Chereads / Vax :Enter The Demifice / Chapter 11 - River City Vax

Chapter 11 - River City Vax

As the elder Ihathir's hood came off the long locks of silk-silver hair glistened in the daylight braided into a French braid that went straight down his back.

"Young flower you shall set your sights on the inn of newborn. There they accompany children such as oneself."The elder Ihathir informed."

Seran was so astonished by what he was witnessing, standing still in a daze Zophiria snapped her fingers multiple times in Seran's face.

"Creature I know that you can hear me so get moving." Zophiria said, in a firm tone.

Shaking out of the daze Seran grabbed Zophiria by the collar of her hoodie shouting in a humorous fit.

"I'm not a creature you little snob! You call me that again and I'm gonna make you regret it you got that!" Seran blurted out.

"Unhand me right this instant outworlder!"

Zophiria demanded as her gorgeous deep blue eyes glared at him. Unable to maintain eye contact Seran's eyes drifted unintentionally catching a peak of Zophiria's cleavage as he held her by the collar. He let go quickly as he shyly stepped backward in flattery. Underneath her cloak, she was wearing a white linen crop top.

"Hmph, it's about time you showed some common decency I guess you're starting to know your place."Brushing her shoulders off Zophiria pouted, thrusting out her outer lip and raising her nose to the sky.

"No, they're huge. An-an-an",

Seran stuttered.

"My goodness this creature has gone mad or something. Come on out with it we've got a lot of things to do, shall we? "Zophiria gestured both her hands in a circular motion insisting Seran to hurry.

"You're not wearing a bra…"

Seran said, rubbing the back of his head in shyness.

Seran, Zophiria, AvelRahd, SahQuis, and even the elder stood awkwardly with bulging eyes as the wind blew a single tumbleweed past them.

Zophiria's face turned hot red blushing & grumbling at Seran.

"Why-why you! You idiot I'm going to stuff those perverted little eyes of yours in a barrel full of salt!",Zophiria said as she stamped down on Seran's foot.

"Ow!ow!ow! "

"What did you do that for? "

Seran questioned Zophiria in pain as SahQuis & AvelRahd burst into laughter.

The group carried along past the floating river bank & through the town square. Coincidentally Seran noticed everyone in town was wearing a white skin-tight suit that seemed to be made from some sort of fiber similar to Kevlar.

"What's with the white spandex suits?"Seran asked curiously.

"It's to keep track of the newborn arrivals that's been sent to this world just like you.

Ah, look there's the Inn for newcomers."

SahQuis said, pointing to the huge white building with black-tinted windows & white windowsill. A very large black & white pylon sign that said Newborn Inn.

As they got closer to the inn thousands of people started to clutter the area making it difficult to get by. Repetitive talking from crowds of people started to make Zophiria's ears ring. She held her head gritting her teeth as if she were having a terrible migraine. The huge crowd shoving & bumping them as they tried squeezing through made it no easier for Zophiria to get by panicking she started barging her way through.

"You have to move get out of the way! "

Zophiria exclaimed, shoving people aside until she bumped into a huge man who shoved her down forcefully onto her back.

"Watch it shrimp unless you wanna get flatlined."He said, arrogantly.

The huge man folded his muscled arms smirking. He gasped in recognition of what Zophiria was when she fell. Lime green hair, deep blue eyes, and what stood out the most were her ears having a resemblance to an elf although they were much smaller.

"Looky here it's one of those freaks from the outer walls."

The huge man crackled loudly, as the crowd turned to watch.

Zophiria quickly got back up to her feet with her hands over her ears she squinched her eyes directing her attention to the huge man as she said to him.

Shut up, you foul creature!

The huge man didn't take likely to Zophiria's statement out of nowhere his huge fist bashed into Zophiria's face sending her flying backwards into the crowd of people. Violent chanting riled up the crowd as they picked Zophiria up by her limbs & tossed her into the circle of the crowd.

"Kill the freak! "

"Kill the freak! "

"Kill the freak! "

The chanting grew loudly from the crowd. The others quickly recognized that Zophiria wasn't among the group. Cycling back through the crowd to get to the center of the commotion Seran, Ihathir, SahQuis, and AvelHard in shock as Zophiria struggled to lean herself upright from the ground.

"Oh, no Zophiria! Zophiria!"The elder yelled out to her in distress as he finally pressed free to the front of the crowd.

Zophiria sitting up on her rear put her hand across her nose frighteningly taking a cold stare into the palm of her hand. Her pupils dilated full of tears at the sight of the dark stains of blood. Consumed with rage Zophiria screeched with intense shaking, gold electrical streaks started to tear across the ground shaping itself into two electrical spheres in both palms of her hands.

"Zophiria don't let them detour you from a righteous path we must leave Zophiria. This is a battle we can't face!"The Elder said, cautioning her.

"Zophiria please calm down we'll get you home and get you cleaned!"AvelHard pleaded with Zophiria beckoning her to come to him.

Seran could feel the pain resonating within him watching in remembrance he spoke to himself.

"Those eyes… I know those eyes from somewhere…"

Seran mumbled, having flashbacks of Thiolana's death. He saw himself in Zophiria's eyes the night Thiolana's blood ran between his fingertips the shadows of hatred manifested themselves taking hold of her heart. A part of Seran wanted her to kill them however he didn't want her to suffer the guilt of loss and murder.

Zophiria groaned heavily in a constant state where sound dampened the repeated chanting making it hard for her to calm down. Elder Ihthar's voice caught her attention in the commotion.

"Our young depend on us to protect them you're a protector now Zophiriah, not a killer! I know you'll do the right thing."Ihthair assured her.

Zophiriah gulped in tears dispelling her powers the electricity vanished. The huge man nervously cackled again walking towards Zophiria he backhanded her to the ground and kicked her in the gut sliding her across the dirt.

Zophiria wailed, intensely to will herself off of the ground as droplets of blood spilled from her mouth. Trembling Zophiria fell flat onto her stomach in a failed attempt to rise again she huffed.

"Zophiria!" Ihathir, AvelHard, & SahQuis cried out.

"I was thinking about sparing you but you've gone and pissed me off now with the little stunt you pulled freak ."The huge man said, cracking his knuckles.

"Why don't you pick on someone your size meathead!"Seran yelled.

Seran's fist came out of nowhere striking the huge man on the left cheek. He stumbled backward in confusion before wiping along his jaw with his forearm.

"You'll pay for that you little punk."The huge man spat on the ground.

"Hmph, we'll see about that jarhead". Seran stated facing the huge man.