Chereads / Dungeon Break In Real Life / Chapter 8 - Shelter

Chapter 8 - Shelter

After we arrived at the military checkpoint, they escorted us to the shelter. After arriving, they did some physical check-ups and gave us multiple questions. The questioning went as such.

"Where were you when this is all happened?"

"In a college"

"Were you guys attacked?"


"How did you escape?"

"I got lucky"

"Were you alone?"

"No, there are multiple people but, it looks like only me and another girl managed to get here"

"Did you meet the monster itself?"

"... Yea?"

"Did a blue screen appear in front of you?"

I didn't lie and told them the truth, there's no point in lying right?

After all was said and done, they sent me to where the rest of the people were.

It's just a hall, with multiple chairs and tents around.

They did say that this is a temporary shelter and they're waiting for vehicles to come and send us somewhere safer.

I think they're still trying to find or make this "somewhere safer" place. That's because this attack just happened this morning, so it's impossible to just have something ready.

After all, it's a freaking monster breakout. I'm pretty sure the military is struggling to keep things under control.

At least there's a silver lining for me.

[ Status: Kaiden ]

[ Fatigue: 14 ]

[ Level: 2 ]

[ STR: 2 ]

[ DEF: 2 ]

[ DEX: 4 ] ( +1 )

[ SPD: 5 ] ( +1 )

[ END: 2 ] ( +1 )

[ INT: 3 ]

[ LCK: 5 ]

I levelled up. But it still looks a bit pathetic.

There's that mission too.

"Check Mission"

[ Mission: Survive for 720 minutes ]

( 52/720 minutes )

[ Reward: 720 Gold Coin ]

[ Mission: Kill as many monsters as you can in 5 days ] ( 5 days left )

( 0 points)

[ Reward: The amount of points gathered will be turned into gold coin ]

[ Mission: Be in the presence of a monster as long as you can in 5 days ] ( 5 days left )

( 23 points)

[ Reward: The amount of points gathered will be turned into gold coin ]

The opportunity to gain so much coin. But won't be much better to give me a mission that increases my stat or something?

Whatever, I could still buy some proper equipment and skills.


I've called my parents, they're safe in a different shelter. By the looks of it, it's pretty far away from here. No hope of going there soon.

Instead of a temporary shelter, they're in a hospital where the military has secured and made as a checkpoint. I don't have to worry about their safety.

But the situation isn't getting any better here. People started arguing with military personnel and government agents, talking about how the accommodation and hospitality were terrible.

They requested somewhere nicer than a football stadium, but unfortunately, there's nothing they can do.

On the internet, sightings of various monsters have been recorded and posted. Some silly YouTubers make it their "calling" or whatever and decide to be a hero. Unprepared to confront the monster, they either gave up and ran, or they straight up live streamed their death.

But, some groups of people did manage to fight back. The most notable among them is a group who called themselves "The Saviour". Sounds like someone is self-centred.

I had to give it to them, they're pretty good at handling the monster, for a noob.

Most of their tactic is basically just showering the monster with spells. No close combat is involved. I'm not saying they should, but they made it seem like they're the best at handling monsters.

They even posted a video of them killing monsters and standing on top of them yelling "This monster ain't sh*t!" And never answered the questions about the monster or system in the comment section.

To be honest, I might just be jealous. I mean, where did they get the spell from? All of the spells they have showcased are powerful.

Still, that is no good. That's probably the only strong point they have and the sole reason they're alive. Their numbers and spells make it like they're just cheesing through the monster.

Since it's still in the early game, I doubt their stats are any good. What I'm trying to say is, that they're a glass cannon. Sooner or later, they might encounter some monsters that are invulnerable to their spell. With their inexperience in actual combat and pride, they will eventually get wiped out.

Leaving that aside, there are at least a few groups that are helping. Giving tips to others and even rescuing some who are unfortunately unable to escape.

Some useful information given by them is, that killing monsters gives you coins instead of experience, some monsters have some useful loot on them like weapons, armour pieces and such, and even named the monster that has it.

There's so much happening and it's only the first day. I wonder where this is going. Thinking about it makes me excited for some reason. I guess everyone wants to be a hero at some point in their life, I think that's why I'm excited.

Bahh, it's not like I have the criteria for it. Looking back, people who were dependent on me are mostly dead.

Actually, to say that they're dependent on me is quite egotistical of me. They might be ok if I'm not around.

No use to think about it now.


Currently, it's 7 P.M. The said vehicle has not arrived and we are expected to spend the night here, where it's super unsafe. The military did their best to keep everyone safe. One of their methods is to cramped us in one, long hallway so it'd be easy to guard.

They didn't get to use the full stadium obviously, they lack the manpower to do so.

Me and Alice are one of the lucky ones to get at least a blanket. Some didn't have anything and were arguing with the military personnel.

They did their best tho, even giving their sleeping bags to those who need them like the elderly or people with back problems.

