.

And even then, there was little reaction from the Sin of Pride.

"Really? A slap?" She asks, her voice dripping with malice as she speeds over to the purple-haired male, ignoring his friend as he tries and fails to intercept her.

"Are you even trying?" She asks with a mocking tone, rubbing her hand consolingly over his shoulder. "Cuz it doesn't feel like it~"

Usually, such a gesture would comfort those on the receiving end. But in Gynesis's case, it only brought discomfort and a bit of unease for some reason. Probably the fact that this woman is toying with him and his friend. Something he guessed considering her self-proclaimed title and current behaviors.

"Oh, she ratchet, I might smash her. Bend that backwards, I might pass her" Instead of giving a proper answer, he began speaking as described earlier, in a hushed, whispery, and fast tone.

To say the Sin of Pride was taken aback would be an understatement. She wasn't just surprised, she was utterly shocked. Her cheeks a tinge of red from there words spoken by the deep purplette.

"Homie on Casper, geekin' like Dexter I do magic, no distraction" The male CPU continued, slowly standing to his feet.

When was he on the ground? I don't really know either but okay.

For one reason or another, Vinaya didn't move as the man kept whispering quickly. Whether she was using all her brain power to listen to what he was saying at such ludicrously fast speeds or not was up for debate. But what wasn't was her standing there while he stared daggers into her soul while slowly walking up to her.

Normal walking quickly turned into power walking. And that turned to a full-speed sprint. In a flash, the quazi main character was inches away from his adversary, thanks to a showing of speed he didn't display up until that point. And he tried slugging her with a basic jab to the face. A basic jab that was basically useless with how easily she caught his fist and held it.

"Sorry, cutie, but I've had enough of you," She sighed in exasperation, gripping his fist so hard he couldn't pull away from her iron grip.

"Yeah, my flow's on Destructo Disc! Too afraid to cuff a bitch!" Even though he looked kinda cooked, Gynesis refused to back down or stop his speedy speech. He doubled down and started whisper-shouting his words. On top of using his other fist to try hitting her in the face with a swift jab.

"These boys on that sucker shit! Feature price went up as shit like!" The new jab didn't land. It suffered the same fate as his first one. That didn't deter him one bit. If anything, it only riled the new deity up further.

Much to the VPU's amusement.

"'Oh, big deal, are you Satan?' I reply like, 'Are you playin'?'" Gynesis continued, his voice not as loud as before. His words were accented with a flurry of blows. None of which connected, all of which made Vinaya grin.

"What are you waffling on about, ALU?" She asks, mostly out of curiosity, but also to get a response out of the man turned god. As she spoke, she easily evaded said flurry of blows, thanks to her focus mostly being on the man with a motor mouth.

This split focus made it easy for Mugen to blitz over to his shared adversary, this time without the aid of his lightning prowess. At least until he was within striking distance of her. Close enough to get a drop kick off on her spinal area. 

"Slurp on pussy like Lo Mein, I'm Progressive like Flo, man!" Gynesis continued, keeping his enemy's attention on him while Mugen winded up a devastating axe kick to the back of the VPU's neck. "Therapist knocking at my fucking door, man! My body just look like G.I. Joe, man! Feds askin' questions, I don't fucking know man! Kim Jong Un to the fucking flow, man!"

The attack landed with relative difficulty thanks to the target being so ludicrously fast she almost accidentally dodged. But slight course correction proved infallible in ensuring the hit was more guaranteed than a domain expansion's.

It also did next to zero damage. Much to Mugen's disbelief. His eyes widened in shock as his feet bounced off of her like rubber bullets off of a wall. Not because his damage being borderline null, but because of the shooting pain running through his toes the second the limbs made contact with her vertebrae. Enough to make him shout in seeing pain as he recoiled and retreated.

The scene was comical, with the man dinking off of her back before skipping like a man with his feet on fire out of the frame.

"Aw~ he ran away~!" Vinaya pouted, more angry at Mugen leaving the room than attacking her from behind. "Next chapter I'll make him pay... This chapter you get the spotlight, my dear ALU!"

Pointing a finger at the still-singing male, his voice suddenly went out like a candle in a hurricane. 

The man didn't even get time to feel his throat as the new sensation of voivelessness hit him. He went from being able to speed speak, to his voice gone, to a hand around his throat and lifting him in the air. All in less than 3 seconds.

Barely able to breathe, the man dangled as he was hoisted up in the air. His feet kicked uselessly in the air as he fought in vain to wrestle her hands off of his neck at her grip with his.

Mugen, too busy with his feet metaphorically on fire to help, ended up unable to even see what happened next.

And the next events to transpire were easily described as diabolical.