The man stopped stirring the pot in front of him and looked at Drai with a confused expression.
"What are you saying, lad? Of course we're in Siyeun Mountains. Don't tell me you ventured here without knowing what kind of place this is. If that's the case, well… you're definitely the dumbest person I've ever met."
Drai scratched his head awkwardly. He knew what Siyeun Mountains was, a vast forbidden wilderness situated between the two countries of Rivideria and Gerdatti. He also knew that to this day, no expedition had managed to venture deep and return to tell their stories. Even the Siyeun Comets, the flowers used to cure the deathly dreams pandemic, were gathered from the periphery.
What Drai didn't know was the fact that he was sent into this notorious place.
"Sir, I was forcibly transported here, that's why I had no idea until now what kind of place I stumbled into."
The man's gaze sharpened as he scrutinized the young man before him.