Chereads / In Between Two Worlds / Chapter 23 - Reconstruction

Chapter 23 - Reconstruction



it was afternoon already and the cafe was quite busy as students who were just returning from school decided to try the reopened cafe.Giggles and chatters could heard from one corners as some were busy checking the provided magazines, some busy applying makeup and some working on their home work this was still when some group of government construction workers arrived with diggers, shovels and tape measures.

"What going on?" One the student asked as he peeped through the vintage window due to the noise.

"Who are they doing here, does this place belong to the government" some studrnts vegan to panic

"Aunty lexa I think we are big trouble"Jennie who was Jason's sister approached Alexa at the counter

"not yet. Can you stand in for me"

"No prob. I got you"

Alex quickly searched through a shelf she came across while cleaning and found a white envelope with a signature on it and quickly dash out to attend to those who were almost breaking the brick road.

"I want you guys to do your job properly or you won't get paid. Break this bricks and this stupid cafe. I want this buildings to be reconstructed by two months from now" someone who is dressed in suit in tie ordered as he lit up a cigarette.With the way he spoke a person would have know he is not from here as his accent betrayed him. He was an Italian man

"I guess you must be there boss"

"And who are you?"

"I am Alexa smith, the present owner of this cafe"

"smith?"he smirks

"Yes smith. Do we have a problem?"

"Yes we do if you do not vacate this building and that building within two days" he ordered the workers to stop

"Two days. May I ask who you are to order the breaking down of this building"

"What? You sure have the guts young lady" the man had an evil grin on his face

"wait a minute do you even have any authorization letter or a land allocation letter ? Cause I do right here" Alex handed the letter 

"Bring it to to me" he ordered one of his body guards to get the letter

Getting the letter he read through it and found that the smiths were the original owner of the cafe, the house and also the little park behind the building. There was even a warning that if anyone were to disturb they were to be arrested and tried in court for trespass with a fine. This letter was signed by the mayor and also the ministry for works and housing. Reading this letter the man looked at Alexa and the cafe before dropping his cigarette and stepping on it

"I will get back at you. I know your father may have pulled the strings before he died but I will make sure I get back at you" he angrily threw the letter at Alexa 

"Let's go boys. Our work is done here....for now cause we are soon coming back her with a letter of authorization for the demolishment of this slum you call a building. Let's go" he hopped into his luxurious BMW as his guard opened and closed the door for him and off they go with a mini bus filled with the worker following behind.

The student stood by the vintage window and watched as the scenario was going on. They were all surprised by what just happen ans immediately the man left they all burst into a victory noise. This started Alex as she walks back to the cafe with the letter.

"Wow you acted as if you were a business lord with high authority" some student yelled as she opened the door.

"What you did right there was a brave move. You were like an actress doing all it takes to make the scene go viral" another student chipped in

"I swear if my dad was here he would have requested that you join his movie company"

Alexa smiled as she watched the students say there minds

"It was nothing I knew this day would come that why I came prepared for them"

"Then you should prepare more cause that man is not going to back down" rose as inscribed on her name tag buttered in

"Do you know him" Alex asks

"Yes. He is Mr Loren Giovanni an Italian business mogul who would do all it takes to get what he wants. Money, fame, women you name it. Everything is within his grasp. I heard he rarely goes out and few pictures of him on the Internet were quickly taken by paparazzis. He is the owner of the populae Maria Hotel and suite and also the famous Bon appetite restaurant. I guess this is his new project which he want to use for a clothing business"

Everyone's one mouth were open agaped as rose illustrated all this without batting an eye

"So I am in trouble?" Alexa asked

"I think so cause you just embarrassed him and he would do all it takes to take revenge even without your property. Just you and him" rose explained

"How do you know him this well" Jennie asked

"He works with my dad. Let say he invested in my dads company. Oops I said too much. Please can you guys keep it a secret?" Rose pleaded

"our moths are zipped" they all chorused.

"It is already 3:45, i think it is high time I get going, my driver would be worried by now"

"Wait you have a driver looking for you?" Alexa was shocked 

"I already messaged him that I would be going with my friends to get some cake and coffee so you are not in trouble believe me"

"I pray so"

"See you later" rose waved as she picked her bag and her friends followed behind.

"We would be going too. Thanks for the lunch" the remaining students said one by one as they leave

"Yup we are in trouble" Jennie said

"You can say that again this guys really made it obvious"