We couldn't sleep with the chaos so me and Alice went to one of the built-in food stores in the stadium. They used it as a canteen and served people food for the night.

Tonight, they're serving bread (which I'm sure some of them is from the system Shop) rice, mixed vegetables and mystery meat. Delicious.

"Does this look good to you?"

".... No" Alice sadly said

"It's just for the night so bear with it"

".... You don't have to father me around all the time"

"Oh.... Sorry"

Yikes, I'm trying too hard to be a father figure. I must sound so creepy. I don't know why I'm doing it.


Hm? A familiar sound somehow appears beside us.

"..... HANA?!"


Alice is overjoyed with Hana's presence. Looks like she survived. But how?

"Where were you? We were worried"

"Long story" she said while shaking her head.

"Glad to have you back. When did you arrive?"

"Not long ago actually, there are people helping get here"

"I see. Are they here?"

"No, they went back for some reason"

A hero it seems. Must be one of the groups on the internet.

After that, Hana sat down with us, but Alice seemed hesitant to talk to her.

"By the way, where's Ryan?"


How should I explain this...

"He's.... Dead-"


Alice suddenly screamed at me. Both me and Hana jumped a little, shocked by this unexpected reaction.

"He's alive somewhere out there, I know he is! SO DON'T SAY THAT!!" She said while pointing her finger at me.

"Alright Alice, calm down" Hana tried to comfort. Alice sat back down but she was giving me an intense stare.

Hana looked at me, then back to Alice, seemingly understanding the situation.

"Kaiden, you mind giving us space?" Hana said.

"Yea... Sure"

I got up with my food and went back to the hallway.

I need some air so I decided to take a step outside. Military personnel warned me to not get too far as it was still dangerous. I told him I needed some air and is just going to stand outside the entrance.

I need more... Air. I took a step forward, and then another, and then another. Eventually, I'm in the parking lot, just... Staring.

Should I just run? There's no point in me being here.

Oh yea, my parent. I should go to them instead. At least there's no screaming bitch around. I need the equipment to do so.

Ah, it's also dark, if I encounter a monster, I might be dead.... Which would be nice.

Why am I here even? Thinking back, I'm just a useless piece of shit. If I were smart, I would've purchased more skills much earlier and saved those who died.

If I was stronger, I could've helped Ryan fend off the monster. Or even better, I might've not been a coward and left those people to die.

Fuck... This is useless.

I will just leave in the morning. Would they allow that? If not, I could sneak out or something.

[ Notice: Congratulations! ]

Huh? What's this now?

[ You've survived the first day! The skinning process has ended ]

[ You're one of the few brave ones who have danced with a dungeon monster and survived! ]

[ As a reward, you will be given a special ability! ]

[ The gods are deciding your gift, be patient! ]

Gift? Gods?... Whatever, if it's my luck, I will have the shittiest ability imaginable. Just be quick with it will you?

[ Your gift has been decided! ]

[ Special skill: The Will Of A Cat ]

[ Ability: Once the player's life is ended, the player will automatically respawn from a certain checkpoint! ]

..... That.. doesn't sound so bad.

[ Status: Kaiden ]

[ Fatigue: 8 ]

[ Special Skill: The Will Of A Cat ]

( Usage: 9/9 )

[ Level: 2 ]

[ STR: 2 ]

[ DEF: 2 ]

[ DEX: 4 ]

[ SPD: 5 ]

[ END: 2 ]

[ INT: 3 ]

[ LCK: 5 ]

9 usage? Sounds like I'm a cat. I wonder what Hana and Alice got. If they are given one that is. Should I ask them?... Probably not.

.... I should head back inside.

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

What's that? Sounds like a gunshot... And it's coming from the stadium!

Is it a monster? How did they get in? No. Now is not the time to think about that.

Should I go in or run away? It sounds so stupid to go in anyway, but it might be some people getting a bit rowdy and military personnel shoot a warning shot.

This theory is cut short, as I feel a familiar sharp feeling to the right.

Standing tall as the bus we ride this morning, the stink of a beast much worse than the goblin back in college and wielding a weapon bigger than the monkey-like monster that attacked us on the road.

It's no mistaking it once you see it, it's a popular monster and a must-have in MMORPG games.

It's the Minotaur. Standing right in front of me is a Minotaur.

I can't think of anything, just frozen by fear, but with the help of "Battle Instinct", I decided to run.

[ «Flicker» ]

I'm running for the shelter, the military will take care of this crazy beast!

As I got closer to the entrance, it was unnervingly quiet.

A loud and heavy step could be heard.

"No way..."

There's another Minotaur, this one is covered in blood.

So there's more than one? I did said that I doubt there's a place that safe from monsters, but I didn't expect them to straight up spawning out of nowhere.

".... Man, my luck sucks"

The mighty Minotaur lifted its weapon, with obvious intention.

This is kinda nice, I could test the speci-


[ You are dead ]